A plan!?

The sun set down and the dark night covered the whole sky.

Every person had left the arena and returned to their homes, the arena was now empty.

All the students returned to the dorm of the training area to have rest.

Tomorrow the remaining matches of second battle will continue.

The whole arena was left silent but a unknown figure appeared in the middle of the arena.

It was non-other than Shinju Hayato himself. He was standing in the middle of the arena, alone, staring at the night sky.

"You seem to be quite happy, hu? Looks like, things happened exactly as you had thought."

A melodious sound came from his behind.


I see,Your habit of appearing from hadn't changed a bit. Morishita Shigeru!"

Shinju laughed as he turned towardd his back, behind him was standing Shigeru with his bright smile on his face.

"I don't like it either, but what can I either do? I'm not strong enough to confront someone from ahead." Shigeru sighed.

"But it seems like you're quite happy with the how things are developing."

Shigeru said as a serious look appeared on his face.

"Ha-ha-ha, It's true that everything happened as I had planned but there was one thing that even had me surprised."

Shigeru looked at him with confusion but soon he realized what Shinju was saying. Shinju sighed as a small smile appeared on his face.

"You're correct, that Sengoku boy. I never had imagined even in my dream, that he will use an High level magic spell out of nowhere.

He was on the brink of life and death but when Rika tried to harm that girl, an unknown power purged into him.

I guess, it's what people call the power of love. Ha-ha-ha"

Shigeru closed his eyes and noded his head in agreement.

"But I have to say, you have done a marvelous work, by teaching a little girl an Intermediate level Blood Draining Array."

Shigeru looked into his eyes with astonishment.

"Of course, after all she's my own grand-daughter.

But that girl really is just a child, doing everything I tell her to do, without even placing her own will.

But if she want to succeed me in the future, it's mandatory for her to create a brutal personality."

Shigeru sighed as he laughed at him.

"Again with your own fantasies about becoming the strongest.

She's just a child let her enjoy her years to her fullest.

Not everyone can stand out just by using your method.

Give her time to think, what she really wants. Otherwise, no one knows, if she even, comes after you in the future."

Shigeru had a mocking smile on his face, Shinju was staring at him.

"Well, I have other things to finish. So, Mr. President, I will be taking my leave."

Shigeru bowed infront of Shinju and left the arema leaving Shinju in thoughts.

Shinju looked at the bright night sky.

(Let her think, huh...)




Shigeru was now standing infront of the dorm, Akiko was standing beside him.


Ryuu came out of the dorm and walked towards them.

"Ah! Aramiya-kun, you're finally here."

Ryuu bowed to them.

"Master, Akiko-san, why did you called me here in the middle of the night?

What happened!?" Ryuu asked them, confused.

"Aramiya-kun, we're sorry for calling you out this late, but we need to see Sengoku-kun as soon as possible. Can you take us to him?"

Shigeru request Ryuu, bowing to him.

Ryuu got startled and confused.

"Master, there no need for you to bow infront of me. I'll take you both to Seichii.

But, he's in the medical room right now. After today's battle, his body was all tired, many if his bones were broken.

Thanks to Masumi-san's healing ability, many of his injuries were healed but he is still in the medical room for proper examination."

Ryuu explained them about Seichii's condition as a worried look appeared on his face.

Shigeru patted Ryuu shoulder and gave him a brigjt smile.

"You're a really good friend, Aramiya-kun.

Don't worry, Sengoku-kun will be alright."

They all head inside the dorm building, Ryuu took them in the room Seichii was placed.

"This is the room in which Seichii is resting, I will take my leave no-"

"Aramiya-kun, please stay! Also can you call Tatsuno-san too!? I need to talk to you all."

Ryuu was quite confused, as to what Shigeru wanted to tell.

"Ok master, I will go and call Ryoko-san right away."

Ryuu left to bring Ryoko, Shigeru and Akiko were now standing infront of the door.

"We should head in too!"

Shigeru opened the door but stopped when he saw inside of the room.

"Hey, why did you stopped. Mo-"

"Shh! Look"

Shigeru made grabbed Akiko and looked inside the room.

"Hey, what are y-"

Akiko stopped as her sight landed on Masumi, sitting beside the bed in which Seichii was resting.

She was staring right towards his face, with guilt on her face.

"Sengoku-kun, I'm sorry! It's because of me, that you ended up in this situation. Please forgive me. I-i'm r-really sorry!"

Tears started to flow down her eyes.

"I won't!"

Masumi got shocked, when she heard him.

Tears fell down her eyes.

"I won't, until you call me like before..."

Seichii told her with his eyes closed, his face was becoming red. Masumi was confused what he was saying.

Suddenly, she realised and her face became red. Fumes were coming out of her head.

"P-please forgive me..... S-se... S-seichii-kun...!"


Seichii laughed out loud looking at Masumi being alk red.

"Aha-ha-ha! Masumi-san, are you blushing!? Ha-ha-ha."

Seichii was laughing out loud, Masumi became even more embarrassed and hide her face.

"Still, thankyou, Seichii-kun! For everything you did till now.

I'm very happy, that I got to met with you."

Seichii face became full red when he heard her.

(W-what d-did she meant by that!!?)

"Ok, lovebirds! Enough of your flirting."

Shigeru entered the room with a smile on his face.

Both Seichii and Masumi were shocked when they saw Shigeru and Akiko.

"Morishita-san!? W-what are you doing here!?"

Seichii asked him confused, but Masumi was sitting their blushing after hearing Shigeru.

Akiko noticed her and went near her.

"Ah! What a cute girl you are!? I understand your feelings, man are a dumb creature."

Masumi face became even hot and red, Seichii was straing at them both in confusion.

"Master, I had brought Ryoko-san with me."

Both Ryuu and Ryoko entered the room. Seichii was now even more confused.

"Ryuu!? Ryoko-san!? What are you two doing here!?"

Seichii aksed them both in confusion.

"Well, I shall give that answer to you."

Shigeru came forward and Akiko came beside him.

"As, you all witnessed today. How Sengoku-kun unleashed not one but two High level magic spell at such a young age.

But you can also see the backlash of using such spell.

His body can't withstand the backlash of a High level magic spell at the current stage.

So, Akiko and I have decided, as both Akiko and Sengoku-kun specialises in wind magic.

Akiko have decided to take Sengoku-kun as her personal student, so she can help me overcome the boundaries that are subduing his talent."

Everyone in the room were shocked when they heard him.

This was chance only some people can get in their life.

Seichii was looking at them in shock. It was too sudden for him to comprehend. Shigeru glanced at him and gave a small smile.

"I knew, it would too suddne for you to decide, so take your time to th-"

"I'm ready!!"

Seichii said with confidence, Shigeru was quite surprised by his answer.

"Then, it's settled. After the Training session would be over. Sengoku-kun will train under Akiko!"

(If i want to stand beside Ryuu and protect Masumi-san in the future, I need to become strong.

This is my only chance to become strong, I cannot let this chance go away)...