CHAPTER 74 : Thoughts and Missing

After hours of flying, Castiel finally reached the 11th volcano he had visited. From the sky, he noticed the scars on the ground, signs of an event that possibly indicated a battle had taken place there. The view from above filled his mind with questions and thoughts.

He had spent weeks searching for that elusive lake, and now, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

As he circled the volcano, he took in the landscape. The jagged edges of the mountain contrasted sharply with the smooth, flowing lines of lava that had once coursed down its sides.

His heart raced as he scanned the area for any signs of life. It was important to him to ensure that it was safe to descend. His instincts kicked in, warning him of the dangers of wandering into unknown territory, but the prospect of finding the lake he sought pushed those fears aside.