A Pleasant Surprise

Lodestar was still the same as before, restricted and unable to do anything himself. It had only been at most an hour since they arrived, but he couldn't sleep, not with all the noise around him.

'To think these were the same people cursing that guy for turning them into vampires, you'd at least think the mood would be damp and dull…' it was just un believable to him.

While he was caught in that thought, he noticed Aldritch some distance away, then Aldritch started walking towards him. Seeing Aldritch approach, a slight happiness emerged from his heart, he couldn't deny the fact the man before him caused his heart to raise a little, after all, not just anyone could make him lose consciousness like that, and from a lower world no less. Besides that, he felt a sense of kinship with Aldritch as they were both chosen ones for warworld, or so he saw it.

'He would have been a good rival, if I wasn't in my current state.' He thought to himself.