CHAPTER 6: Sacred Ceremony

As the sun set, it cast long shadows in the living room of a mansion nestled in the heart of the forest. The insects started chirping, their symphony echoing through the trees. Arthur paced back and forth on the marble floor, the candlelight flickering on his anxious face. Castiel's eighth birthday was coming up, and with it, an important ceremony in Agarthical.

Arthur stopped and stared at the flickering candles, their shadows playing across his features. He looked over at Helene, who was calm in her favorite chair. Even though she seemed serene, he knew she was worried too.

Brushing his hair aside, he started talking,

"How do we explain the ceremony to Cas without scaring him?"

His voice was low, tinged with worry. Guiding their child through this ritual weighed on him. He was scared something might go wrong, but it had to be done. This tradition was a big deal.

Helene looked at him, understanding the weight they both felt. She motioned for Arthur to sit beside her and took his hand.

Then she whispered,

"We'll tell him together."

They called Castiel, who was in his room using his telekinesis to make a wooden toy bird fly. He ran over, curiosity shining in his eyes, his smile lighting up the whole room. Castiel's excitement mixed with nervousness as he wondered what this important talk could be about.

Helene encouraged him to sit beside them and began to speak gently but seriously,

"Sweetheart, there's something important we need to discuss with you."

She caressed his face before continuing,

"It's about a ceremony you'll be part of soon."

Castiel's eyes widened,


He scratched his head before continuing,

"Is it like the stories Dad tells?"

Helene smiled, her eyes showing how important this tradition was.

"It's called the Sacred Circumcision. It's a special ceremony that reveals your blessings and powers."

She smiled at him before going on,

"It marks the start of your journey from childhood to understanding life more deeply. It'll also guide you on your path."

Castiel leaned closer, soaking in every word.

"What exactly happens during the ceremony? Will it hurt?"

Arthur, who had been quiet, took a deep breath and looked seriously at Castiel.

"During the ceremony, you'll receive blessings. They'll give you strength, courage, and wisdom to guide you."

Castiel nodded, deep in thought,

"I want to make you both proud. I'll do my best."

Helene, full of love, looked at her son's small face,

"We are already proud of you, my love. Be true to yourself, and everything will be alright."


The next morning was a joyful celebration of Castiel's eighth birthday. The house was filled with laughter, bright decorations, and the delicious aromas of Helene's special dishes. Castiel's worries melted away in the warmth of the festivities.

As morning light streamed through the windows, they gathered around their old table. Castiel's eyes sparkled with excitement as he blew out the candles on his bread.

Amidst the cheerful atmosphere, Arthur handed his son a special dagger adorned with designs.

"This is my gift to you, Son."

Castiel's eyes widened in awe,

"Wow! Is this mine, Dad?"

Arthur smiled warmly,

"Yes, take care of it. And only use it when necessary. Don't play with it."

The boy nodded, his smile broadening. Helene then presented her gift—a black garment with simple yet elegant designs.

"This is from me," she said, handing it to him with a smile.

Castiel, thrilled, jumped off his chair,

"Can I wear this now? I want to wear it!"


The next day, Arthur and Castiel prepared to leave for the church. Hand in hand, they walked out of the forest, the birds singing joyfully in the treetops.

"Dad, do you think we'll see a dragon today?"

Castiel asked playfully.

Arthur chuckled,

"A dragon? I don't think so, Son. I haven't seen one walking on the road."

They laughed together, the journey filled with light-hearted conversation. After several hours, they finally reached the town where the large church stood.

A young female priest greeted them, raising an eyebrow,

"You brought this child for the ceremony?"

Arthur nodded firmly,

"Yes, he may look small, but he is ready."

The priest looked Castiel up and down, still doubtful but eventually agreed,

"Alright, come in."

As Arthur and Castiel approached the grand entrance of the church, the massive wooden doors creaked open, revealing an interior bathed in the soft glow of candlelight. The church was an ancient edifice, its stone walls adorned with intricate carvings and tapestries depicting the history of Agarthical. The air was thick with the scent of incense, and the sound of a distant choir echoed through the halls, creating an aura of reverence and mystery.

Arthur led Castiel through the nave, their footsteps echoing on the polished marble floor. Castiel's eyes widened as he took in the towering stained-glass windows, each one telling a story of past ceremonies and divine gifts. The boy's earlier excitement had given way to a mix of awe and nervousness.

Reaching the altar, they were greeted by the stern middle-age female priest, her robes flowing gracefully as she moved. Arthur and the priest stared at each other for a moment before she looked down at Castiel with a hint of skepticism. Finally, she gave a nod of acceptance.

"Follow me,"

she instructed.

Arthur and Castiel followed her through a side door, entering a dimly lit chamber adorned with ancient runes that glowed faintly in the candlelight. The room was circular, with a sacred bed at its center, surrounded by various artifacts and symbols of the faith.

The priest began to prepare for the ritual, her movements deliberate and precise. She lit additional candles, their flames dancing and casting eerie shadows on the walls. She placed a small bowl of sacred oils and a silver chalice filled with water on a nearby pedestal.

Turning to Castiel, the priest's expression softened slightly.

"Child, this ceremony is of great importance. It is a rite of passage that will reveal your true self and your divine gifts. You must be brave and trust in the process."

Castiel nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. He felt Arthur's reassuring hand on his shoulder, giving him the courage to proceed.

The priest began chanting ancient incantations, her voice rising and falling in a melodic rhythm. The runes on the walls glowed brighter, and Castiel felt a tingling sensation in the air, as if the very essence of the room was alive with magic.

"Please undress and lie down on the sacred bed," the priest instructed gently.

Castiel hesitated for a moment, then complied, feeling the cool touch of the bed's surface against his skin. He lay down, gripping Arthur's hand tightly, his eyes fixed on the priest as she continued her chants.

The priest dipped her fingers into the bowl of sacred oils, anointing Castiel's forehead, chest, and limbs with precise, practiced movements. The oils felt warm and soothing, and the boy closed his eyes, trying to calm his racing thoughts.

With the small, intricately designed knife in hand, the priest approached Castiel. Her voice took on a more solemn tone as she spoke the final incantation.

"By the power vested in me, I call upon the ancient spirits to bestow their blessings upon this child. May he be granted the gifts of strength, courage, and wisdom."

As she made the small incision on Castiel's small penis he felt a brief, sharp pain, followed by a warm, tingling sensation.

He clenched his eyes shut, holding his breath, waiting for the moment to pass.

Suddenly, a familiar voice echoed in his mind, announcing his newly unlocked skill.


His eyes flew open in amazement as he watched the skin immediately regenerate. The priest's eyes widened in shock, her hands trembling.

She repeated the incantation and attempted the incision again, only to witness the same miraculous result.

She tried several more times, each attempt met with the same outcome. Finally, she stepped back, her voice trembling with disbelief.

"I cannot continue; this is beyond my knowledge."

Arthur and Castiel exchanged worried glances. Castiel asked his father,

"Should we be worried, Dad?"

Arthur took a deep breath, his face a mixture of concern and pride.

"I'm not sure, Son. Your ability is different from what we know."

The priest instructed Castiel to get dressed, her mind clearly racing with questions. Arthur decided it was best to leave the church immediately, his protective instincts kicking in.

As they exited the church, Arthur scooped Castiel into his arms, striding quickly down the path. He wanted to get home fast to tell Helene the news.

Castiel noticed his father's anxious expression and felt a bit scared, so he asked,

"Dad? Did I mess up?"

Arthur looked into his son's eyes and smiled sweetly,

"No, Son."

Then he turned his serious gaze back to their path, quickening his steps even more.