A Team!

Rajin moved forward, each step echoing ominously across the battlefield.

His aura of overwhelming power pressed down on everything around him, suffocating the air.

Ryuu stood there, his body frozen as if shackled by invisible chains. His legs refused to move, no matter how much he willed them to.

His mind went blank, a haze clouding his thoughts, paralyzing him from within.

All he could do was stare at Rajin, whose smirk only widened with every inch he drew closer.

The arena fell deathly silent. Thousands of eyes watched in stunned disbelief as the scene unfolded.

What had been a competitive match moments before was now something entirely different.

Rajin had flipped the battle on its head in mere moments, seizing control with an effortless display of power.

Gasps echoed through the stands. No one could have predicted this.

No one believed it possible that a single individual could shift the entire dynamic of the fight so quickly.

He had snatched victory away from the Second Division with surgical precision.

Even the experienced eyes of Shinju, the legendary master seated high above, were wide with shock.

This wasn't merely a battle between students anymore—it was a display of mastery.

Rajin hadn't just cast a high-level Array, he had deployed an upper-high-level Soul Damaging Array with flawless execution.

And he had done so in such a subtle way that Shinju, one of the most skilled Array users alive, hadn't even noticed it until it had fully activated.

Sweat poured from Shinju's forehead as he stared down at the battlefield, his usually calm composure shaken.

He felt something he hadn't experienced in years—fear.

His hands trembled ever so slightly, and he gripped the edge of his seat as he watched Rajin with growing dread.

Rajin's expression, a mocking smirk, sent a chill crawling down Shinju's spine.

That smirk was the look of someone who knew they had already won, someone who was savoring the taste of victory before the battle was even finished.

On the battlefield, Ryoko's heart raced, pounding in her chest as she watched Rajin approach Ryuu.She coughed violently, blood splattering from her mouth, but she didn't stop. She couldn't.

"R-Ryuu-kun…!" she gasped, her voice weak but filled with desperation.

"R-run…! Forfeit the fight… you can't… you can't defeat him! Not in your current state…"

She wanted to scream louder, to reach Ryuu's ears, but her voice came out in barely audible whispers.

Her body was failing her, succumbing to the relentless power of the Soul Damaging Array.

It wasn't just any ordinary Array—it was one designed to trap the soul itself, to bind it and inflict unbearable pain.

The more the victim resisted, the more damage the Array would inflict, tearing at the soul's very essence.

Yet despite the torment ravaging her body, despite the blood staining her lips and the agony twisting every muscle, Ryoko refused to give in.

She could feel her strength ebbing, slipping away like sand through her fingers, but she fought against it.

Tremors wracked her body, her knees buckling under the strain, yet she pushed through the unbearable pain.

(Not enough… not enough… not enough! This strength, it's… it's useless! I need more.

I need to become stronger if I'm going to protect Ryuu… if I'm going to protect us all.

I promised myself… I promised I'd be strong enough to fulfill our dream… our shared dream. But now, here I am, struggling to even stand.

WHY!? Why am I so weak!? Why can't I protect him… protect anyone!?)

Tears of frustration welled up in her eyes, mixing with the blood on her face. She grit her teeth, her mind consumed with self-blame.

She cursed her own frailty. She cursed the helplessness she felt as Rajin loomed closer to Ryuu.

Ryuu saw it all. He watched as Ryoko struggled against the Array's grip, saw the blood staining her lips, saw her body trembling in defiance of its own limits.

She was pushing herself far beyond what anyone should be able to endure. All for him.

A tightness formed in his chest, a pressure that constricted his heart until it felt like it would burst.

His hands shook. He hated this. He hated seeing her in pain, knowing that she was doing it all to protect him.

He hated himself for being so weak, so paralyzed, that he couldn't even move to help her.

(I'm pathetic… Ryoko-san is pushing herself to the brink, and I can't even take a single step.

She's suffering… all to protect me. And here I am, frozen in place like a coward.

She's always protected me, always shielded me from harm. But… what have I ever done for her?)

Guilt twisted inside him, gnawing at his soul. For so long, Ryoko had been the one standing between him and danger.

And now, it was happening again. His body, his mind—both paralyzed by fear. He was failing her. Failing everyone.

(No… No more. I can't let this happen. Not again. I'm not the same person I was before.

I refuse to let Ryoko-san suffer for me any longer. This time… it's my turn. This time, I will protect her. I will protect them all.

Even if it costs me everything… even if I lose my life here today, I'll make sure Ryoko-san, Masumi-san, and Seichii survive.)

His heart pounded, and something within him snapped.

Ryuu's body, which had been frozen moments ago, began to move. Slowly, painfully, but with purpose. His hand twitched, then rose.

His fist clenched so tightly his knuckles turned white, but he moved, driven by a force beyond mere willpower.

He took a deep breath, eyes blazing with newfound determination.

Rajin noticed. His smirk deepened as Ryuu's movements caught his attention. He raised an eyebrow, amused.

"Oh? So, you've finally decided to do something?"

Rajin's voice dripped with arrogance.

"It's pointless. You can thrash about all you like, but everyone here knows the truth—you, alone, can never defeat me."

"Who said he's alone?"

Rajin's voice was cut off by a sudden shout.

His eyes narrowed as he turned to see Hibino, Meiko, and Hikuro stepping forward, placing themselves beside Ryuu.

Rajin's gaze flickered across the battlefield.

His division members lay sprawled across the ground, battered and motionless, unable to continue the fight.

He snickered, a sharp, mocking laugh escaping his lips.

(Pathetic… they couldn't even handle these three? How weak.)

But his amusement quickly turned into something more sinister—a grin spread across his face, a hungry gleam flashing in his eyes.

(No matter. This will only make things more interesting.)

Ryuu stared at his teammates in disbelief. Meiko noticed his expression and let out an exasperated sigh, rolling her eyes.

"Why are you looking at us like that?" she snapped, her tone sharp but not unkind.

"Did you really forget we're a team? And don't get any ideas about us doing this to save you.

We're here because we've come too far to lose now. We didn't fight our way through this competition just to watch everything fall apart.

Besides, I'm not about to let anyone from our school get hurt. Masumi's still here, too."

Meiko's gaze shifted back to Rajin, her eyes narrowing in fury as dark clouds began swirling around her, gathering ominously.

"You've improved since we last fought, Rajin. I'll admit that much. Your progress is insane.

But don't you dare think for a second that we'll let you walk all over us again. We've grown stronger, too."

Hibino stepped up beside her, his hands igniting with crimson flames that crackled and roared.

Rajin watched the display with mild interest, his smirk never fading.

"You two… still think you can challenge me?" Rajin chuckled.

"You've improved, I'll give you that. But you're still just pests, squirming at my feet."

Fury ignited in Meiko and Hibino's eyes.

They raised their hands, the dark clouds swirling faster, merging with the flames until a storm of black and red swirled between them.

The energy crackled with dangerous intensity, casting a shadow across the battlefield.

"RAJIN!" Meiko roared, her voice filled with rage.



The combined storm of black and red flames roared forward, tearing up the ground beneath it as it barreled toward Rajin with unstoppable force.

The massive storm of black and red flames hurtled toward Rajin, its force threatening to consume everything in its path.

The ground trembled, cracks snaking through the earth as the sheer power of the spell shook the entire battlefield.

A wave of heat exploded outward, making the air shimmer with intensity.

The audience held their breath, watching in awe and terror at the scale of the magic being unleashed.

Rajin stood in the storm's path, completely unmoved.

His smirk never wavered, his expression showing nothing but boredom.

With a slow, deliberate motion, he raised his hand, and sparks of purple lightning began crackling around his fingertips.

The air around him buzzed with electric energy, the ground beneath his feet glowing faintly from the sheer power emanating from his body.


Rajin muttered under his breath as he prepared to counter.

He raised his arm higher, the purple lightning intensifying into a bright, blinding light. With a casual flick of his wrist, he released the magic.

"Lower Intermediate Spell: Purple Lightning!"

The bolt of purple lightning shot from his hand like a serpent, slithering through the air with terrifying speed.

It streaked across the battlefield, colliding head-on with the storm of flames.

For a moment, the two forces clashed violently, a swirling vortex of fire and lightning illuminating the sky above.

The ground shook, the wind howling as the battle between the two spells reached its peak.

And then, in an instant, it was over.

The purple lightning tore through the Flame of Abyss with a deafening


An enormous explosion rocked the battlefield, sending shockwaves that rippled through the arena.

A cloud of thick, black smoke erupted from the impact, spreading across the field like a shroud.

The audience shielded their eyes as debris and dust flew into the air, making it impossible to see what had happened.

For several moments, everything was quiet. The battlefield was still, the smoke hanging in the air like a dark curtain.

Then, as the smoke began to clear, the figure of Rajin emerged, standing exactly where he had been before.

Not a single scratch marred his body, not a single hair was out of place.

He stood tall, the same mocking smile plastered on his face, utterly unbothered by the enormous power that had just been unleashed against him.

Both Meiko and Hibino stared at him in disbelief, their eyes wide with shock.

Their combined spell—one of the most powerful dual spells they had ever mastered—had done absolutely nothing to him.

"H-he's… unhurt!?"

Meiko whispered, her voice trembling with disbelief.

"That was an upper intermediate-level spell! The combined force should have been enough to overpower any high-level mage…"

Hibino clenched his fists, his eyes burning with frustration.

"How… how did he block it so easily? That spell should've overwhelmed him!"

Rajin chuckled softly, his smirk widening as he took a step forward.

His presence seemed to grow even more oppressive, his aura radiating raw power.

"Did you two honestly believe that would work against me?"

Rajin asked, his tone dripping with condescension.

"That was… disappointing. I expected more from you, especially after all the effort you've put into training.

But in the end, you're still weak. Even with your combined strength, you're nothing compared to me."

He glanced down at his hand, watching as purple sparks of lightning danced across his fingertips.

"A simple lower intermediate-level spell was all it took to counter your attack. You both should know by now… nothing you do can hurt me. Not in my manifested form."

Rajin's words struck them like a hammer, the weight of his power and arrogance crushing their spirits.

Meiko and Hibino exchanged glances, doubt creeping into their minds. Was he right? Were they truly so powerless against him?

Before Rajin could continue mocking them, a loud thwack reverberated across the battlefield.

In the blink of an eye, Rajin was sent flying through the air, his body hurtling backward across the field.

Gasps erupted from the audience as Rajin tumbled through the dirt, skidding to a halt several meters away.

He caught himself just in time, landing on his feet in a crouched position.

His hand shot to his jaw, rubbing it where the impact had struck. His eyes widened in shock as he slowly looked up.

Ryuu stood in the spot where Rajin had been, his fist still clenched tightly, his body glowing faintly with a mysterious energy.

His eyes burned with determination, the once-frozen fear in them now replaced with unwavering resolve.

Rajin blinked, stunned by what had just happened.

(D-did he… Did he just punch me… and send me flying… while I'm in my manifested form?! Just by his physical strength!?)

Meiko and Hibino were just as shocked, staring at Ryuu as if they were seeing him for the first time.

(W-when did he move!?)

they both thought in disbelief.

Ryuu turned toward them, his eyes softening slightly as a small smile spread across his face.

"Meiko-san, Hibino-san… Thank you. You created an opening for me."

Meiko blinked in surprise.

"Opening? Wait… that punch… Ryuu, how did you…?"

Ryuu shook his head, his smile growing. "It's because of you. You held him off long enough.

Now, let's win this battle together. We've come too far to lose now."

Hibino stared at him, wide-eyed, before a slow grin spread across his face.

"Damn… didn't think you had it in you, Ryuu."

Meiko rolled her eyes but couldn't help the small smile tugging at her lips.

"Don't think we're doing this for you. We're doing this for ourselves—and for Masumi."

Ryuu turned back toward Rajin, his expression hardening, his fist still glowing with latent energy.

"Rajin… this ends here. You're not invincible."

Rajin wiped a trickle of blood from his mouth, his eyes narrowing in fury. "You… You dare strike me?"

His voice trembled with barely-contained rage. His smirk was gone, replaced by a furious snarl.

"No one has ever touched me in this form. You're nothing but a pest beneath my feet!"

Rajin roared, lightning crackling around his body, the storm of his fury brewing.

But Ryuu wasn't intimidated. His gaze remained steady, his stance firm. For the first time, he didn't feel fear.

"You've underestimated us long enough," Ryuu said, his voice clear and resolute. "We won't back down. Not now. Not ever."

Meiko, Hibino, and Ryuu stood side by side, their combined energy rising as they prepared for the final confrontation.

Rajin, his pride wounded and his fury unleashed, gathered his strength, ready to crush them once and for all.

The air crackled with tension, the final showdown drawing near.

"Let's end this," Ryuu whispered, his eyes locking with Rajin's.

"Once and for all.".....