The Past

Carol was smiling menacingly, Taguchi was stunned looking at her, he was sweating heavily. He was afraid of her!

Carol walked towards him slowly, Taguchi was backing from her in fear. Everyone in the arena were shocked, they started to whisper to each other.

Taguchi noticed all the people staring at him in petty, suddenly a picture of his past appeared in his mind.


Taguchi was screaming loudly at a mid aged man who was sitting beside him. Tears were flowing down his tears.

(I was five years old back then, when I remained very sick. I was on verge of death. I had lost all the hopes to recover and life a normal life.

I just laid in my bed, waiting for my death to come and relive me from all those pains.

My Dad was always worried about me, even neglecting his work.

When I was in my mother's stomach, she always remained ill, doctor's couldn't found out the reason behind her bad health.

At the time of birth, My mother had became so fragile that she couldn't bore the pain and passed away during my delivery.

My Dad was heartbroken at the news of my Mom passing away, he had loved her more than anything in the world.

When she was on the verge of death, she make Dad swore to take care of me for tge rest of his.

At first, I was quite healthy but when I grew older, my body begin to became more and more fragile.

When the doctor's came to check me, they found out that it was tge same illness my mother had.

My Dad had swore to my mom to take care of me, So he called all the famous doctor's from all over the world for my treatment, but no one of them succeeded.

At that moment, I had accepted my death and just waited for it. I was tired of seeing my Dad worried about my health.

I just thought, how happy will be everyone around me if this gets over.

One day, i saw other children playing outside from my window. I saw how happy everyone was, playing together.

When i saw them, I loathed them! It was not jealousy but the fact that one day these happy children enjoying their life will also end up dead like everyone.

But one night , when i went to sleep. I unknown yet familiar person appeared in my dreams. I didn't know who that unknown person was or what was she trying to indicate.

When I went near her, I was stunned to see her. My mom was standing their with her arms opened.

I was dumbstrucked at that moment, I didn't knew what was happening or how my mom was standing infront of me but my body moved on its own.

I walked towards my mother, tears coming out my eyes.

She embraced me into her arms and started to caress my hair with her soft and gentle hands.

She said only one thing to me at that time, but that one thing changed my whole life.

She asked me to live on, there are many beautiful things in the world that are still their for me to see.

Living the present, with enjoying everything without caring about the future is what called life.

She said even if her life was short, she had experienced very wonderful as well as many tedious things in her life, and that she wants me to live on so that I could also experience these wonderful things by myself.

Her one line made my whole sense of life questionable.

"Learn to love the life, the more you curse your life the more you are hated by the life itself.

So learn to love your own life."

That was the moment i realised what is the real meaning of living.

But today, all these people are looking down not on me but on my life, but I have changed. I'm not same as the past, I will prove them that loving life is more important than loving yourself.)

Taguchi was sitting on the floor with his eyes closed. Suddenly Veins appeared all over his body and the whole arena started to shake.

Everyone in the Arena were surprised by the sudden trembling of the ground.

Taguchi opened his eyes and stood up on his feet.


Taguchi roared at Carol, she was abit surprised by the sudden ruckus but a wide grin appeared on her face.

(Finally getting serious, huh? It's going to be interesting. He-he-he).....

I had almost forgot about it all