Make It


The collection of Stats which individually all out-scaled Henry's by heaps of Stat points. Despite lacking the Intelligence Stat that Eloise had, and hence not being a Mage Knight, Sir Boyle still had more Mana than she did. Everything just made him out to be a powerhouse. Even the System had so clearly made that clear by stating that, as far as Henry was concerned, Boyle was unkillable. 

Which begged the question, why hadn't he done more?

Yes, the Orcs were imposing and powerful but that was compared to Andor and Eloise. With what Boyle looked capable of, he should have breezed through far more Orcs and lessened the load on everyone on the field in general.

This was why, despite being impressed and a little intimidated, the only thing Henry could think to let out was 'Huh.'