An Unknown Figure Snd A Tremendous Havoc

Both Ryuu and Rajin locked eyes, their gazes heavy with intensity and determination.

The air around them thickened, saturated with the raw power they were both exuding.

It was no longer just a fight between two warriors; it was a clash of titanic forces, a collision between fire and lightning, both striving to prove their supremacy.

The battlefield itself seemed to respond, the ground quaking beneath their feet, the atmosphere crackling with dangerous energy.

The sheer pressure emanating from both combatants caused a palpable tension to grip the arena, and every spectator watching the screen leaned forward, spellbound by the spectacle unfolding before them.

On the battlefield, Ryuu slowly raised his hand, and instantly, the entire area began to heat up.

The rocks turned a deep crimson, radiating with the intensity of molten lava, and the water surrounding the field began to bubble and boil as if it had been thrown into the heart of a volcano.

The very air shimmered from the heat radiating off Ryuu's body. Across the field, Rajin raised his hand, and the sky above darkened as bolts of lightning crackled and roared in response to his command.

The ground beneath him turned to sand, scorched and electrified by the pure elemental energy coursing through his veins.

"This is no longer just a battle between Aramiya Ryuu and Rajin!"

one of the announcers gasped, unable to tear his eyes from the screen.

"This has become a war between the elemental forces of fire and lightning!"

Rajin's voice cut through the roaring winds, calm yet filled with lethal intent.

"Aramiya Ryuu, only one of us will walk away from this battlefield.

The one who proves their strength, who has what it takes to rise to the top, will claim victory today.

Only the strongest will survive."

With a sharp buzz in the air, Rajin clenched his fist, summoning a massive surge of electricity that crackled menacingly around his body.

His lightning, once bright and blue, now had a darker, more ominous hue, reflecting the dangerous intent behind his next move.

Ryuu, his expression unreadable, responded in kind.

Flames erupted from his hand, swirling with a crimson intensity that seemed to rival the very sun.


he said, his voice calm but his eyes blazing.

"I was about to say the same thing."

The tension was palpable, like the calm before a storm.

"ARAMIYA RYUU!!" Rajin screamed.


Ryuu roared in response, his body practically shaking from the power surging within him.


With a roar, both combatants exploded into motion, hurtling towards each other with blinding speed.

Their fists, charged with the destructive power of their elements, collided in mid-air with an ear-splitting boom.

The shockwave from the impact was so powerful that it sent a chill down the spines of even the most hardened experts watching from the stands.


The force of their collision was so immense that the battlefield itself shattered, chunks of land breaking apart and rising into the air.

Floating like islands above the boiling lake. The ground trembled as if the world itself was cracking under the weight of their power.

.Tomoki, who had been watching from a safe distance, felt his stomach churn.

He had seen brutal battles before, but never one so fierce, so raw, that it transcended anything he had experienced—even in the heat of war.

"How are these kids doing this?" Tomoki whispered to himself, his voice trembling.

"They're just high schoolers, but... but they're wielding powers that no ordinary human could even dream of controlling."

The smoke from their collision began to clear, revealing Ryuu and Rajin once again locked in a fierce stare.

Their fists remained pressed against one another, neither giving an inch, both determined to overpower the other.

Flames raged behind Ryuu, while bolts of dark lightning crackled ominously behind Rajin.

It was a scene so grand, so terrifyingly beautiful, that everyone watching knew they were witnessing something that could only happen once in a millennium.

Suddenly, both fighters pulled back, each taking a single step away from the other.

Rajin, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow, allowed himself a small smile.

"I never imagined you'd push me this far, Ryuu. I underestimated you... I won't make that mistake again."

Ryuu's eyes narrowed. "I could say the same thing."

"But this ends now," Rajin growled, his smirk widening as dark lightning began to gather around his hands, thicker and more menacing than before.

"Now you'll see what true strength looks like."

As Rajin began walking slowly toward Ryuu, the dark lightning surrounding him turned nearly black, crackling with raw destructive energy.

Ryuu, in response, remained calm, his eyes reflecting a dangerous resolve. With a slow, deliberate motion, he raised his hand.


In an instant, a blazing, crimson sword materialized in Ryuu's grip.

The sword's radiant energy was so intense that the very rocks around him began to melt, turning into glowing, molten pools of magma.

Opposite him, Rajin summoned his own weapon, a dark purple spear crackling with lightning—though this was no ordinary lightning.

The spear seemed alive, imbued with an unnatural, terrifying force, darker and more dangerous than anything Rajin had summoned before.

"E-Elemental weapons?!" Shinju, the arena's top expert, shouted from his seat, his voice quaking in disbelief.

"They're wielding elemental weapons! This isn't just a fight anymore, it's—"


Before Shinju could finish his thought, both Ryuu and Rajin disappeared, their speed too great for even the cameras to track.

They clashed in mid-air, sword meeting spear with a deafening explosion.

The ground beneath them split in half, entire sections of the forest igniting in crimson flames, while other areas were obliterated by the sheer force of Rajin's lightning.

The collision of fire and lightning sent shockwaves that rippled through the entire arena, and the force of their battle caused the very sky above them to darken.

Suddenly, Ryuu's gaze shifted. In the depths of the forest, just beyond the battlefield, a figure stood, cloaked in shadows.

Ryuu's eyes narrowed as he focused on the figure's devious, almost demonic smile—a smile so sinister it sent a chill down Ryuu's spine, despite the inferno of power raging within him.

(W-What is that?)

Ryuu's thoughts raced, fear creeping into his heart.

(That smile… Why does it feel so... wrong?)

The figure's mouth moved, silently forming words Ryuu couldn't hear, but somehow he understood.

His heart stopped, frozen by the implication. The figure smirked once more before vanishing into the shadows.

"This is my chance!"

Rajin snarled, thrusting his spear toward Ryuu's chest with blinding speed.

"It's over, Ryuu. I'll be the one standing at the top!"

Ryuu, still dazed from his encounter with the dark figure, barely had time to react.

His eyes widened as he saw the spear coming toward him.

(Shit! I let my guard down. Is this it? Is this how it ends?)

He braced for impact, his heart thudding in his chest, expecting the pain of death.

But it never came.


Blood sprayed into the air.


Blood sprayed into the air, painting the battlefield in dark red streaks.

Ryuu blinked, momentarily stunned, his mind racing as he registered the scene before him.

(It... it doesn't hurt?)

He glanced down, expecting to see Rajin's spear buried in his chest. But instead, there was someone else—Ryoko.

She stood in front of him, her body trembling, Rajin's spear piercing through her abdomen.

Blood spilled from her wound, dripping down her body as she coughed, her face pale from the pain.


Ryuu gasped, his voice breaking. He reached out just in time to catch her as she collapsed forward into his arms.

Her blood-soaked hands weakly grasped his face, her lips curling into a soft, gentle smile despite the agony she was in.

"T-thank you..." she whispered, her voice so faint it was almost lost in the chaos of the battlefield.

Ryuu's eyes widened, his mind unable to process the sight before him.

"Ryoko-san... no, why? Why did you do this?! Why did you sacrifice yourself?!"

His voice cracked as he held her tighter, the warmth of her body fading rapidly.

She smiled one last time, her fingers brushing against his cheek before her body went limp.

Everyone in the arena fell into stunned silence, watching the screen with bated breath.

Even Rajin, standing a few feet away, stared in shock at the scene before him. His smirk was gone, replaced by disbelief.

(She... she broke through my Array?)

Rajin thought, his mind racing.

(How did she get here?!)

But the one in the most shock was Ryuu. His body was frozen in place, holding Ryoko's lifeless body as if time itself had stopped.

The chaos of the battlefield, the roar of the flames, the crackling of Rajin's lightning—it all faded into the background.

All he could see was Ryoko's blood, staining his hands.

"No... no... Ryoko-san..."

Ryuu's voice was barely a whisper.

"Why did you have to do this? Why did you have to—"

Suddenly, a vision flashed in Ryuu's mind.

The battlefield vanished, replaced by a dark, desolate wasteland.

Bodies littered the ground, torn apart and bathed in blood.

The stench of death filled the air, suffocating and overwhelming.

Ryuu stood in the middle of the carnage, his heart pounding in his chest as he desperately searched for something—someone.


he shouted, his voice echoing through the emptiness.

Then, amidst the bodies, he saw her—a figure lying on the ground, drenched in blood. Ryoko.

Her body was broken, lifeless, but even in death, her face held that same gentle smile.

Ryuu stumbled forward, his legs weak as he approached her.

His hands trembled as he reached out, but just before he could touch her, her body began to disintegrate, fading into ash.

"No! Ryoko-san!" Ryuu screamed, his heart shattering as he reached for her.

"Y-you finally came!"

Ryoko said slowly as she she disappeared with a small smile on her face.

The battlefield disappeared, and Ryuu was left alone in a dark abyss.


Suddenly, an azure flame ignited in the darkness, wrapping around him in a fierce blaze.

The flames consumed him, but there was no pain—only power.

A power unlike anything he had ever felt before.


Back in the real world, the ground began to tremble violently.

The entire city shook as if gripped by an earthquake, but this was no natural disaster. Something far more dangerous was brewing.

"W-what's happening?!"

People in the city shouted, rushing out of their homes as the ground trembled beneath their feet.

"Is it an earthquake?!"

In the arena, Shinju's eyes widened in alarm. "This isn't just an earthquake,"

he muttered under his breath, his instincts screaming at him that something was terribly wrong.

"This power... it's coming from—"

He didn't need to finish his sentence. All eyes turned back to the battlefield.

Ryuu's body was surrounded by a brilliant azure flame, unlike the crimson fire he had been wielding before.

His shirt was torn to shreds, revealing intricate, glowing azure lines running across his skin.

But his expression remained blank, his eyes staring down at Ryoko's body in his arms, his mind elsewhere.

The azure flame on his forehead flared brighter and brighter, and the temperature around the battlefield skyrocketed.


With a bloodcurdling roar, Ryuu unleashed a surge of power so intense that the entire arena shook violently.

The flame on his forehead exploded, sending a shockwave through the battlefield.


The force of the explosion was unimaginable, ripping through the battlefield like a tidal wave.

Trees were obliterated, the ground was torn apart, and the very air itself seemed to crack under the pressure.

Everyone watching, even the experts in the stands, were sent flying backward by the sheer power Ryuu had unleashed.


The protective Array Shinju had placed around the battlefield shattered into pieces, unable to contain the force.

Shinju, standing at the edge of the arena, coughed up blood as the backlash hit him hard.

(H-he... broke my Super-level Array?! How is this possible?!).....