Chapter 017

"I…" Hermione frowned but nodded jerkily. "Okay. But we really are going to have to talk about it at some point, Harry."

"Just not now." Harry turned to look at the tower of sweets nearby. "Soo…you want to help me eat some of these?"

"Minerva," Shiva said as she slipped into her colleague's office, "we have to talk."

"Shiva," McGonagall greeted her young friend. "Please take a seat. How can I help you?"

"It's about Harry." Shiva said crossing her arms and sinking into the seat.

"Ah. I suppose I should have expected this. Tea?"

"I think this is more of a whiskey conversation, Min."

Minerva grimaced but moved to her special cabinet. "Have I really acted that terribly?"

"I think it's more that a lot of little things have piled up but…yeah, Min. You kinda screwed the pooch on this one." Shiva sighed and accepted the glass, taking a sip. "Look, have you noticed that I seem to be one of the only members of the faculty he comes to talk with?"

"He did speak with Filius and me shortly after Halloween…" Minerva trailed off as her brow furrowed trying to think of any other time the boy had stopped in to speak with the staff outside of classes. "And I know that Harry has taken several after class instructions on basic dueling spells…"

"But that's it. Min," Shiva leaned forward and stared into McGonagall's eyes, "he doesn't trust any of you. He barely trusts me and I think half that is because I practically beat him over the head to think of me as someone his age instead of a teacher."

The older woman narrowed her eyes at Shiva. "That is – "

"Not appropriate. Yeah, yeah I know. I don't care, Min! That kid could've blown up half a classroom because he didn't have anyone to tell him the dangers of what he was working on for fun. You were there when I almost killed Hestia and myself! I was working on something downright tame in comparison! If I have to lose some professional respect to make sure the same thing doesn't happen to Harry then I damn well will!" Shiva downed her drink and poured herself another glass. "But that's not what I'm here to talk about. I got that handled. He's consulting me on stuff and I already got him some of the basic equipment to safeguard any experiments months ago. I'm here to talk about his trust issues." She blew out a breath of smoke from the firewhiskey and leaned back. "I think he was a bit better about it before his talk with you after Halloween sent his trust into a downward spiral. And from some flippant comments throughout the year...I'm guessing whatever you two talked about had to do with his relatives?"

"His family?" Minerva rubbed her chin. "Yes. I believe I mentioned that Albus and I were the ones who brought him to his family."

Shiva scowled. "Relatives, Min. Not family. Relatives. Harry is always exceedingly careful to correct anyone who says differently. I don't know what is going on at the Dursleys but whatever it is it's not good. And he blames you and Dumbledore for it."

Minerva's mouth dropped open. She tried to say something several times before giving up and tossing back another glass. "Just how bad do you think it is?"

"I don't know. I won't push him on it because if I do I'll lose him. My money right now is on Granger eventually finding out first and then coming to one of us. I don't think they are actively beating him but I imagine they might as well be. I already spoke with Albus about moving him to a wizarding family or perhaps letting him stay with the Grangers for a few weeks, but he was…rather insistent that Harry stay where he is." Shiva practically growled. "I swear, if that boy comes back with any injuries I am going to tear that old man a new hole."

"Yes. I'll likely end up joining you at that. I was assured placing him with the Dursleys was for his protection and that James and Lily would not have objected but now...and supposedly their wills specified not to leave him with those people..." Minerva sighed. "I imagine I did not help things with my reactions to Harry, Hermione and Neville's concerns. Nor that said concerns proved to be perfectly correct."

Shiva shook her head. "No, you really didn't. I talked to him before coming up here. Apparently once they found the door open they didn't head back to the dorms like I told them to because they were worried that Snape would come back up before Dumbledore and I got back. I asked him why they didn't go find you again and Harry said that they had already spoken with you and didn't think you'd believe them if they tried again."

Minerva threw back another glass of whiskey. "I left them with the impression I would ignore their concerns?"

"Seems that way, yeah. Apparently even our resident genius, Hermione, thought so."

Minerva held her head in her hands. "Perhaps I have been juggling too much lately...Tell me, Shiva, do you think I can still fix this? The last thing I want is to have forever lost those three due to shortsightedness and stupidity."

Shiva gave her colleague a small grin and light chuckle. "I wouldn't be here otherwise, Min. Give him the summer to cool off. When he gets back, apologize, don't brush off any opinions or criticisms and you should be well on the way to mending fences. I wouldn't worry about Hermione too much. She'll likely come faster than Harry. It's not like you're Snape here!" Both teachers laughed at that comment. "And Neville is fine. I think. I haven't had much of any interaction with him honestly. The biggest advice I can give is try not to appear to favor Dumbledore over Harry."




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