Everyone was gawking at Rajin in shock. Even a blink of their eyes, Rajin sent a person, flying out of the battlefield.

In a split of a second, the fight turned into six against seven. Even Shinju was staring at him i disbelief.

(I-is this the power you gain after manifesting yourself!?


Carol was staring at Rajin, who was stading there smirking. Even the members of the Fourth Division were staring at Rajin in fear.

Their feets frozed just by feeling the tremendous power that was continuously gathering around Rajin.

They had never felt such tremendous power even when they were stading infront of Shinju. Rajin was like a total different person.

"Now, now, Her Highness, don't look at me like that. I, myself just got ten minutes to play around.

So, I thought to get disposed of the garbage first before, you and I can start playing for ourself."

A wide grin appeared on his face as Rajin mocked the whole First Division.

Miyuki got furious as veins appeared all over his body. He stepped forward.



Carol cut off miyuki as she roared from behind with her head down. Miyuki looked at her in shock.

"Her Highness but-"

"Stop, there no point in fighting against him. There's no way in heaven that any of us or even all of us can beat him in the manifested form.

I don't want any more of you to get injured by that beast standing over their.

I had never participated in the team training during the past three months. I never tried to talk to any of you. I always looked down on all of you...."

Carol was staring at the ground, her voice was breaking.

"But, when I was in danger, all of you stood beside me. You all accepted me as a team. So, I can't see anyone of you, getting hurt.

Please, step aside from the battlefield, It was my own battle from the beginning. I will face Rajin alone, even there's no chance of my win but I want to fight this fight head on.

So, I request all of you to step down of the battlefield."

Carol got on kness and started begging to all the other member of First Division.

Everyone in the arena were stunned, A member of the Royal Family was begging to some mere people. Even Rajin was staring at her in shock.

Miyuki was freezed at the place when he saw Carol getting on her kness, he begin to slowly ran towards her.

"H-her H-highness! W-what are you doing!? P-please stand up! We can't let somelike her Highness get on her kness infront of her.

But I will clear one thing, even if you give your life, we will never leave you alone infront of that beast.

We came here as a team and will return as a team, only thing that can apart all of us is death!"

Carol raised her head and looked at Miyuki, who's eyes were filled with hope.


"Her Highness! Let's return together as a team"

Everyone of the First Division came near her and raised their hand out. A small smile appeared on Carol's face. She took their hands and stood back on her feet.

They all faced towards Rajin, their eyes were filled with fire.

"Rajin, today, we will defeat you and will go in the final battle.

Today, you will witness the power of a team!!"

Miyuki roared as they all held their hands.



Rajin laughed out loud, everyone were confused when they saw him laughing.

"Aha-ha-ha! Oh my, I almost fell for your trick! I have to say, you really are a veteran at fighting her Highness to even make me, the Invincible Solitude fell for you cheap tricks


Rajin was laughing, holding his stomach. Everyone in the Arena were stunned and confused. They didn't understood what Rajin was saying.

"Did your brain got damaged, what are you blabbering about?"

Miyuki screamed at Rajin, Rajin raised his eyebrow and looked at him.

"Why don't you ask Your 'Her Highness'. I know thag she knows what I'm talking about.

She knew that, in my manifested form. I only have ten minutes to do what I can. After the ten minutes passes, I can't even stand for a second after that.

So, she acted and kept on blabbering about the teamwork so the time gets passed and she can land the final strike.

The truth is she used all of you as bait for me to forgot about the time and waste my time on fighting with you. She doesn't care about your teamwork even a least.

What else can you expect from a Maniac like her, using her own teammates to pave a path for her."

A wide smirk appeared on Rajin's face. Everyone in the Arena was staring at him, stunned.

They couldn't believed, what he was saying.

Miyuki was staring at him, dumbfounded. His legs were freezed. He turned his neck and looked at Carol standing beside him, with her head down.

"H-her H-highness. W-what he is saying is a lie, right!?"

Miyuki asked her, his voice was cracking. Carol remained quite and stared at the ground.

"Can't you see the guilty look on her face? It proves that the only things she had done till now is to use you guys. He-he-he"

Rajin laughed out loud, Everyone of the First Division got on their knees.


Suddenly the whole battlefield begin to tremble, all the people were confused.

Carol clenched her fist and raised her head.

Tears were flowing down her eyes. Miyuki looked at her crying and became shocked.

"Rajin! Yes, I agree that I was using all of them from the beginning but now, all the things I said were true, even if i looked down on them in the beginning but they still stood beside me.

That was the first time I felt that anyone wanted to stand beside me, that anyone wanted to save me.

It was your biggest mistake for saying that the feeling I felt at that moment was nothing but a lie.

I will never forgive you for it!"

Suddenly, golden light begin to came from Carol, blinding everyone who looked at the light.

Everyone were shocked and confused, they had never seen a light this bright.

"W-what is happening!?"

A gold spear appeared on top of Carol.

She took it into her hands, her eyes were glowing.

Everyone was stunned when they saw the spear.

Shinju was staring at the spear, gawking his eyes out.

"I-it's the TRIAINA!"

Shinju cried out as he stood up from his seat...