A Home?

In the heart of an endless abyss, the boy lay motionless.

His body floated in a space devoid of time and place, consumed by an ocean of darkness.

His breath was shallow, his chest rising and falling rhythmically as though he were merely asleep.

He looked to be around sixteen years old, his brown hair falling messily over his eyes.

Slowly, with great effort, his eyelids fluttered open, and he stirred.

His heart raced. Everything around him was swallowed by an oppressive black void that stretched endlessly in all directions.

The darkness wasn't just an absence of light—it felt alive, like it was watching him, studying him.

"W-where am I...?"

He whispered, his voice shaking with fear. His mind was racing, and his throat tightened with panic.

"Ryuu? Masumi-san? Ryoko-san? Where is everyone!?"

No one answered. The void consumed his words as if they never existed.

Panic seized him, and he bolted, running aimlessly in every direction, desperate to escape the suffocating blackness.

"What is this place?! Where am I?"

His voice cracked, his breath coming in ragged gasps.

Suddenly, without warning, a deep voice echoed through the abyss. It was dark, resonant, and ancient.

It felt as though it came from within the very fabric of the void itself.


The sound made the boy freeze in place. His pulse pounded in his ears as the voice crept into his mind like a cold wind, brushing against his thoughts.

"This is where you belong,"

The voice said, its tone unsettlingly calm.

"This is the home we all longed for, the place you and everyone else must return to. The darkness."

The boy's breath quickened, his fists clenching at his sides as he struggled to make sense of the words.

The voice felt so familiar, yet so utterly foreign.

"The home that was taken from us... taken from you, from all of us."

It continued, its tone filled with bitterness.

"They took it from us... they will come to shatter what remains.

And we cannot let that happen. We must protect our home, boy. Protect it from them."

The voice lingered, echoing in the boy's ears like a fading memory.

His heart thudded loudly in the oppressive silence that followed.

The sheer weight of the words left him paralyzed, as if the truth they carried was far too great to bear.

"Protect it?"

he whispered to himself, trying to understand.

"Who... who are you?"

Before he could ask any more questions, the abyss rumbled violently, the ground beneath him cracking like glass.

He gasped, stumbling backward as the abyss began to shatter, fragmenting into jagged pieces.

The black void crumbled away, and the boy fell—tumbling into an even deeper darkness.

This darkness was not empty like before.

It was suffocating, filled with a malevolent energy that pressed against his chest, squeezing the life out of him.





In the waking world, Seichii lay motionless in a hospital bed.

His face was pale, his body still. The hum of machines monitoring his vital signs echoed softly in the sterile room.

From the outside, everything seemed peaceful.

But inside him, something stirred.


His hands began to shake, twitching uncontrollably as a wave of black energy rippled beneath his skin.

His veins darkened, turning pitch black as the mysterious energy pulsed through his body.

It surged toward his chest, and there, a strange black symbol appeared.

It was unlike anything that should exist—ancient, intricate markings that glowed faintly before searing themselves into his skin.

The symbols spread like wildfire, their meaning incomprehensible, yet they carried an unmistakable weight—like a curse being branded into his very soul.


Seichii screamed, his voice cutting through the stillness of the room.

The pain was unbearable, as if his entire chest was being carved from the inside.

His body arched in agony, but the moment the markings vanished, the pain stopped.

He collapsed back into the bed, gasping for air, his body drenched in sweat.


The door flew open, and a doctor rushed into the room. His face was pale, his breath quick.

"What happened!? I heard a scream!"

He exclaimed, hurrying toward Seichii's bedside.

But when he reached the bed, he stopped, confused.

Seichii lay there, peaceful, as though he hadn't moved at all.


The doctor blinked, his mind struggling to catch up with what he was seeing.

"He's... fine?"

He looked around, half-expecting to see something out of place. But nothing was amiss. Everything seemed perfectly normal.

"Am I losing my mind?"

He muttered to himself, wiping his brow. He glanced at Seichii again, convinced that the scream was real, but he could find no sign of distress.

Shaking his head, the doctor chuckled nervously.

"Maybe I'm working too many shifts..."

He sighed, muttering about the effects of old age, and left the room, leaving Seichii alone once more.





Far away, in the hidden depths of a vast cave, shadows danced on the walls.

The air was thick, heavy with the scent of earth and stone, and a pervasive, ancient darkness filled the space.

At the center of the cavern, a massive throne loomed, draped in shadows so deep they seemed to devour the light.

A lone figure cloaked in black approached the throne, bowing deeply before the two glowing eyes that watched from the darkness.

"Your highness,"

the figure said, its voice smooth, low, and dripping with anticipation.

"The boy has been marked. The seal is in place. All is proceeding as you foresaw. Now, we need only wait for the cycle to complete."

The figure grinned, the darkness curling around it like a shroud.

"Soon, we will return to our home. To our freedom. We are close now."

The eyes narrowed, glowing brighter as they stared down at the figure.

"Fool," the voice boomed, deep and rumbling like an earthquake.

"It is not as simple as you think. The world has changed. They have changed."

The figure flinched at the tone but maintained its composure.

"Changed or not, your highness, it will not matter. They cannot stop what is to come."

The eyes remained fixed on the figure.

"Perhaps," the voice replied, softening.

"Perhaps the change may serve us. In time. But for now, we wait."

The figure bowed lower, its grin widening in the shadows.





The morning sunlight filtered through the hospital windows, casting soft, warm light across the room.

Outside, Ryuu stood in the crisp morning air, his body healed, but his mind clouded.

He stared up at the clear, blue sky, lost in thought.

Shigeru and Akiko had insisted on taking him home, but something about their urgency puzzled him.

They had been unusually forceful, as if there were something they weren't telling him.


A voice, soft and familiar, broke through his thoughts. He turned, his eyes widening in disbelief.


There she stood, smiling gently, her eyes filled with warmth.

His heart leaped, and tears welled up in his eyes as he rushed toward her, wrapping her tightly in his arms.

"You're okay..."

Ryuu's voice trembled as he held her close.

"Thank God, you're okay! I was so scared when I saw you like that.

Why...? Why did you sacrifice yourself for me? You should take care of yourself more!"

Ryoko smiled softly, her hand gently patting his back.

"Because, Ryuu-kun,"

She said, her voice calm, soothing,

"we're friends. And friends protect each other."

Ryuu's tears fell freely, but he smiled despite them, holding her even tighter.

From a distance, Shigeru stood watching them.

His brow furrowed, his mind racing. How is she here? he wondered, his thoughts swirling with confusion.

(Her injury was the most severe of all... how did she heal so quickly?)

His mind flashed back to the mountains, to the moment when Ryoko had appeared out of nowhere, saving them from the demons.

She had torn through them with an unnatural strength, her forehead burning with a strange white flame—one that resembled Ryuu's Azure flame, yet felt different. Ancient.

(That flame... could it be connected to Ryuu's power?)

Shigeru thought, suspicion creeping into his mind.

(Does she know more than she's letting on?)....

"Good morning, Tatsuno-san,"

Shigeru called, walking up to them. His smile was friendly, but beneath it, he was scrutinizing her closely.

"I'm glad to see you're feeling better."

Ryoko bowed slightly, her smile serene.

"Thank you, Morishita-san. I'm much better now."

"Since you're feeling well, why don't you accompany Ryuu-kun home?"

Shigeru suggested, his voice light.

"Akiko and I have some errands to run."

Ryoko nodded, bowing again.

"It would be my pleasure."

As Ryuu and Ryoko began walking toward his home, Shigeru watched them with growing unease.

Akiko joined him, her brow furrowed in thought.

"Do you feel it too?" Akiko asked quietly, her voice barely a whisper as she stared after Ryuu and Ryoko. "Something dark... something is coming, Shigeru."

Shigeru didn't answer right away. His eyes followed the pair as they disappeared around a corner, and a heavy silence hung between him and Akiko.

"Yes," he finally said, his tone low, filled with the same unease.

"I feel it. The air feels different, heavier. Something is shifting, something beyond us."

Akiko crossed her arms, biting her lip.

"Ryoko... there's more to her than we know. I've felt it for a while now, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

And Ryuu... he's at the center of all this, isn't he?

Ever since the accident, strange things have been happening to him."

She glanced at Shigeru, her eyes clouded with concern.

Shigeru nodded.

"Yes. The Azure Flame, those strange lines... and now Ryoko's sudden recovery.

I'm afraid this is just the beginning. We're caught in something bigger than we realize.

I have a feeling that soon, none of us will be the same."

Akiko shivered as a cold breeze swept through the hospital grounds.

"I hope we're ready for it," she murmured.





Meanwhile, as Ryuu and Ryoko walked toward his home, a comfortable silence settled between them.

The sunlight filtered through the trees lining the street, casting dappled shadows along the ground.

But despite the peaceful surroundings, Ryuu couldn't shake the strange feeling gnawing at the back of his mind.

He glanced at Ryoko, watching her out of the corner of his eye.


He finally said, his voice hesitant. "Back there... when you healed so quickly... and during the fight with the demons.

That white flame. What... what was it? How did you—"

Ryoko stopped walking.

Her expression softened as she turned to face him, a mixture of sadness and something deeper flickering in her eyes.

"Ryuu-kun," she began slowly, as if choosing her words carefully.

"there's a lot you don't know yet. About me. About yourself. But soon, you'll understand. I promise."

Her voice was gentle, but there was a gravity to it that made Ryuu's stomach churn.

"I've been by your side for a long time, Ryuu-kun,"

She continued, a distant look crossing her face.

"Ever since we first met, there were things I knew but couldn't tell you.

But now... now, things are changing. Faster than I expected."

Ryuu frowned, his confusion deepening.

"What do you mean? Why can't you tell me now? Why—"

"Because you're not ready,"

Ryoko cut him off softly but firmly.

"There are forces at work that neither of us can fully understand yet. But we will. Soon."

Ryuu clenched his fists, frustration bubbling inside him.

"I'm tired of being in the dark! Every time I think I'm starting to understand, something else happens.

The flames, the symbols... and now you. What am I supposed to do?"

Ryoko placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Just trust me, Ryuu-kun. You're stronger than you realize, and soon, you'll see your part in all of this.

Right now, just forget everything and live in the moment,"

Ryoko said softly, her voice carrying a warmth that made Ryuu's heart feel lighter.

"There's something I want to give you, but first, we need to reach your house."

Ryuu let out a small sigh of relief.

Her presence always had a calming effect on him, and he found himself smiling as they started walking towards his home.

"Ryuu-kun! Look!"

Ryoko suddenly called out, her voice full of excitement as she pointed at the road.

Ryuu followed her gaze, confused for a moment until realization struck.

His eyes landed on the familiar corner.

"It was right here,"

Ryoko continued, her eyes sparkling with nostalgia.

"This is where we first met. You crashed into me, remember? You were running late for school."

The memories came rushing back to Ryuu, vivid and unshakeable.

He could almost feel the rush of the wind against his face from that day, the hurried thud of his feet hitting the pavement.

"You're right!" he said, laughing softly.

"I was in such a hurry I didn't even see you. I tried to help you up, but you slapped my hand away with that icy glare of yours. Ha-ha!"

Ryoko puffed her cheeks, her brows furrowing in mock annoyance.

"Hey! I wasn't trying to be cold! I just don't like talking to strangers!"

Ryuu chuckled, his laughter echoing between them.

He took a few steps ahead but glanced back at her, warmth filling his chest.

Ryoko's pout deepened, but there was a playful glint in her eyes.

Together, they resumed their walk, side by side, their steps in rhythm as the past gently intertwined with the present.....