At The Mine (1)

Triss let out a long sigh and let the last word she said hang in the air for a while before she continued,

"Stefan consoled me as best as he could. I eventually stopped crying and cleaned myself of the bastard's blood. We took anything we could from the house that was worth anything and set out. There was nothing left for us there.

Sometimes when I think about it, it seems so surreal. Sometimes I can still feel his life draining— His pulse slowing down against the arm I had around his neck."

Triss held up her hand and clenched and unclenched her right hand for a while before looking to the side at Henry who was looking at her with an empathetic look in his eyes. 

"Oh don't give me that look," she said while rolling her eyes. 

"Sorry," Henry said but the look in his eyes did not change.