Admission 3

"Go to your superiors and tell them that someone very promising has come to enroll."

The lady paused for a second as she stared blankly at Aldritch, then she suddenly got up gently and headed towards the back where she proceeded upwards the staircase.

Aldritch just had to relax and wait for the results now. Seeing as he was supposed to be such a talent, he could think that the head of the school would most definitely be the one to come down, or at least someone holding considerable position. In such an event, he could also try use his hypnosis on them to seize control, from there his domination of the academy could begin.

It wasn't part of his plan originally to progress so fast, but when there is an opportunity, there is no reason not utilize it.

While they waited, Aldritch picked some of the small berries that were placed on the table, grabbing a handful after tasting their sour sweetness.