Redundant Threat


Andor was only just getting back to his right senses after he had been slammed by the end of the Orc's Ax handle when a dark shadow came over him from above and he looked up to catch sight of the Orc that had leaped to cleave him in two. 

The Fighter was almost sure the attack would hit him when a hand grabbed the back of the Leather armor he had on and he was pulled out of the way just in time. 


With the ground soft with vegetation as it was, the enemy's attack resulted in a large divot but Andor paid no attention to that. He turned around to see who had saved him; It was Eloise. 

Eloise released the back of Andor's armor and her sword was already unsheathed in her other hand. 

"Are you alright?" She asked as the Orc pulled its weapon off the ground and glared at her with his large nose flaring in anger. 

"I'm fine," Andor answered.