Guide My Blade


—Saint Claret—

—The Black Manor—

Triss stood on the strong concrete floor of an Arena's stage with her feet spaced apart and her eyes closed as she detected her face toward the sky where the sun shined down its hot rays. 

Her arms were bare in the undergarment-like shirt she had on. It left most of her back visible but covered her front well even though it molded so tightly to her well-formed shape. But Triss didn't care. 

She wasn't quite sure she had ever cared about that even before the recent changes she had undergone but now that she was especially being watched by wary eyes who were mostly too scared of her to look at her lewdly, she cared even less. 

She had a hand on the pommel of a sword handle and it was on the blade the handle was attached to that any attention that wasn't on her face was directed to.