An Echo

Henry kept an eye on the Undead Creature that just stepped out of the Sarcophagus as he inched closer and grabbed the back of Louis's shirt to pull him away from the green cloud of

"Henry-" Louis called out with a smile but it slipped when he realized he couldn't move,

"Hey, what's— What's this? What's happening to me?"

"That green cloud paralyzes anyone who breathes it in," Henry said. 

"What?" Louis asked with his eyes ever-wide.

"I told you to hold your breath," Henry reminded him. 

"Oh, yeah. Yeah, you did. So this was why…" Louis said and visibly became calmer. 

"Yeah, this was why," Henry said finding it slightly interesting that Louis was taking paralysis far better than he had ever seen anyone take it. 

"It's not permanent, is it?" Louis asked. 

"No. No, it's not," Henry told him, "It'll wear off in a while. Circulate your Mana if you can. I hear that helps."