Chapter 022

Needless to say, Harry's first experience with the Ministry of Magic had been decidedly unpleasant.

The shopping trip to Diagon Alley did not go much better. By the time the Weasley clan and Harry were getting ready to head to the Alley, Harry was practically ready to curse someone. It was a hell of a lot of fun to spend more time with the twins – especially once he started asking them about why they were supposedly so good with potions and yet got such bad grades – but that was basically the only high point of staying with the Weasleys. Whenever Ron wasn't avoiding Harry, he was insulting him. Ginny seemed pleasant enough but could barely speak whenever he was nearby. Molly kept trying to send him on chores that either had him paired with Ron or Ginny and the woman had never once apologized to Fred and George for screaming at them for rescuing Harry. Percy barely came down from his room but at least he let Harry bunk with him. Even Arthur got to be annoying. He was very nice man and Harry really did like him, but asking about the purpose of rubber duck had been the last straw. There was being curious and then there was being annoying.

To Mr. Weasley's credit, when Harry asked him to slow down a bit, the man did listen. Harry also recommended he start up a correspondence with either Hermione, or the senior Grangers. While Harry had been raised Muggle he had also been extremely sheltered, so they would be better able to answer Arthur's questions and explain the concepts.

It only took one trip through the Floo network for Harry to decide he hated wizarding travel. Besides being left nauseous, covered in soot and with skinned knees he had apparently wound up in the entirely wrong location! Growling, Harry got to his feet, asked for directions back to Diagon Alley – telling the owner explicitly he preferred to walk – and started limping back in the direction he hoped to meet back up with the others. Harry had barely taken ten steps out of the shop though when he ran into Hagrid who was nice enough to escort him the rest of the way. Harry could've done without the lecture about Knockturn Alley being no place for children though. It wasn't like he meant to go there.

"Harry!" Harry was still glowering at his feet so he barely had time to look up let alone brace for the brown bullet flying at him before being knocked back into Hagrid by the force of Hermione's hug. "Oh I've missed you so much! How has your summer been? How were the Weasleys? I hope Ron didn't give you too hard a time – or that the twins didn't prank you too badly while you were there. Did you really shout at a Ministry employee, Harry? You shouldn't have done that! Can you tell me about the house elf? He sounded very interesting from your letter. Oh, did you end up getting the birthday card I sent? I know you said that you got your letters back but I wasn't sure – I'm so glad I decided to save the actual gift to give you in person!" Hermione was turning ever so slightly blue by the end of her rambling. Harry chuckled, his spirits lifting immediately at seeing his friend again. He blushed slightly as he realized he had even grown to miss the hugs she gave him.

"Hermione," Harry said with a grin, "you really need to stop to breathe sometimes. I'll tell you all about everything as we walk. How are you, Nev?" Harry asked turning his head to smile over at his other friend who was shaking his head off to the side near the relieved Weasleys.

"I'm good, Harry. Nice to see you again. Sorry, that the twins had to rescue you. Gran was going to go herself but they apparently beat us to it." Hermione's face fell at that and she started to pull away from Harry.

"Don't worry about it, Nev, Hermione," Harry said squeezing her back before she finally let go. Hermione's face seemed to lighten a bit as he hugged her back and her frown disappeared completely when he continued, "I got to meet the rest of the Weasleys because of it – well besides Charlie. Bill apparently knows Shiva by the way."

"Oh?" Hermione asked. "Did they go to school together?"

"Year apart I think he said. Let's get our books then we can talk more." A familiar gleam entered Hermione's eyes as Harry said that. He smiled getting just the reaction he had hoped for.

"Eh hem," a well built man in a jeans and Metallica T-shirt cleared his throat looking at Hermione with a raised eyebrow. The woman standing next to him was obviously trying very hard to hold in her laughter and failing.

Hermione gasped and covered her mouth. "Oh my gosh, I forgot! Harry, these are my parents, Richard and Emma Granger."

"Sir, ma'am," Harry said stepping forward and holding out his hand, "it's nice to meet you."

Richard shook Harry's hand and gave into his own soft laughter. "It's nice to finally meet the boy our daughter gushes about in her letters, Harry." Harry glanced over at his friend who had turned nearly as red as the Weasley's hair and was doing her best to completely avoid his gaze. "And it's Richard, none of this, sir stuff. You saved my daughter's life, I think that deserves a first name basis."


"It's nice to meet you, Harry," Emma wrapped Harry into a hug similar to the ones her daughter gave though thankfully much shorter so he didn't have to start squirming away. "It's also nice to see someone else trying to get her to slow down sometimes."





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