The four demon realms

AN: Hello lovely angels. Took a break this weekend. My apologies for the delay. Happy Reading. 

The wooden shed creaked, rain softly tapping against its roof like a thousand tiny drums. Xiang Yu sat on a log with the gold ring pinched between his fingers. Its black patterns seemed to stir up his core igniting something lying dormant inside of him. The bandit leader, who was brash and loud before now remained silent. Having sensed the gravity of the situation he decided to reduce his sense of presence. 

Xiang Yu's leg shook involuntarily his mind in a daze. The bandit leader was well-versed in this subject. He had been desperate to be a cultivator all his life but unfortunately, he had no spiritual roots. That though didn't deter this bandit. It was like an obsession for him. When he found out that demon blood could give him what he wanted he turned his attention to the demon realms. 

There were four of them, each wedged between the human realm and the underworld. They were like scars left from a celestial battle between the heavens and the underworld. Each realm had its demon king and territory. The Southern Demon Realm engulfed the active volcanoes with aggressive fire demons. The Eastern Realm was shrouded in mist and ruled by cunning spirits. Others went as far as calling it the Ghostly Realm. The Western Realm was within the icy mountain range with ice demons guarding frozen citadels. Not much was known about them and some even thought they were a myth. And the Northern Realm was known as the most treacherous.

Demons instinctively craved the taste of mortal fear, the scent of blood but the northern demons were infamous for draining the blood of their victims and devouring their flesh leaving nothing to bury. 

The only reason why they weren't on a rampage was because of the righteous sects. As for his father's whereabouts? Based on the intricate patterns on the gold ring, he belonged to the Northern Realm.

Xiang Yu's crimson eyes narrowed his lips quirking into a smile but when the bandit leader met his gaze his blood chilled the fear in his eyes intense. 

"Do you know where it is?" he said his voice was soft and delicate but each word was dripping with a chilling undertone.

"Wha- what is where my Lord?" he stammered his actions cautious. He was afraid that if he said the wrong thing he might trigger this little lord. 

Xiang Yu turned to look at him the scarlet hue in his eyes giving off an aura of danger and ferocity. "Why the northern realm, of course?" he said and the bandit leader swallowed nervously. 

"My lord, no one except the demons know the entrance to each realm. The only way is to follow the demons in the northern territory," he replied sensing that his usefulness had run its course. 

"Oh." Xiang Yu clenched his fist around the pendant as he got up. He slowly gathered all his possessions that had been robbed by the bandits. 

Outside, chaos had subsided. The bandits' horrified screams were now replaced by the distant spring of chirping birds.

As he slung the bag over his shoulder, the bandit leader's eyes widened, fear etched across his face. Like a trapped animal seeking a way out he cried desperately. "Please, my Lord," he mumbled unable to control the trembling in his voice. "Release me. Spare my life."

Xiang Yu paused, a sly grin curving his lips. The man's cries of plea clashed with the haunting sounds of the innocent victims as the bandits ransacked the ox cart and terrorised the travellers.

He stepped closer, the dagger in his hand glinting in the dim light. "Untie yourself," he said, placing the blade next to the bandit's trembling hands. "Whether you survive or not... that's up to you."

The bandit leader's eyes widened further, torn between fear and hope. Xiang Yu tied his mouth and nose with the damp cloth, shielding himself from the smoke still rising outside. Then he turned and left. 

The wooden shed creaked softly the sound especially eerie in the steely silence. The rays of dawn seeped through gaps in the walls, casting fractured light upon the piles of wood. The bandit leader's pulse quickened as he heard a rustle outside. 

In a panic, he fumbled around for the dagger. The ropes cut into his skin, but adrenaline-fueled his efforts. When he finally cut the restraints free, he staggered to his feet his gaze fixed on the open door. 

His loyal right-hand man staggered in through the door and just like him the man was covered in blood, swaying like a reed in the wind. Relief washed over the bandit leader. "You're alive," he rasped, wiping his sweat-soaked hair from his face. "Thank the heavens."

But his right-hand man couldn't recognise him. Because of the smoke-induced hallucinations, his reality was twisted. What he saw was a monster with horns, fangs and blood-red eyes. The scent of blood hung heavy in the air, mingling with the acrid smoke blown in by the wind.

"Die you devil!" he bellowed as he lunged his blade drawn. The bandit leader barely had time to react. Their blades clashed, one desperate and the other drowning in madness. The wooden shed became a battleground filled with splintered wood and desperate screams. Blood sprayed, painting the walls in red.

The right-hand man fought with the strength of madness, fueled by visions of demons. The bandit leader parried, heart heavy with regret. This bloody fight was no longer about survival. It was about redemption, about the sins that had led them here.

Outside, the sun continued to rise, indifferent to their struggle inside.


When Xiang Yu left the wooden shed, the rain had finally stopped. When he attacked the compound he had already anticipated rain thus he strategically placed the burning branches where they wouldn't get soaked. 

Xiang Yu stood before the house of bandit leader. "It's me. You can come out," he said after knocking softly. It creaked open, revealing the young woman her body trembling with fear. 

"Where are the others?" Xiang Yu asked his voice low. She led him through the compound hugging her quivering body.

The ground was a canvas of horror with scattered bodies in pools of blood. Contrary to the young woman whose face was green, Xiang Yu was indifferent to it all. He passed by the mangled bodies coldly his eye unfeeling. 

When they reached the house at the far end of the compound, they descended the steps behind a trapdoor.