
. . .

Henry watched Angus and Maude have a near-civil conversation and even caught certain parts of it that piqued his interest but he was much more interested in getting the hell away from here. 

He turned his eyes toward Angus' horse and whistled for it to come over but the horse ignored him. Its ears were either only perked for Angus' call or it just didn't want to respond. 

"Stupid horse!" Henry let out, frustrated that his whistles were ignored, and started making his way there. He needed those explosives and had to get the horse ready for his and Angus' getaway. 

"Ugh. Where do you think you're going?" A voice called to Henry from behind. 

He turned around slowly and was facing the two Vykers that were still alive. Henry recognized one of them to be the fireball-conjuring Vyker who first showed up after Angus had subjugated the Warlocks.