The Elite Students!

"I know that all of you have worked tirelessly for the honor of becoming Elite students,"

Shinju's voice echoed across the grand hall. The room was filled with over a thousand people.

Each one held their breath, some with eyes wide in anticipation, others with fingers clenched tightly around the arms of their chairs.

"But today..."

Shinju paused, relishing the tension that gripped the room

"...only eight of you will ascend to that rank."

His words weighed heavily on the crowd.

The pressure was palpable, and even those who weren't expecting to be selected found themselves gripped by a mix of hope and dread.

Shinju's eyes gleamed with a playful intensity.

He lived for moments like this, where he could toy with the emotions of the students before delivering life-altering news.

He surveyed the sea of faces, lingering for a second on a few key figures who had made it to the final selection.

"And the students who have proven themselves, standing above the others, are..."

His voice trailed off as he let the anticipation rise.

The students could feel the tension thickening the air, some already bracing themselves for disappointment, while others dared to hope.

"The one who shattered everything in his path,"

Shinju began, his voice rising,

"Who rose from the lowest ranks to become one of the country's top talents.

The one who earned the title of Invincible Solitude by facing every obstacle alone—Kurata Rajin!"

The room remained silent, as if no one dared to speak, knowing full well Rajin deserved the honor.

His brutal, relentless nature in combat was matched only by his stoic demeanor, and that made him one of the most feared and respected students.

Rajin stood from his seat without hesitation.

His dark eyes, once filled with fire, now appeared hollow—emotionless.

His long, black hair hung over his eyes, obscuring the distant look on his face.

He had been through hell and back to earn this spot, but something was clearly different about him.

As he moved towards the stage, his steps deliberate and heavy, Rajin abruptly halted halfway, his head turning sharply to meet Ryuu's gaze.

The world seemed to stop around them.

Ryuu, seated just behind Rajin, felt an involuntary shiver crawl up his spine as their eyes locked.

Rajin's gaze was intense, yet devoid of the vitality it once held.

His dark eyes were haunted by something deeper, something unfathomable. Ryuu's heart skipped a beat.

(What happened to him?)

Ryuu thought, staring back into Rajin's empty eyes.

He knew Rajin wasn't just exhausted—something inside him had shifted.

Rajin turned away without a word, continuing his walk towards the stage.

As he reached the podium, the students' murmurs began to rise, trying to piece together the strange aura that now surrounded him.

Shinju, unfazed by the whispers, moved on.

"And next, we have a student who not only shattered records but exceeded all expectations.

Her S-rank magic capacity—unheard of at such an age—is only the beginning of her talent.

She wields elemental weapons with the precision and power of a seasoned mage.

The girl as cold as her ice elemental magic—Tatsuno Ryoko!"

The moment her name was called, the crowd erupted into cheers, a wave of admiration filling the hall.

Ryoko's reputation had preceded her, but even so, the sheer magnitude of her strength never ceased to amaze.

Her control over ice magic, combined with her ability to summon elemental weapons, made her one of the country's most formidable and versatile future.

Ryoko stood with an elegance that matched her chilling demeanor.

Her long, white hair cascaded down her back, contrasting sharply with her piercing crimson eyes.

She offered a polite, almost distant smile as Ryuu and Masumi congratulated her.

"Ryoko-san, congratulations!"

Ryuu said, genuinely happy for her. Despite her coldness, Ryuu respected her abilities and her dedication.

"Thank you, Ryuu-kun, Masumi-san,"

She replied softly, giving them both a polite nod. However, her attention quickly drifted elsewhere.

Her crimson red eyes locked onto Seichii, who sat across the room, unnervingly still.

Seichii, a once cheerful and lively boy, sat with a stony expression, his eyes glazed over as if lost in another world.

Ryoko's eyes lingered on him. He neither looked at her nor showed any reaction to the announcement of her name.

It was as though any of them didn't didn't exist in his world anymore.

She turned and made her way to the stage, her every step seemingly freezing the ground beneath her feet.

The aura she exuded sent a chill through the air, as though the temperature in the room had dropped.

Shinju, standing at the podium, moved on with an even greater sense of urgency.

"The third and fourth elite students,"

He announced,

"are the two direct disciples of Hayashida Yoshiro, talents seen once in a century—Kawamura Hibino and Nagamino Meiko!"

Hibino and Meiko stood from their seats together, their faces brimming with pride.

Despite their undeniable talent, the other students regarded them with contempt.

It was widely believed that their selection was based not on merit but on the fact that they were trained by the great Hayashida Yoshiro.

They both wore matching, wide grins as they walked towards the stage, unbothered by the harsh glares thrown their way.

Their bond with their master had always shielded them from criticism, and today, it elevated them to elite status.

"The fifth elite student,"

Shinju continued, his tone now filled with genuine awe,

"is a girl who wields one of the five mythical weapons—the Triaina.

A rare gift passed down through generations.

The daughter of the Royal Family of Sweden, Carol Johansson!"

The crowd buzzed with excitement. Carol, tall and regal with her blonde hair, had chosen to remain in Japan rather than attend one of the prestigious academies in her homeland.

This decision had always puzzled the students, though it only added to the mystery surrounding her.

With an air of grace, Carol stood, her movements refined and deliberate.

She made her way to the stage, every step exuding the poise of someone born into royalty.

Yet beneath that exterior, she had proven herself time and time again as a fierce and capable fighter.

Shinju's tone shifted once more, this time laced with curiosity.

"Next, we have a student who shocked even me during the Inter-Division Competition.

I didn't expect much from him at first, but his performance was beyond my wildest expectations.

To escape an intermediate-level array and cast a high-level spell at his age is outstanding—Sengoku Seichii,

please come to the stage!"

Seichii's name was met with both surprise and concern from the audience.

Masumi turned toward him, her eyes full of warmth, ready to congratulate him.


She began, but stopped short when she saw his blank expression.

Seichii rose mechanically, his face devoid of any of the usual cheer that had once been his hallmark.

He moved towards the stage like a ghost, not acknowledging anyone around him.

Ryuu narrowed his eyes, watching his childhood friend.

(This isn't like him at all. Where did his smile go? What's happened to him?)

Ryuu had known Seichii since they were children, and never once had he seen him this cold, this distant.

"Now, the seventh elite student,"

Shinju announced, his voice rising with excitement.

"A boy who turned a myth into reality. Dual elements were once just a theory, but he has made them a fact—Aramiya Ryuu!"

The crowd exploded in applause, their admiration evident.

Ryuu had already earned their respect for his sheer determination, especially after his intense duel with Rajin.

Though there were no chances of him winning, Ryuu's unwavering spirit left a lasting impression.

Ryuu stood, momentarily stunned by the honor.

A mix of emotions surged through him—pride, disbelief, and a flicker of hope.

(This is it. This could bring me one step closer to unraveling the truth behind my dreams... and the mystery of the Azure Flame.)

He glanced at his hands, feeling the familiar warmth of the flames he had yet to fully understand.

Masumi turned to him, her voice bright.

"Aramiya-kun, congratulations! You, Seichii-kun, and Ryoko-san all got selected as elite students!"

Ryuu smiled back.

"Thank you, Masumi-san! Don't worry, I know you'll join us up there too."

Masumi's smile faltered, though she tried to keep her tone light.

"That would be wonderful, wouldn't it?"

But inside, she knew the truth. Her healing magic, while rare and valuable, wasn't enough to make her an elite.

Her heart ached with the knowledge that this might be the last time she stood alongside her friends.

Tears threatened to surface, but she blinked them away, determined not to let her emotions show.

Ryuu stood beside Seichii on the stage, glancing sideways at his friend, whose face remained disturbingly blank.

The unsettling silence between them lingered before Ryuu broke it, nudging Seichii in the ribs gently.

"Hey, dude, can you at least say something? You've been like a statue this whole time,"

Ryuu whispered, trying to break through whatever trance had overtaken Seichii.

Seichii blinked, as if waking from a long sleep.

His eyes darted around in confusion before landing on Ryuu.

"Ryuu? Why are you shaking me? Where are we?"

He asked, his voice hoarse and distant.

Ryuu's brow furrowed in disbelief.

"We've been selected as elite students, man! Where the heck is your mind at?"


Seichii's sudden shout reverberated through the hall, causing the entire crowd to turn their attention to him.

A mixture of shock and confusion rippled through the audience, some people chuckling nervously at his outburst.

Ryuu, face flushed with embarrassment, turned his head away as if to distance himself from Seichii.

"You dumbass! Why are you screaming?"

He hissed under his breath, though there was a trace of affection in his tone.

Seichii, still visibly dazed, looked down to hide his face, trying to comprehend how he'd gotten this far without even realizing it.

Shinju, undeterred by the commotion, continued.

"And now, for the final elite student..."

The hall grew tense once again as everyone waited for the last name to be called.

"The girl who has shown remarkable growth in just three months.

Her mastery of advanced magic and the perfect execution of an upper intermediate-level array that even I couldn't detect—Ozawa Rika!"

The announcement left everyone in stunned silence.

Ryuu, Ryoko, and Seichii all exchanged wide-eyed glances. Masumi's breath hitched, her heart sinking into her chest.

Her hands trembled as she clenched them in her lap, trying to maintain her composure.

Rika, an unassuming figure who had largely flown under the radar until now, stood slowly from her seat.

She was a quiet girl with long, dark hair and an enigmatic presence. Though she had always been diligent, no one had anticipated her meteoric rise.

The quiet murmurs in the crowd reflected the shock that rippled through the academy.

Masumi's eyes were glued to Rika as she made her way toward the stage. Her heart ached, but a faint smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

(So this is it... the last time I'll see Ryoko-san, Aramiya-kun, Seichii-kun...)

The realization cut deep, though she hid it well beneath her soft exterior. She'd known this day was coming, but it didn't make the pain any easier.

Rika stepped onto the stage, her expression unreadable. She stood beside the others, her head held high, though there was an aura of humility about her.

The eight elite students, now complete, stood in a line before the crowd, each radiating their own unique energy.

Shinju took a step forward, his smile widening as he surveyed the students.

"These eight will be the pillars of our country's future, representing us in competitions, battles, and the unknown challenges ahead.

They will be the best of the best, the elite force!"

The audience erupted into applause, though the air was still thick with the mixed emotions swirling around the room.

Some students cheered for their peers, while others sat in silence, envious or defeated.

In the far corners of the hall, hushed conversations started, rumors already spinning about the new elite students and their powers.

Seichii glanced down from the stage at Masumi, who sat quietly, clapping along with the others.

His chest tightened when he saw the sadness in her eyes, despite the small smile she wore.

He knew Masumi had always downplayed her abilities.

She had been the glue that held their group together, both in spirit and on the battlefield.

Masumi clapped along with the others, forcing a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

She was fixated on Seichii, Ryuu, and Ryoko—her dearest friends, her heart heavy with bittersweet emotion.

A single tear, silent and unnoticed by the crowd, fell from her eye, glistening as it traced down her cheek.

(They've made it...)

She thought, pride swelling inside her, but also an overwhelming sadness. It wasn't just the realization that they were moving ahead without her.

This was goodbye, at least in terms of standing shoulder to shoulder on the battlefield.

Suddenly, a voice broke through the applause, sharp and commanding, cutting the atmosphere like a knife.


The entire hall went silent, the echo of that single word reverberating in the air.

The crowd's attention snapped toward the stage where a tall, commanding figure strode with purpose—Shigeru.

His long robes fluttered slightly as he approached the podium with a firm step.

"Sir president," Shigeru began, his voice resonant and clear, "there's one request I would like to make."....