The Prince and His Common Fiancee

Erwin's life at the military school was far from special. At school, he was not treated with any regard for who his father was, or the accomplishments of his extended family had during the ongoing war. No, he was just another cadet, one through his sheer intelligence, will, merit, and charisma found himself today being promoted within the ranks.

As was tradition, cadets had their own ranking system, one that fostered a sense of familiarity with the military command structure whose binding rules they would one day all be living under. Previously, Erwin had been a Cadet Sergeant.

But today he was being promoted to a Cadet Staff Sergeant, or in the German language Vizefeldwebel. More or less, he was the assistant sergeant to a platoon leader. The thing is, these ranks had no real authority outside of the academy, or more specifically the cadets within it.