Signet Spokes

The Undead Woe of the second Undead Knight Henry killed was much like the first. 

Because it was from the perspective of the Knight —a male this time— it was as though the powerful skeletal figure was facing him. Speaking to him directly but Henry knew that was not entirely accurate.

The words spoken were exactly the same as those the skeletal figure had spoken in the previous Undead Woe and the things it did were also the same. 

Henry decided this event had to have been a massive conference with all the Knights during which they had all been transformed but because of their devotion, the Knights all remembered it differently. They all remembered it as their Lord paying them particular attention when they were just one of many. 

Anyway, Henry was glad this Knight looked up more than the last. Maybe out of curiosity or maybe because he was so awed by his Lord that he wanted to look even further up and not further into the Skeletal figure's face.