Looking the Part II

Aldritch purchased a fine set of clothes, the light and comfortable ones out of all the leather armour and such he was shown. He also thought about becoming a mercenary, it was the closest job to becoming a knight or soldier for the kingdom.

Aldritch had plans of using the train, but then again there was the problem with the two he left outside the town. Traveling with them would indeed be difficult since they had such distinctive features from other humans. He was just a bit pale, but those two were a whole another colour, there was no sneaking them around.

'They could ride on top the train?...' Looking at it, there was no other choice than to follow a caravan, but if so, it was best they just travelled alone.

'Even though I'm in no hurry, taking so much time when I know I could just get there easily is quite exhausting, even in thought alone.' He thought to himself.