The Immortal Witch

Angus got down from his horse and one of the new members of the Gang who had been designated to chore future grabbed the reins to lead the horses away. 

With a smile still on his face, Angus turned toward the entrance into the Hadron Mansion where Henry, Charles, Triss, Stefan, Devon, and Dana stood with expressions of impatience and frowns that were not swayed by his joyousness. 

"Everyone," Angus greeted them before pausing as he eyed them one after the other, detecting the mood,

"What's it?" He asked before looking around to do a quick sweep of the courtyard and added,

"Where's Tony?"

"Dead," Charles said in a deadpan tone.

"Oh," Angus said as he took off his hat and brushed a hand through his hair.

"That's all you're going to say?" Charles asked. 

"Of course, it's a sad thing," Angus said. His smile was gone now and his head was slightly bowed, 

"How did he die?"

"Bounty Hunters. We were ambushed." Henry said.