"General... I have a type..."

Xiang Yu sneered, placing his hand on her shoulder and forcing her to sit down. He sat on the table and leaned in, whispering a threat. "I know how hard it is to run such a place and not get a large cut of the profits... I also know that you are running a shady operation, and let me guess, you are cooking your books without the owner's knowledge." The world was different but the formula was the same. 

The madam stiffened but laughed nervously. "You shouldn't say things you don't know about, young miss."

Xiang Yu's eyes narrowed. "I know enough. The only reason I am not shutting down your entire operation is because of that roasted duck my girls loved so much and that I don't have enough time to deal with you. Now, how much?" He was giving her the impression that he would let this go, but just like the monk who now had termites in his temple, he would get his revenge.