Chapter 41: The Technique Multiplying Explosive Talismans

"Boom boom boom!"

Every time Hyuga Zero hit Watanabe's chest, it made a shocking sound, like a drumstick on the battlefield.

[Attacked: HP +21, Defence +13, Pain -11...]

[Attacked: HP +20, Defence +11...]

Although Watanabe lost the ability to defend himself after being hit by Hyuga Zero's Soft Fist but he did not suffer any actual injuries. Instead, the more he was hit, the more his HP and Defence became stronger, and he felt comfortable all over.

'She's much weaker than Tsunade.'

Watanabe thought that this was the first time he was ravaged by a girl other than Tsunade.

Hyuga Zero didn't know what Watanabe was thinking. While attacking him with her soft fist, he reminded him: "Watanabe-kun, if you can't bear it, you can surrender. Otherwise, I will beat you to death."

Of course Watanabe couldn't surrender, so he forced himself to break free and interrupted his opponent's combo, and began to try to fight back.

Hyuga Zero's pretty face turned cold. She didn't expect Watanabe to actually plan to resist her.

'Our physical skills are obviously not on the same level. How can you have a chance of winning if I get close to you?'

"Soft Fist, thirty-two palms of Bagua!"

Hyuga Zero intensified her offensive, her hands turned into afterimages, and she struck down on Watanabe like a torrential rain, injecting chakra into various acupuncture points in his body, thus restricting his chakra output and flow.

[Attacked: Pain -12, Chakra Flow +17...]

[Attacked: Pain -10, Chakra Flow +15...]

Watanabe suddenly felt very strange. The harder he was hit by Hyuga Zero, the smoother the chakra flowed in his body. However, he was hit by the opponent's continuous combo and could not form hand seals to cast ninjutsu. He could only swing his fists to counterattack clumsily.

But apart from ninjutsu, Watanabe's physical skills have no lethality, so naturally they cannot threaten Hyuga Zero.

'Why doesn't he give up?!'

Hyuga Zero gradually became surprised.

The Hyuga clan's soft fist technique is one of Konoha's most powerful physical techniques. It can directly destroy the enemy's meridian system and make it completely unable to resist. Ordinary ninjas can't even withstand the Eight Bagua Sixteen Palms, but she has now used the Eight Bagua Thirty-Two Palms, and Watanabe has not fallen down yet.

"Sixty-four Eight Bagua Palms!"

Hyuga Zero became furious and launched a more violent attack, while solemnly warning Watanabe:

"If you don't admit defeat, you will really die!"

Although she wanted to win the battle, she didn't want to kill anyone. If she completed the full set of sixty-four palms, Watanabe would become a cripple even if he didn't die.

Watanabe did not respond, but his stubborn punching action showed his unwillingness to admit defeat.

When Hyuga Zero saw this, she was a little moved in her heart.

She knew very well that with his blood vessels damaged by the soft fist technique, He would feel excruciating pain even if she moved his fingers, let alone swinging a punch.

'Isn't he afraid of death?'

Hyuga Zero doesn't understand. She has to defeat Watanabe in order to get rid of the 'caged bird', but why did Watanabe persist until now? To the point of not caring about his own safety?

Hyuga Zero only heard about the existence of Watanabe two months ago. At that time, classmates were discussing Tsunade and said that Tsunade had been very close to Watanabe recently and the two were suspected to be a couple.

At that time, Hyuga Zero thought that Watanabe was a pretty boy who wanted to climb up the social ladder and he was good at hooking up with girls. In short, she had a very bad impression of him. After the previous battle started, Hyuga Zero felt that Watanabe was a villain who was as cunning as herself, but now her opinion of Watanabe has changed again.

It is impossible for a villain who wants to climb up the social ladder to have such a strong will.

So, what kind of person is Watanabe?

For the first time, Hyuga Zero felt curious about Watanabe, but her desire to win was stronger than her curiosity.

'No matter what kind of person you are, I must win this battle!'

Hyuga Zero was firm in her belief and she delivered every strike with all her strength.

'Don't blame me if you die!'

[Attacked: Pain -12, Chakra Flow +15...]

'It seems that I have to use that trick."'

Watanabe thought to himself, feeling quite helpless.

If possible, he did not want to use the technique of multiplying explosive talismans because it was very expensive. One explosive talisman was his living expense for a month.

But now the Multiplicative Explosive Talisman Technique is his only way to break the impasse. Otherwise, even if Hyuga Zero can't defeat him, he will still be knocked out of the ring.

Watanabe flipped his wrist and took out an Explosive talisman from his waist pocket. No matter how fierce Hyuga Zero's attack was, he forced himself to form hand seals with both hands.

"not good!"

On the judges' panel, Danzo's expression suddenly changed, and even Hiruzen looked shocked.

There is no mistake, this seal is indeed that jutsu. The two are very familiar with the ninjutsu left by Tobirama, another forbidden ninjutsu after the Multiple Shadow Clones Technique.

Compared with the multiplying explosive talismans, Multiple Shadow Clones are better. As long as there is enough chakra to support it, Multiple Shadow Clones can be used without any harm. But the multiplying explosive talisman is different. No matter how much chakra is used, as long as it is used, the person who used it will also die together with the enemy.

"Is he crazy!"

Danzo rarely lost his composure. Based on Watanabe's previous performance, he had no doubt that Watanabe had already mastered the technique of multiplying explosive talisman.

That was a forbidden ninjutsu that even he didn't dare to learn. If he used it now, the entire training ground would be blown down!

Hyuga Tenfu, Uchiha Chiri and others looked at him in surprise, not understanding why Danzo reacted so strongly. Watanabe just took out an explosive talisman.

Explosive talismans are of the same nature as kunai and are a type of ninja tool. They can be brought onto the ring and are not considered a violation.

On the other side, Hyuga Zero saw Watanabe take out the Explosive talisman and realised that he was going to perish together with him, so she decisively used the Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation technique. A large amount of chakra gushed out from the acupuncture points all over her body to resist the explosion.

At this time, Watanabe also completed the seal, raised his hand and was about to stick the Explosive talisman on himself——


Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly flashed between Watanabe and Hyuga Zero, grabbed both of them with his left and right hands at the same time, and forcibly stopped the fight.

"That's enough. There's no need to fight any further. This fight is a draw between the two of you," Sarutobi Hiruzen announced.

Watanabe breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, the third hokage intervened at a very timely moment, and it was great that he could save the Explosive talisman.

The principle of the technique of multiplying explosive talismans is to combine it with the technique of spiritualism. In theory, a single explosive talisman can be used to infinitely channel trillions of explosive talismans. However, the explosive talismans channelled through spiritualism do not appear out of thin air and must be prepared in advance.

Watanabe is very poor. One Explosive Talisman is his monthly living expense. He only has nine Explosive Talismans, which were given to him by Tsunade when he was practising the Explosive Talisman Technique.

Watanabe originally planned to detonate nine explosive talismans at the same time. This power would be perfect enough to break through Hyuga Zero's *Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation* defence without endangering her life.
