The Final Winner

As the sun peeked through the curtains, casting a golden hue across Ryuu's room, time slipped away faster than he anticipated.

He glanced at the clock and felt a surge of panic.

With a determined sigh, he hurriedly got ready, pulling on his school uniform with practiced ease.

He took a moment to adjust his collar and ran a hand through his Azure hair, mentally preparing himself for the day ahead—a day that could change everything.

Descending the stairs, the delicious aroma of breakfast wafted through the air, instantly calming his nerves.

His mother stood by the stove, her movements graceful yet hurried as she prepared the final touches on his meal.

The kitchen was a familiar sanctuary, filled with the comforting scents of fried eggs and crispy bacon, a bowl of rice and a reminder of home amid the chaos that lay ahead.

"Mom, I'm ready!"

Ryuu called out, his voice echoing slightly in the cozy kitchen.

He hurriedly sat down at the table, his plate piled high with fluffy rice, golden-brown eggs, and strips of bacon, eager to fuel up for the big day.

With a grin, he dove into his breakfast, stuffing his mouth in a rush, the warmth of the food bringing him momentary comfort.


Suddenly, a sharp sting echoed through the room as his mother playfully hit the back of his head, breaking his focus.

"Is this how you're supposed to eat your breakfast?

You'll choke on it! Where are your manners?"

Her tone mixed annoyance with amusement, a familiar dance of motherly concern.

Ryuu could see the worry etched on her face, her brow furrowed as she sighed dramatically and touched her forehead in exasperation.

"Ha~ I don't know what will happen to you in the future.

How will you ever manage on your own!?"

Her words struck a chord, as Ryuu often wondered the same thing.

He had always relied on his mother's support, but today felt different.

He merely glanced at her with a bored expression, trying to mask the impatience bubbling within him.

"I'm late, and they'll be here soon!"

He retorted, his mind racing with thoughts of the competition ahead.

"It's your fault for not waking up early! Now eat your breakfast properly, or there wouldn't be anyone dangerous other than me,"

She scolded, her fierce look causing him to lower his gaze, feeling the weight of her words.

It was her way of showing love, he knew, but sometimes it felt overwhelming.

Suddenly, Ding Dong!!!

The sound of the doorbell rang out, breaking the tension like a bolt of lightning.

Ryuu jumped up from the table, hastily finishing the last bite of his breakfast as he dashed toward the front gate, adrenaline coursing through him.


He flung open the door to find his friends—Ryoko, Seichii, Masumi, Shigeru, and Akiko—standing outside his house, their expressions a mix of excitement and curiosity.

"Did we disturb you during your breakfast, Aramiya-kun?

There's rice on your mouth,"

Shigeru remarked, a teasing smile playing on his lips, his playful nature always lightening the mood.

Flustered, Ryuu felt his face heat up as he quickly rubbed his mouth, mortified.

"O-oh, I… I woke up late, so I had to eat my breakfast quickly."

The embarrassment was almost tangible, but the laughter of his friends melted away some of his anxiety.

"Are you ready, Aramiya-kun? We must get going soon,"

Akiko chimed in, her bright eyes sparkling with enthusiasm, reminding him of the importance of the day.

Her optimism was infectious, fueling his own determination.

"I'm ready! Let's head out!"

Ryuu declared, his voice filled with newfound confidence.

Shigeru laughed, and together they began their journey, the excitement palpable in the air like an electric current.

Ryuu felt a sense of belonging as they walked side by side, the bond forged through countless training sessions and shared struggles.

Today was significant—the day the results of the Inter-Division Competition would be announced, and the students chosen for the elite ranks would be revealed.

Ryuu's mind raced with thoughts of victory, the prospect of being recognized among the best, and the unknown challenges that lay ahead.

The possibilities filled him with exhilaration and fear alike.





A while later, they arrived in front of the towering association building, its facade imposing and grand.

The scene was bustling with activity; crowds gathered around, reporters clamored for interviews, and dignified figures mingled among them.

The air was thick with anticipation, charged with the thrill of competition and the weight of expectations.

As Ryuu scanned the crowd, his gaze landed on Rajin, standing off to the side with a bruise on his hand, a reminder of their fierce battle.

Their eyes met, and in that fleeting moment, a wave of memories washed over Ryuu—the intense struggle they had faced, the overwhelming power he had unleashed, and the fear that had nearly consumed him during their confrontation.

Rajin stared at Ryuu, his expression devoid of emotion, like a statue carved from granite.

There was no fear in his eyes, just an unsettling emptiness, a reminder of the toll the competition had taken on everyone involved.


The main door of the association's building swung open, and Ryuu and his friends stepped inside, following Tomoki, who emerged looking worn and battle-scarred, his body covered in scratches and bruises that told tales of their harrowing experiences.

"Everyone, thank you for your patience and support,"

Tomoki began, his voice steady but strained, carrying the weight of the recent trials.

"As you all know, a massive earthquake struck the city on the day of the final battle of the Inter-Division Competition, injuring many—including myself."

A murmur of concern rippled through the crowd, and Ryuu felt a knot tighten in his stomach as he recalled the chaos of that day, the buildings shaking, the ground trembling beneath them, and the fear that had gripped him during those terrifying moments.

"The results of the battle were postponed until everyone had a chance to recover,"

Tomoki continued, his expression serious.

"And today marks the day when the final winner of the Inter-Division Competition will be announced, along with the students selected for the elite program."

The tension in the air thickened as Ryuu and his friends followed Tomoki through the grand halls of the association's building.

Each step seemed to echo in the silence, amplifying Ryuu's racing heart.

His thoughts drifted back to the fierce battle, the surge of power coursing through him, and the haunting fear of losing control that still gripped him.

As they approached the doors to the main hall, Ryuu's gaze flickered to the other students, all of whom shared the same mixture of anticipation and anxiety.

He could feel the weight of their collective hopes resting on this moment, and he wondered if he was truly ready for what was to come.

"Don't look so nervous, Ryuu,"

Seichii whispered, nudging him in the side with a playful grin.

"We've got this!"

Ryuu managed a weak smile, but it did little to calm the storm brewing inside him.

The support of his friends meant the world to him, but the pressure to succeed loomed over him like a shadow.

The hall opened up into a vast room adorned with banners representing each division, their colors vibrant and proud, fluttering slightly in the draft.

The walls were lined with students and their families, each face reflecting hope and determination.

At the far end, the president of the association stood on a raised platform, flanked by several important officials, all looking serious and ready to deliver the momentous news.

Tomoki gestured for everyone to gather, and an expectant hush fell over the room, thick with anticipation.

The atmosphere was charged, as if the air itself was holding its breath, waiting for the moment to explode.

"Today," Shigeru began, his voice resonating through the hall,

"we gather to honor the students who have shown exceptional skill and potential during the Inter-Division Competition."

Ryuu clenched his fists tightly, feeling a surge of determination rise within him.

He glanced at his friends, their determined expressions mirroring his own, a silent pact of support binding them together.

"As always, the decision was difficult, as many of you have proven yourselves capable warriors,"

Shigeru continued.

"However, only a select few will be invited to join the ranks of the elite students."

The weight of the moment hung heavily in the air as the president paused, his gaze sweeping over the crowd, building suspense like a conductor preparing to cue the orchestra.

Ryuu could feel his heart pounding in his chest, a drumbeat of anticipation that echoed in his ears.

"The names of those chosen will be announced shortly. But before that, I must address a matter of grave importance."

The tension escalated, and everyone in the room held their breath, their eyes fixed on the president with intense anticipation.

Ryuu could sense the excitement and fear radiating from his friends, a mixture that mirrored his own internal conflict.

"The winner… of that intense battle between the Second Division and the Fourth Division…"

The president's voice was serious as he paused, letting the gravity of the moment settle over the audience.

The silence felt almost tangible, hanging in the air like a heavy fog.

"The team that fought as a cohesive unit, demonstrating unwavering support for one another in the face of terror.

Even when their strongest member was unable to fight—they fought until the very end, showcasing their

spirit of friendship and trust…"

The president's voice rang out, breaking the tension that had enveloped the room.

"The team of students from Sakura High School and the students of Oharu High School—the Second Division!!"

A deafening cheer erupted from the crowd, the sound reverberating off the high ceilings of the grand hall.

Ryuu felt disbelief wash over him, followed quickly by a surge of elation.

They had done it; they had emerged victorious against all odds.

A thrill coursed through him, igniting a fire in his chest as the realization sunk in.

"W-we won! WE WON!! Ryuu, Masumi-san, Ryoko-san, WE WON!!"

Seichii screamed, unable to contain his excitement as he jumped into the air, pumping his fists in triumph.

The joy in his voice was infectious, spreading like wildfire through their group.

Masumi and Ryoko hugged each other, their faces bright with joy, while Shigeru was caught in a whirlwind of laughter and disbelief.

As the cheers echoed around him, Ryuu turned to his friends, feeling a sense of connection that made this moment even sweeter.

He couldn't help but smile, overwhelmed by gratitude for their support and their hard work together.

This victory wasn't just his; it was theirs, a testament to the strength of their bond and their determination to succeed.

But the moment was fleeting, and Ryuu's thoughts drifted back to Rajin, standing to the side with a steely expression, a shadow of doubt passing over his features.

Ryuu's heart ached for him; he knew Rajin had fought bravely, and the toll of the competition weighed heavily on everyone.

"Now," Shigeru continued, raising his hand for silence once more.

"The students who will be selected as elite students are…"

The tension in the hall was palpable as every face turned to the stage, eyes wide with anticipation...