The Mistress' Desire

"You're awake. The mistress is waiting for you, please dress up, I'll take you to her." Misa spoke in a solemn voice; her professionalism was evident in her temperament. There wasn't much for Aldritch to say to that, so he did as Misa said. She waited outside for him, and once he was done he came out of the room and followed her.

He didn't ask any questions, as it wasn't really required.

Once they came to a stop, Aldritch found himself before the door of a different room in the mansion. Misa knocked lightly on the door and shortly after a voice came from inside, permitting her to open the door, it was Dalia's voice.

Misa opened the door, holding it open for Aldritch to go inside first before following behind. Once they entered the room, Aldritch noticed that Misa locked the door behind her. He couldn't help but think whether Misa was really planning to stay inside while he and Dalia got down to it.