Treaty of Versailles

After the war had ended, and the conference began to establish more permanent peace in the world, or at least attempt to do so. One thing became certain: France, as the last belligerent of the war, was expected to pay the costs Germany had incurred fighting it. 

Whether the use of ammunition, the buildup of arms, or the lives that had been lost. The figure while staggering, was not as bad as what Germany had experienced in Bruno's past life, nor did Germany make any unreasonable demands of France like limiting the size of its army, forcing the abdication of its current government, or splitting up its territory, especially those lands which their economy relied upon. 

All in all, the Treaty of Versailles in this life was far more lenient than the one in Bruno's past life. As for the negotiation of colonial territories in the near east, any possessions of claims by the allied powers were immediately withdrawn.