Nagamine Meiko

"We will finally get to meet each other: the new S-rank, Tatsuno Ryoko."

The girl standing high atop the tower smirked as a fierce black aura surrounded her, the shadows twisting ominously around her.

Meanwhile, Ryuu and the other students stood before the imposing gate of the training area, anticipation coursing through them.

After a few tense moments, the massive gate swung open, revealing a group of men stepping out in formation.

At the front was a muscular man whose presence radiated power, causing an immediate tension among the students.

"Good morning, students. I am Tomoki Noato, the commander in charge of this training session,"

He announced, his voice deep and commanding.

"This training program is designed to help you learn to control the high magnitude of magic that resides within you.

For the next three months, you will undergo the most rigorous training of your lives.

You will be divided into four divisions, each consisting of seven students.

Contributive points will be awarded to those who perform exceptionally well during the session.

The students with the highest points will be selected by the officers of the Defense Force for a chance to be tested with the legendary weapons known as ATSURAs."

Gasps of disbelief filled the air as students absorbed the gravity of his words.

The opportunity to witness the might of weapons descended from the gods themselves ignited excitement and determination among them.

"Now, you can head to your rooms to rest. This evening, you will be assigned to your respective divisions,"

Commander Noato concluded, leaving with the other officers.

The students, buzzing with energy, gathered their belongings and headed toward their rooms.

Ryuu, Ryoko, and Seichii walked together, their conversation lively.

"Hey, Ryuu! Did you hear that? We might get to see the legendary weapons! I'm even more excited about the session now!"

Seichii exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious. However, Ryuu remained lost in thought, his brow furrowed.

"Ryuu-kun? Hey, Ryuu-kun! What's wrong? Why are you zoning out in the middle of the road?"

Ryoko asked, nudging him back to reality.

"Ah, it's nothing. Just thinking about the training and what lies ahead,"

Ryuu replied, trying to shake off his worries.


Suddenly, a loud boom erupted, and a fist hurtled toward Ryoko with incredible force.

The ground cracked beneath the impact, sending up a cloud of dust and debris.

"RYOKO-SAN! ARE YOU OKAY? WHAT'S GOING ON?" Ryuu yelled, panic rising in his chest as he dashed toward her.

As the dust settled, Ryoko stood unharmed, gripping the incoming fist in her palm, her expression icy and fierce.

The figure who had thrown the punch, cloaked in shadow, was visibly taken aback.

(She... stopped my attack with just one hand! Interesting.)

The black figure retreated slightly, landing gracefully on the ground. Ryuu rushed to Ryoko's side, worry etched on his face.

"RYOKO-SAN! ARE YOU OKAY? ARE YOU HURT?" he asked, concern lacing his voice.

"I'm fine," she replied coolly, her gaze fixed on the assailant.

"Who are you? What do you want?"

Ryoko demanded, a chilling breeze swirling around her as tension mounted in the air.

"Hn, you can dodge quite well. But you still aren't worthy of being S-rank, Tatsuno Ryoko,"

came a voice from the shadowy figure as she pulled back her hood, revealing a smirking face framed by long, dark hair.

"Who are you? Why did you attack me?"

Ryoko asked, fists clenched, ready for a fight.

"Oh, I'm sorry, my bad. I should've introduced myself first. I am Nagamine Meiko, one of the disciples of the head of the Hayashida family, Hayashida Yoshiro."

"Y-you are Nagamine Meiko! One of the two disciples of Hayashida Yoshiro?"

Ryuu stammered, his eyes wide with shock.

The students around them were equally astonished.

(The Hayashida family is one of the most prestigious families in the country.

The head, Yoshiro, is said to be the greatest swordmaster in Japan.

His skill is so refined that he can slice through a mountain with ease, even without the legendary weapons.

His strength rivals that of the president of the Board of Education, Shinju Hayato.

The name Hayashida carries immense weight, even surpassing the Tanaka family on a global scale.)

"But what is a member of the Hayashida family doing here in Tokyo?"

Ryuu asked, still trying to process the revelation.

"Oh my, aren't you a handsome little boy?"

Meiko purred, stepping closer to Ryuu and lightly caressing his cheek.

"What would I do if I fell for your charming face, huh?"

"What are you here for? You said you're also an A+ level magic user?"

Ryuu managed, trying to shake off her unnerving presence.

Nagamine Meiko grinned, "Of course! I'm here to attend the training session, just like you."

Suddenly, the air turned frigid, sending a shiver down Ryuu's spine.

(What's happening? Why is it so cold? It feels like I'm standing in the center of an icy cave, bare-skinned.)

Meiko felt the sudden change in atmosphere, glancing around nervously.

Ryoko, however, radiated an intense energy that froze the ground beneath her feet as she advanced on Meiko, her eyes filled with bloodlust.

The pressure in the air thickened, making it hard to breathe. Meiko began to sweat profusely under Ryoko's fierce glare.


Ryoko shouted, an ice sword materializing in her hand with a chilling shimmer.

Before Meiko could react, the blade was inches from her neck. Frozen in fear, she closed her eyes, bracing for the worst.


Ryuu shouted, desperation in his voice, but Ryoko remained unyielding, the sword poised to strike.

Just then, a clang echoed through the air as a figure jumped in, blocking Ryoko's blade with a swift motion.


Meiko cried, relief washing over her as tears streamed down her cheeks.

The tension in the air shifted, and Ryuu watched, bewildered, as the situation hung precariously in the balance.