A trap?

The whole arena was silent. They were left jawdropped after the act of evilness and torture presented by Carol on the battlefield.

Due to Carol's victory over Taguchi, the solo battles between the First and the Fouth Divsion was a tie, both team were tied with Three points each.

Now the winner would be selected from the team battle between the two teams.

But before, the solo battle between Second Division and the Third Divsion was about to begin.

Both the team came at thier place around the arena.

Shinju Hayato again raised his hand and a new battlefield appeared from the ground.

Again, two officers with six slips each went near the two teams. Each six members of both the teams took a slip and returned to their corner.

Tomoki Naoto came to the battlefield.

"Dear people, the second battle of the first round of the comptetion, between the Second Division and the Third Divsion will now begin!!"


The crowd became energetic again, as they would witness a S rank Magic user, Tatsuno Ryoko by their own eyes.

Shigeru was also looking forward to this battle. He wanted to see, how Ryuu will rise up from this challenge.

"The first match of the of the second battle will now begin!

Competitors, enter the battlefield!"

Tomoki called out the competitors of the first match.

Everyone in the Second Division were sitting still.

"I guess, first is me huh?"

Suddenly, Seichii stepped infront with a fierce look on his face.

He begin to head towards the battlefield, suddenly a hand landed on his shoulder.

Ryuu was standing behind him.

This was the first time today that Ryuu had responded to anyone. Seichii realised what Ryuu wanted to express to him and gave him a little smile.

(This guy... Is really an idiot, haa~)

Seichii stepped ahead and walked towards the battlefield.

He knew that this was his only chance to prove himself of being worthy of standing beside Ryoko, Masumi but moreover Ryuu.

Seichii always knew that even if Ryuu didn't realised it, there was something their within him that made Ryuu different from him.

He wasn't jealous of Ryuu, but when the magic bowl turned into an Azure colour during the selection.

He understood that now Ryuu might went so far from him that he would never even be able to look at him.

He didn't wanted his one and only childhood friend to go away from him.

He worked hard day and night during the training session, just to be able to become worthy of being called a friend of Ryuu.

And today was the day where he could prove his worthiness.

He entered the battlefield, infront of him was standing a little young girl, her face was having a bright little smile. Everyone in the arena thought of her as a charming angel.

But Seichii had seen through her fake smile, behind that bright smile was a devil, craving for blood.

This was the first time he had felt like this, an unknown pressure was loading on his heart continuously. It was becoming harder for him to breath properly.

(W-what is h-happening!? W-why did the pressure increased this much. What is this pain in my heart.)

Seichii couldn't understand what was happening, when suddenly a loud voice ranged in the arena.


Ryoko shouted from outside the battlefield, everyone was shocked when they heard her.

"Oh~ did my secret got busted this early!?"

The girl spoke as the bright smile on her face breaked into a wide smirk. Everyone in the arena were shocked.

The girl who was looking like an charming angel a while ago had now turned into a little devil.

Even Ryoko was surprised to witness someone like her to be capable of using an Intermediate level Array.

Even the officers of the defense force finds it difficult to deploy an Intermediate level Array on their own.

But this girl had not only deployed it alone but with this perfection that even Ryoko, herself wasn't able to sense it before it activated.

This was something she was witnessing for first time too.

Shinju Hayato was staring at the battlefield seriously.

(The Students this year are..... rather quite interesting, huh.)

Seichii was suffering in pain the whole time, he was trembling all over.


Seichii coughed as blood come out of his mouth.

Both Ryuu and Masumi became worried about him. They went near Ryoko and asked her about the array.

"Ryoko-san!! What is the Blood Draining Array!? What is happening to Seichii!?"

Ryuu asked her trembling, he was worried about Seichii. Masumi was also standing beside him trembling.

Ryoko saw there concerned and sighed.

"The Blood Draining Array is an upper Interermidate level Array.

If someone deployed this Array and someone comes in contact within hundred meters of range.

The Array will start to decay the person's blood and will convert it into the deployer's strength.

The effect will not stop unless the deployer itself deactivate the Array or the person defeats the deployer of te Array.

That girl deployed the Array so perfectly that even I didn't sensed it's presence until Seichii-kun walked straight into her trap."

Ryoko explained them about the Array, both Ryuu and Masumi was stunned, they turned towards Seichii who was suffering from the effects of the Array.

Tears came in Masumi eyes, watching him suffering in pain and agony. She couldn't held her back and ran towards the battlefield.


Ryoko tried to stop Masumi but she didn't listened to Ryoko and kept running towards the battlefield.

Everyone in thr crowd were surprised by her sudden interruption.

"Girl, stop right there or have to disqualify you from the tournament!"

Tomoki roared at her but she kept running towards the battlefield.

She stopped beside the battlefield and looked at Seichii into his eyes. Seichii was a little surprised by her.





Seichii was stunned when he heard her.

(S-she.... called me by my name... )

Seichii slowly stood up on his feet, he raised his head and glared at the girl. The girl giggled at him and said.

"What is it, a love bond? He-he-he"

She mocked him up but Seichii didn't flinched and just glared at her.

Tomoki entered the battlefield and raised his hand.

"The first match of the second battle, between Sengoku Seichii of the Second division and Ozawa Rika of the Third division, begins!!!"...