Sending the ugly man back

While lamenting his melon seeds that had been robbed by the twins, Xiang Yu glanced at the man. The carriage softly swayed, the rhythmic motion almost lulling him into a false sense of calm. The man's complexion had returned to normal, and he was no longer sweating. The antidote was especially effective. Whoever sold Lian that drug was smart enough to sell that antidote otherwise this demon lord would have had to hunt them down and kill them for this.

He snorted coldly, restraining himself from beating the man again. The man's lips were split, with dry blood crusting over the wound, a glaring reminder of what he had been robbed of. With a sigh, he opened another bag of dry fruits, only to see another hand slip through the curtain. He sighed again, seeing the empty bag of melon seeds the twins had returned. And now the bag of fruits was also taken by them. "I must have owed you two in my past life," he muttered before turning back to the pages of his book.