Chapter 025

"Err, thanks but I'm not a firstie. I'm a second year and I know how to get through the barrier..." Harry ran a hand through his hair but they started talking again before he could continue.

"Oh, just late then? Don't worry! It happens to the best of us!" Tonks winked at him.

"A bit short for a second year," Amelia said frowning.

"I'm not allowed to eat much usually." Harry scowled. He knew he wasn't as big as most of the others. How was that his fault? "And no, not late, the barrier went solid when my classmate and I tried to get through."

Amelia's frown deepened. "That doesn't sound right...Give me a moment. Tonks round up his friend."

Tonks saluted. "Yes, ma'am, you got it, Boss." As Amelia moved back slightly to examine the recalcitrant barrier, Tonks turned back smiling at Harry. "So where's your friend?"

"He's really not my friend," Harry grimaced. "His brothers are, but he's a prat. Case in point, he stole his dad's car to try and catch the train."

Tonks' mouth fell open. A bit farther than seemed strictly possible at that. "He what?"

"Stole his dad's car to fly after the train."

"Seriously? You're not pulling my leg here? Did the Weasley twins put you up to this?"

"Funny you should mention them; it's their brother who stole the car. I imagine Fred and George are going to have a fit when they hear." Harry said. He grinned imagining the reactions of the twins.


"That barrier is frozen solid." Amelia came up behind the two, frown still intact. "I've never seen anything like it before. I'm going to have to get some backup here to go over this. Tonks make sure those...two...didn't you say your friend was here too?"

"No, his classmate has apparently stolen Arthur Weasley's car to chase the train...I am sooo glad you gave me this job, Boss." Tonks looked like she was torn between incredulity and being impressed at Ron's stunt.

Amelia's face drained of color. "Arthur Weasley's car?" Tonks nodded. "Arthur Weasley's flying car?" Now Tonks' face whitened. Harry was rather impressed with the degree to which her face seemed to empty of blood and yet she still managed to avoid passing out.

"If it helps," Harry commented offhand, "I did tell Ron it was a horribly stupid idea and that he shouldn't do it. I don't think he meant anything bad though. He's just being an idiot. Like usual."

"Mr ..."

"Potter. Harry Potter, ma'am." Tonks' eyes widened as Harry gave his name.

Amelia recovered faster than Tonks and continued. "Mr. Potter, did Ron Weasley know that the car flies?"

"Yeah. He knows about the invisibility thing too and as much as I rag on him sometimes I don't think he'd forget that I said, he's an idiot but, he's not that bad...I hope." He finished somewhat uncertainly.

"I have to run damage control. Tonks get Potter to the school. Can you Side-Along? You know what, I don't care. The Express takes hours anyway, just get him there and then wait there for me, Shacklebolt or Mad-Eye. Let's just pray this doesn't become a full incident!" She ran off, heels clacking.

Tonks turned to Harry with wide eyes. "Eventful first day back, huh, Harry?"


Harry's knees were still hurting from his trip through the Floo to the Three Broomsticks but at least he had hit the right grate this time. 'There's got to be a better way to travel. If there isn't I'm going to make one.' Harry thought to himself trying to determine what runes could be pulled together to come up with a better system though he came up blank. 'Gotta keep working with that. I refuse to fall on my ass every time.'

"So, this sort of thing happen to you often, Harry?" Tonks asked with a smirk as they walked up to the gates of Hogwarts.

"What, the looking like an idiot thing or the horrible luck thing?" Harry asked swiping the last of the soot off his clothes.

"I was thinking the barrier thing. Don't worry about the idiot thing," Tonks snorted. "It's only a matter of time before I go falling on my face too. I'm not exactly coordinated. Comes with the territory."

"What territory?" Harry furrowed his brow and cocked his head at her. "The punk rocker territory?"

"Punk rocker?" Harry pointed to her hair and Weird Sisters shirt. "Oh, hell no. This is my favorite band. I've done the hair thing since I was toddler. My mother freaked out when I turned it blue but it always got my dad laughing. I tend to stick with pink or purple these days. It's funny to watch people's reactions."

"Turned it blue…is there a spell to change your hair color?" Harry thought back. There hadn't seemed to be anything like that in that book Lavender had gotten him but then he hadn't exactly looked for one. His hair may be messy but there was nothing wrong with the color.

"Not that I know of. It a metamorphmagus thing. It's why I trip all the time too. My body changes enough that I'm never quite used to the length of my legs or my stride."

"Metamorphmagus?" Now he just felt like an idiot. How much of this world did people expect him to just know?

"We're pretty rare." A dark look flitted across Tonks' face and Harry caught her hair shifting to jet black for an instant before both passed. "I can shift shapes into pretty much anything though there are limits. Here watch!" Her nose changed into a pig's snout and her hair switched to blond. "I'm a Malfoy!" Harry burst out laughing so hard he had to stop and hold his sides. Tonks eventually shifted back and laughed with him. "It's a lot of fun for the most part. Come on, let's get you inside the castle."







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