Unexpected Encounter

'Wow, so not just the goblins and ogres are in this world?' Aldritch thought to himself. Before him, he could see numerous containers of different kinds holding different types creatures and races.

'Is that some kind of snake person? A Naga? A lamia?' Aldritch wasn't sure what to call it, though, the huge pair of melons hanging from its chest would suggest he went with the latter. Even though the breasts were enticing, the rest of the body wasn't so much as enticing as it was a bit repulsive. See, Aldritch had an innate dislike towards snakes, one could even call it hate.

Alvin took him around the underground lair where all the exotic and powerful slaves were kept, there were even a fair bit of humans in there, probably powerful people who had fallen through one means or another and ended up here.