A Lady's Trouble

The Lionheart family happened to be such punctual people, showing up for a burial scheduled after just a few days was really impressive, since normally it would take a long time for the travels from those members of the family who resided far away. Well, it was also due to the fact that members of their family don't marry out so much, as they were kind of inbred, preferring to preserve their pure bloodline and power, marrying partners from the branch family who were vessels of the Lionheart from long ago. The process was complicated, but it worked. The only ones that had to come from afar were those fighting in the war around the borders and whoever had travelled out.

With the Lionheart family under control, it was only a matter of time before the rest followed suite, either that, or they would be forced into subservience by the Lionheart family that now had a rather powerful backing.