Truth seeking serpent

Xiang Yu's lips curved and watched in the shadows like a player in an MMORPG waiting to steal their kill. While he was waiting for the demon to appear the air suddenly hummed with a hostile unseen force sweeping in his direction.

Xiang Yu's instincts kicked in but his reaction was slow . The impact sent him flying across the star-strewn sky for a distance of two football fields. His body slammed into several trees before he fell to the ground. Xiang Yu got back up on his feet his eyes blazing and ferocious. 

The sharp wind returned and struck him down like a blade. He staggered backwards the taste of rust in his mouth. He spat out a mouthful of blood and stood up the dark aura around him suffocating.

Blood slowly trickled at the corner of his lips. He wiped the blood away the taste of iron lingering on his tongue. The back of his hand grazed his lips like a lover's touch smudging the blood on his face.

His red eyes were both as mesmerising and terrifying as embers. The moon traced his silhouette amplifying the killing intent emanating from him. He suddenly chuckled the sound eerie. "Why not show your face," he murmured, "coward."

The clearing held its breath the tree branches trembling with the wind. Just then a figure appeared dressed in white, ethereal as the moonlight. 

"Where are they?" he said, his voice a breeze through fallen leaves. Xiang Yu had no idea who was this 'they' he was referring to but he had no intentions of answering him. He felt his blood itch to provoke this immortal. His smile widened "Where do you think they are?" he said before drawing his sword and launching an attack. 

The forest trembled from their intense clash causing the poor little creatures caught up in this mess to flee. Xiang Yu knew he stood no chance but his half-demon nature wouldn't allow him to yield. He lunged at the man with a vengeance but Han Xin stood unmoved. His lush silver hair flowed with the breeze his eyes like winter storms watching him with a cold gaze. 

Xiang Yu's strikes were fierce yet futile. Han Xin didn't raise his hand, yet the force struck him down like a primal fury. Xiang Yu was tossed around like a broken doll but he was so stubborn. 

He stumbled to his feet, bloodied and dishevelled. Soil clung to his hair, dirt smeared across his face but that creepy smile on his visage remained. Han Xin's gaze held no pity at all. 

Xiang Yu was able to stand his ground after being struck so many times but when the man unfurled a golden whip, dread clawed at his insides. The scars on his back from the injuries inflicted by his father's whip burned the heat seeping from his flesh to his bone and deep into his soul. 

The whip, unlike his father's, was a divine weapon its links forged from celestial fire. Xiang Yu's creepy smile fell his mask shattered. His defiance wavered as he took two small steps back his complexion turning sickly pale and his body trembling slightly. 

"I take it you already know what this is," said Han Xin having misunderstood his fear. "Tell the truth and the whip will be merciful."

He stepped closer and swung towards Xiang Yu. The whip weaved through the air like a serpent before wrapping around his arms, binding him and he was forced to his knees. The golden links seared his skin, their power unyielding.

"Where are the twin girls you were with in Chang'an?" Han Xin's voice as sharp as a blade. 

Xiang Yu laughed menacingly having realised how much his father's whip traumatised him. He had buried his emotions deep within but the moment he saw another whip those emotions surged up like a geyser. He stared at the tip of a blade the man was holding and moved forward till the blade was pressing into his skin. Blood trickled down his neck. 

He met the man's gaze. "Is it any of your business?" he asked. Han Xin's eyes narrowed. He had one word he could use to describe this person which was 'lunatic'. 

"Tell me," he demanded, his voice like winter frost. "Or suffer." 

Xiang Yu refused to answer his question. But his stubbornness was met with the whip's retaliation. It glowed fiercely, tightening around him, burning into his flesh. His veins throbbed, the pain agonising. He fought against it, but the whip held him like a truth-seeking serpent.

Sweat dripped, mingling with blood. Xiang Yu's defiance wavered. He clenched his jaw but soon he was talking against his will. "In... a small vill- village with... with Dan Dan," he stammered through the answer and the whip simmered down as he was telling the truth. 

Having found reprieve Xiang Yu's breaths came in ragged gasps. His chest heaved, sweat pouring down his face and neck, dampening his clothes. His red eyes glared fiercely at the man promising violence. He wanted to tear him into pieces but Han Xin remained calm, his demeanour unwavering.

"What about the other children from Bai Ting? Where did you take them?" He demanded his voice cutting through the tension, each word deliberate. Xiang Yu smiled evilly the sinister laughter in those eyes petrifying. 

"Speak," said Han Xin and the whip sprung into action tightening around him. Xiang Yu didn't want to answer. Why should he answer him when he did nothing wrong? But soon the pain was unbearable his veins on the verge of bursting. 

"You ugly bastard... I didn't take an-... any children," he answered through the agony. With a loud gasp, he fell to his side the whip calming its fury. 

Han Xin who had been called ugly, "???"

His grip on the whip eased as he asked, "Then why are you here?". This time Xiang Yu answered without any delays.

"I want to kill it... I want to drive my nails into its flesh and tear its torso with my bare hands. I want to dig out its core and shatter it while it watches... then I will watch the light in its pupils slowly dim before it vanishes," he confessed, his voice raw. He thought this righteous fellow would frown in disgust or at least show an emotion shattering his cold demeanour. He wanted to elicit some type of reaction from him but Xiang Yu was bound to be disappointed. The man didn't react at all like he was a wooden board. 

Xiang Yu clicked his tongue and murmured, "How boring," as he shifted his gaze away. 

Han Xin glanced at the whip that was silent and felt complex emotions. He couldn't help but wonder if it was broken. Were his father's forging skills that unreliable? 

Somewhere in the heavenly realm, the heavenly king felt something stir in his heart like he had been offended. That's right. His good old son had called his divine weapon a dupe.