Consequences of Aggressive Negotiations

The moment the Serbian Army, which was sent to intercept the Germans in the northern half of the territory that more or less currently remained under the control of the Serbian Provisional Government, surrendered, all hell broke loose among the allies. 

This was a severe matter, as this was roughly half of Serbia's remaining combat might, albeit primarily made of conscripts, being sent on a suicide mission. Even with the men sent by the French, British, and Ottomans to assist the Serbians, it was not enough to prevent the complete and total collapse of their northern front. 

Worse yet, radio broadcasts were being made across the country, as were any other means of propaganda, whether that be publication, posters, influence in the local churches, et cetera. Where the words being spoken were entirely made to convince the Serbians that peaceful surrender was their guarantee of being treated better than Belgrade was.