A Sudden Pain!

Akiko gracefully extended her hand, her wind magic swirling gently around her.

In an instant, a ladder of shimmering wind materialized in front of them, leading the way up to the entrance of the mysterious cave behind the waterfall.

The sound of the rushing water echoed around them, but it was muted, as though the cave had its own distinct, otherworldly atmosphere.

They ascended, with Shigeru leading the way, Akiko following close behind.

Ryuu hesitated for a moment, standing at the threshold of the cave.

He could feel a strange energy emanating from within, a pressure that weighed heavily on his chest and made his heart race.

This wasn't like any place he had ever been before.

As Ryuu tentatively stepped inside, the atmosphere shifted even more dramatically.

It was as if he had crossed an invisible barrier between the familiar world outside and something ancient and untamed within.

(What is this strange power...?)

Ryuu thought, gripping his chest as the pressure intensified.

(This is completely different from anything I've felt before.

Master was right. This cave... it has its own space, its own world separate from ours.)

They continued deeper into the cave, and as Ryuu walked alongside Akiko and Shigeru, he couldn't help but marvel at the intricate carvings lining the walls.

The sculptures were ancient, unlike any he had ever seen, their artistry both delicate and powerful, telling stories of battles and rituals long forgotten by the world outside.

His mouth hung open as he stared, captivated by the alien beauty of the artwork.

Shigeru's voice broke the silence, drawing Ryuu's attention.

"Aramiya-kun, you see the sculptures on the walls, don't you?" Shigeru said, gesturing to a particularly large carving of an epic battle scene.

"I know what you're thinking—what could these sculptures mean? What are they trying to tell us?"

Ryuu nodded, his eyes still scanning the walls. He could feel a story within the carvings, but its meaning eluded him.

"The truth is,"

Shigeru continued, his tone softening.

"Neither I nor Akiko truly knows what message these carvings are conveying.

The secrets of this place are locked away, and no matter how long we've studied them, they remain a mystery."

Shigeru stepped closer to one of the walls, running his fingers gently over the ancient stone.

His eyes lingered on a particular scene where humans fought alongside creatures that resembled Devas.

"But," Shigeru said, pointing at a carved battle scene.

"This... this looks like the battlefield of the war between humans and demons, the one described in the oldest texts of history."

Ryuu, eyes wide, followed Shigeru's lead, feeling a sense of awe as they ventured further into the heart of the cave.

Each step they took seemed to bring them closer to something monumental, something ancient and powerful.

The sculptures seemed to change as they neared the deepest part of the cave.

Ryuu noticed that many of the carvings had been defaced or damaged, deep gashes and slashes marring the once-pristine walls.

It was as if someone—or something—had tried to erase the knowledge they contained.

"Aramiya-kun," Shigeru's voice called out, interrupting Ryuu's thoughts.

"Look over here."

He pointed to one of the walls that had been particularly torn apart, large chunks of stone missing, and deep cuts visible in the rock.

"These are the sculptures I mentioned before,"

Shigeru explained, running his hand along the slashes.

"Something—or someone—did this. They didn't want the truth these walls contain to be discovered."

Ryuu's gaze followed the deep cuts in the stone, feeling a sense of loss for whatever knowledge had been stolen from the world.

But as he scanned the damaged wall, something else caught his eye.

There, partially obscured by a massive boulder, was a strange figure etched into the stone.

Unlike the other carvings, this one seemed to pulse with a dark energy, and as Ryuu approached it, a voice echoed in his mind.


Ryuu froze in place, his breath catching in his throat.

The voice was faint, but it was there—clear, pained, filled with sorrow.

His body stiffened, and cold sweat began to trickle down his back.

(What is happening?!) Ryuu thought, panicking.

His heart felt heavy, almost as if it were being crushed under an unseen weight. His legs trembled as he stared at the figure on the wall.

(Why does my heart feel like this? What is this pressure?!)

"Aramiya-kun!" Akiko's voice snapped him out of his trance. She rushed to his side, worry etched across her face.

"Are you alright? You've just been standing there. We need to keep moving; it's going to get dark soon."

Ryuu blinked, still in a daze.

"A-Akiko-san... I-I was just... looking at this picture,"

He said, pointing toward the figure partially hidden by the boulder.

Akiko frowned, following his gesture.

"Aramiya-kun," she said softly, concern in her voice.

"There's no boulder there. And no picture. What are you talking about?"

Ryuu's heart stopped for a moment. He turned to look at her, his eyes wide with disbelief.

"W-what do you mean? It's right there! You don't see it?"

Akiko placed a hand on his forehead, her brow furrowing.

"Are you tired, Aramiya-kun? You look pale. Maybe you need to rest."

"I-I'm fine!" Ryuu stammered, though his body was trembling.

(What's going on? Why can't Akiko-san see it?)

Shigeru, who had been watching the exchange quietly, approached.

His expression was unreadable, but his eyes lingered on Ryuu for a long moment.

He seemed to understand that something had happened but chose not to press further.

"Let's keep going," Shigeru said, turning back toward the depths of the cave.

"It's getting late, and we're nearly there."

Reluctantly, Ryuu followed, though his mind was spinning.

He couldn't shake the image of that boulder—or the voice that had called out to him. What was that?

They entered a vast dome, the ceiling disappearing into darkness above them.

The air was thick with a strange energy, almost oppressive in its intensity. Shigeru raised his hand, and a small, glowing orb of golden light appeared above his palm, casting a soft glow throughout the chamber.

"Aramiya-kun," Shigeru said, glancing at him with a sheepish grin.

"This is my light element magic. It's pretty rare, but unfortunately, my magic is still only F-rank.

I've never been much good at this sort of thing. Ha-ha-ha."

The light from Shigeru's magic illuminated the dome, revealing a breathtaking sight.

In the center of the vast chamber was a serene pond, its surface perfectly still, reflecting the golden light like liquid glass.

Ryuu couldn't believe that such a place could exist, hidden deep within the dark cave.

They moved toward the far side of the pond, where a massive wall stood, its surface adorned with even more carvings.

Shigeru pointed toward the base of the wall, where nine distinct weapons were etched into the stone.

Ancient writing accompanied each weapon, the symbols indecipherable to Ryuu's eyes.

"These are the legendary Atsuras," Shigeru said reverently.

"The nine heavenly weapons. Ever since the disappearance of the three strongest Atsuras, no one has ever seen depictions of them.

But here, in this cave, they're all carved into the wall."

Ryuu's mouth fell open. For centuries, people had searched for any trace of the lost Atsuras, yet no one had ever found so much as a hint of their appearance.

But here, on this wall, all nine weapons were depicted, as if waiting to be rediscovered.

"And look up there," Shigeru continued, his voice filled with awe.

He pointed toward the top of the wall, where nine towering figures were carved into the stone, standing above all the other creatures.

"Those... those must be the Devas themselves."

Ryuu's eyes followed Shigeru's gaze, his heart pounding in his chest.

As he stared at the figures of the Devas, the voice returned.


Suddenly, pain exploded in Ryuu's chest.

He fell to his knees, gasping for breath as a searing flame of azure erupted on his forehead.

His vision blurred, and he coughed violently, blood spilling from his lips as he screamed in agony.

"Aramiya-kun!" Akiko shouted, rushing to his side, her hands trembling as she tried to help him.

Shigeru knelt beside him, his face pale with concern.

"Aramiya-kun, what's happening?!"

But Ryuu couldn't answer. The pain was too intense, the pressure in his chest unbearable.

He could hear the voice again, louder now, clearer.






Meanwhile, far away in the training grounds, Ryoko sat in the garden, meditating quietly.

But suddenly, her heart began to race, an overwhelming sense of dread washing over her.

Her eyes snapped open, and she clutched her chest.

"No... no! Ryuu-kun... Ryuu-kun is in danger!"

Her mind screamed, panic filling her as she felt the connection between them trembling, something dark closing in on Ryuu's heart....