‘Violent Retort’

Henry had run the math in his head while he slept. 

Due to the cuff on his wrist, he didn't currently have access to Elminster's Stock and was already running out of 'Hydra's Tongue' bullets and while he still had normal bullets for his revolver, he worried those might not be enough. 

He was also out of Healing Potions. Every injury he had sustained throughout the journey to Alvareen, including the punch from Jonas that had knocked him out, had ducked his Hit Points. 

He had now learned that he could recover Hit Points naturally through regular or —as was the case while inside the cage—, sparse feeding mixed with a lot of rest. Even meditative rest. 

He had recovered a bit of all he had lost and his Hit Points currently stood at 80/170 but without any potion to heal himself with, he could not afford to be reckless and as such, could not just assume normal bullets would be enough for what was to come. 

Which brings us to his request.