Chapter 222

If you want to help me financially, you can do it on

The news of the black dragon Predius's defeat spread like wildfire.

Count Edward, who had been cowering in his domain, also heard about the dragon's repulsion.

"The black dragon was defeated?"

"Yes! They say it failed in its attack on Talian!"

"Failed? That's impossible..."

Count Edward was dumbfounded.

He had witnessed Predius's might firsthand.

The dragon spewing pillars of fire from its mouth was, quite literally, insanity incarnate.

No matter how much those idiots bragged about heroes, they were no match for such a monster!

To Count Edward, the 'heroes facing dragons' in old epics seemed like pure bullshit.

Even with a long spear, you'd be lucky to poke its eye. How the hell could anyone take down a dragon?

"Does Talian have siege weapons?"

While heroes effortlessly slaying dragons was unrealistic, humans were tool-using animals. If they had used siege weapons, it might make sense.

A ballista loaded with monster-slaying arrows could give even a dragon pause.

But surprisingly... Talian had no proper siege weapons.

"No! They say some giant threw a spear and knocked the dragon down!"

"A giant?"

"Apparently, a half-troll, half-human... Though clumsy with human speech, its strength was incredible!"



As such an absurd term popped up, the count couldn't help but doubt the rumor's authenticity.

Even if Talian was a rural domain, surely...

There's no way a half-troll could be living there as a resident, right?

"I couldn't believe it either! But everyone coming from Talian swears it's true!"

"Even so, a monster hybrid..."

They must have mistaken an exceptionally burly human for one.

The count thought so, and by sheer coincidence, his guess was correct.

The 'half-troll' Jubal was, in fact, 100% human.

"They say he was inspired by the Knights of Santiago and Wizard Ian to join the fight."

"Wizard Ian..."

Count Edward reflexively recalled the young wizard with black hair.

'The Black Crow Wizard,' Ian of Talian.

From how he had handled the previous incident, the count knew he was no ordinary person.

With Wizard Ian's abilities...

He might indeed be able to draw a half-troll (which he wasn't) into battle!

"While the Knights of Santiago and the half-troll performed brilliantly, it was Wizard Ian's skill that truly saved Talian!"

"Something even greater than throwing a spear at the dragon?"

The count couldn't imagine it.

What, did he hurl a magic boulder or something?

"Yes! Wizard Ian summoned drakes to fend off the dragon!"


Count Edward thought he must have misheard.

Summoned what?

A drake?

A human controlling such a creature???

"Is that true?"

"Absolutely, Your Excellency!"

Rumors were rumors, but...

Even the most exaggerated rumors, if backed by consistent and repeated testimonies, were likely to be true.


Count Edward felt fear before surprise.

Magic that could control drakes was so powerful that 'strong' was an inadequate description.

Frankly, if one were to wage a war of conquest with drakes at the forefront, they could easily establish a country.

"How did the Church react?"

The count first checked the Church's response.

There were many wizards in the empire who controlled monsters, but almost none who used them to attack humans.

Doing so would earn you an excommunication beam + the label of black wizard.

The count hoped to use the Church's authority to suppress Ian's magic.

"Ah. Didn't you know?"


"The Church treats Ian almost like a saint!"


The count was dumbfounded once again at his servant's words.

Wait, wasn't he a wizard?!

How could a wizard be treated like a saint by the Church?!

"They say Ian has connections with Monk Isilla and Monk Takarion."

"If this was planned in advance, it's deviously clever!"

The count shuddered at Ian's thoroughness(?).

Learning to control drakes and immediately cultivating friendships with the Church! (Not actually true)

Realizing even the Church couldn't check Ian, the count understood the gravity of the situation.

His opponent possessed the power to control drakes and was a hero who had repelled a dragon.

And he even had the Church's love...

"Prepare for departure immediately."

"... Yes?"

There was no time to dawdle.

Count Edward sprang into action.

"He defeated the dragon, so he'll come to raid its lair, won't he?"


"We'll beat him to it!"

The count didn't care whether Ian had caught the dragon or not.

He wasn't one of his men anyway!

But he had to prevent the dragon's treasure from flowing into Talian.

Ironically, Talian had benefited the most from the black dragon's attack.

Not only had its population increased with the influx of refugees, but it had also secured loyalty oaths from other barons under the pretext of domain restoration.

If this was just a temporary boom, it wouldn't be a problem...

But if Talian used this opportunity to unite with its subordinate barons, it would become another troublesome force.

"But if we take the Dragon Slayer's treasure, the honor of the nobility..."

That's right.

The opponent was a Dragon Slayer.

What if the hero who defeated the dragon went to find the treasure, only to find it completely looted?

It could easily lead to a serious conflict.

But Count Edward smiled coldly.

"You don't know. The Golden Mountains weren't home to just the dragon."


"There were orcs too. And they seemed to be in alliance with the dragon."

He didn't know how the orcs had formed an alliance with the dragon.

But one thing was certain - the orcs and the dragon were on the same side!

"Listen carefully. We'll eliminate the remaining orcs who allied with the dragon, and 'coincidentally' discover the dragon's lair to claim the treasure!"

The servant greatly admired Count Edward's pettiness.

Damn, the count's level of cunning was something else!

The most honorable thing would be to graciously hand over the treasure, moved by the Dragon Slayer's heroic deeds.

But the count wanted to secure the treasure chamber first to gain an advantage, to save even a single coin.

They say the rich are stingier than beggars, and he fit that description perfectly.

Would it kill a count to be a bit more generous?

But the count had absolutely no intention of giving the dragon's lair to Ian...!


Because it was on his land!

"As expected of you, Count! Your wisdom overflows!"

"Haha! Enough with the flattery! Quickly, gather the knights!"

Count Edward once again summoned his knights.

The gathering was swift.

Wandering knights who had suddenly become unemployed due to the Margrave's defeat were staying as the count's guests.

With burning desire for revenge against the dragon, morale was sky-high!

"Brave knights! We attack the Golden Mountains once more!"


Count Edward almost had a PTSD episode.

Last time, that bastard Margrave of Haltramm had spread false rumors about defeating the dragon...

If this turned out to be another false rumor, dragon or not, he was ready to just invade Talian.

But this time, the rumor seemed certain.

Count Edward gallantly waved his flag and charged towards the Golden Mountains.

The dragon might be gone, but orcs were still dangerous opponents!

If they let their guard down, there could be many casualties...


"What is it!"

"The mountain... it's empty?"


What do you mean...

The count hurriedly took his knights to scout the area.


And soon the truth was revealed.

The orcs had truly vanished without a trace!

"They were here... not long ago..."

The count still vividly remembered that nightmarish battle.

The pitch-black dragon! The orcs charging like madmen!

But now... they were all gone?!

"It's the dragon's lair!"

While the orcs had disappeared, they had found the lair.

The count entered with bated breath.


And was shocked.

"This is... the dragon's treasure chamber?!"

It's nothing but garbage!

The very mountain of trash that Ian had marveled at greeted the count.

Half-burned dolls stolen from children, women's laundry, broken hand mirrors, snapped spears...

The count was beyond dumbfounded; he was furious!

Why the hell did this crazy dragon plunder such trash!!!

Only an exceptionally greedy being would store such garbage.

But how could a mere human understand the desires of the great dragon?

The count frantically searched through the mountains of trash.

He hoped to find something, anything of value.

Even a gold ring would do...


But it was all for naught.

Not a single useful item was found.

"This is... bullshit!"

The count wailed.

But his cries wouldn't make treasure magically appear.

"Why! Why is there nothing here?!"

It was indeed a strange mystery.

Predius had plundered baronies, so why was nothing left in its lair?


Only the wise wizard, Ian, knew the answer...


'Money's overflowing.'

Ian marveled at the ridiculous amount of gold coins before him.

Dragons did seem to like treasure.

In truth, most of it was payment received from Antios of the Golden Rule Society.

But Ian didn't know that, so he just assumed the dragon had plundered it from somewhere.

"What are you going to do with all this?"

At Lucy's question, Ian wore a peculiar expression.

If this were the modern world, he'd rush to a high-class restaurant and enjoy a money-wasting omakase full course, flexing his wealth.

But this was a desolate, post-apocalyptic... no, a medieval fantasy world.

Restaurant? Where would you find such a thing in a barony?

Wait, isn't 'restaurant' French? Why isn't it in a Western fantasy world?

Even primitive ancient East Asia had Chinese restaurants!

Seriously, these uncultured Western barbarians...!

Ian marveled once again at this amazing situation.

A chest full of gold, but nowhere to spend it...

"Let's hire some mercenaries."

"Yeah! That's the best idea!"

In the end, using it as war funds was the answer.

"A new employer is always welcome!"

Ian used the gold coins to hire a bunch of mercenaries.

He incorporated the remnants of Inglan's mercenaries who were grumbling about whether to return home, and Baron Damon's subordinates into Talian's army.

The reason for creating an army was, of course, to reclaim the ruined baronies.

According to scout reports, the devastated baronies had turned into playgrounds for monsters.

When humans disappear, someone else takes their place. It was the natural order of things.

"Then I'll be off."

Baron Damon was appointed as the commander of Talian's army.

Starting as a local bandit and becoming an army commander was quite a promotion, all things considered.

"My lady."

Lucy, wearing a conical hat, extended her hand with a solemn expression.

Baron Damon kissed the back of Lady Lucy's hand, the ruler of Talian.

After watching the departure ceremony to the end, Lucy turned to the man standing beside her.

"Ian doesn't need to go with them?"

Ian smiled slightly.

"Baron Damon's not a child. He can handle monsters on his own. It's probably just orcs or kobolds anyway."

If Ian went with the army, he'd definitely clear out the monsters. But Ian had things to do.

"I'm busy too. I need to send Longtail and Sharpteeth home. And I have to study with my master at the university."

Lucy grinned at Ian's jokes.

"You're leaving again, aren't you?"

Unlike before, Lucy didn't tremble in fear or become depressed.

She had accepted that Ian's journey would continue.

She knew Ian would always return to her side.

Talian had become Ian's home now.

"I have to go again."

"Hehe. Come back sooner this time."

Ian looked up at the deep blue sky.

A new wind was blowing.