She’s Not Like Us

As Henry read the description of the Main Quest, his eyes especially fell on the phrase 'Honor Bound' and found a smile playing at the corner of his lips. 

'Am I truly honor bound to follow along with Angus' plans?' He wondered and then looked over at Triss and Charles laughing together as they got on their horses. 

'It's not like I was planning not to do it but what happens to them if I walk away?' He asked himself as he got onto Nyx's back. 

As Charles led the way out of the Hadron Mansion and set off into a Trott before speeding up into a gallop, Henry found himself looking to the side at Triss. Her cheeks were rosy in the slight morning chill and her red hair flowed behind her. 

Triss glanced over at him like she had sensed him watching —Or she had just wanted to watch him too— and she smiled,

"What?" She asked gently. 

"What happens to you?" Henry asked. 

"What do you mean?" Triss asked, confused.