Day 1, Part 2: Exploring And A Cave

Continued from Day 1 Welcome To Your Island . . .

Sam used his scan perk almost on a constant basis to map, watch for any enemy and find items. He directed Damien to follow the beach, heading south.

Along what Damien had named Coconut Beach, after the trees that were abundant here, Damien collected a load of drift wood, old coconuts and young coconuts by throwing a stone into a cluster of nuts in a tree. 20 coconut husks, 20 young coconuts, 20 > 6 ft. drift wood poles and 20 < 3 ft.

drift wood logs.

Ding . . . Collected a resource of food and drink, scavenger a resource for fire and building, receiving, 160 E and S pts. and 8 T1 treasure chests.

Ding . . . Congratulations on completing a daily task: collect a resource, receiving 10 XP and S pts., and 2 T1 treasure chests.

Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna.

Toward the end of Coconut beach Damien found a treasure chest under a pile of drift debris.

Ding . . . Found a T1 treasure chest, receiving 10 E and S pts. and 2 T1 treasure chests.

Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna.

Damien's Blessing of Fortuna was turning out to be crazy OP. Double all monster drops, double all E and S pts. and loot received by the system, and double all items found in treasure chests and boxes, 200% critical hit rate and max the LUC stat.

Continuing south along the beach soon became reef and tide pools. And on the cliff above was a lone mountain. While searching the reef Damien saw quite a few edible creatures like sea urchins, sea weeds, crabs and other creatures and edibles.

Ding . . . Congratulations of discovering a major resource, a barrier reef and tide pools, receiving, 50 E and S pts., 2 fisherman's boxes and 2 T1 treasure chests

Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna.

Damien approached the lone mountain cautiously as it could make for a perfect base camp. Sam's scans didn't show anything bad but one does not let ones guard down. On the northern face was a opening and inside there was a cave with nothing but a pile of dead leaves. The cave was around 10 square feet in all, the opening was about 8' wide and 10' high.

Ding . . . Congratulations on discovering a suitable camp site, receiving, 10 E and S

pts., 2 AB boxes, 2 S. gear boxes and 2 T1 treasure chests.

Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna.

"This is perfect for a home base." Damien said aloud.

"I agree, we just need to build it up some." Sam replied. "We should open those AB boxes and a couple treasure chest, build a secure camp here, some storage furniture and a cooking and eating area before continuing to explore."

Opening 2 AB boxes:

1. 7 wood chair

2. 5 Reinforced Wood door

3. 7 camp fire pit

4. 7 10x10x10 wood awning

5. 6 wood bench

1. 10 Wooden Storage Shelf (WSS)

2. 5 Wood chest

3. 8 Wooden bed frame

4. 7 wood table

5. 6 wood fence

For now it was time to open a few treasure chests and build up the cave.

Opening a T1 treasure chest:

1 - 8 1 gal of bottled water

2 - 8 ass. Foot long sub-sandwich

3 - 9 Potion box

4 - 6 Mana Stone Box

5 - 9 AB full bathroom

6 - 7 camping sink set up

7 - 8 personal items box

8 - 7 AB 10'x10'x10' room

9 - 10 AB wood fence

10 - 10 SSUS (storage space upgrading


Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna.

Sam explained that BP are blue prints that outline how to build an item, along with the needed resources and instructions on the how to. AB are auto build BPs that cost S pts. and resources that lower the cost a

little, raw resources a smaller amount and processed resources more so. Job boxes contain items linked to specific job, like woodsman or blacksmith.

Opening a T1 treasure chest:

1 - 6 1 gal of bottled water

2 - 9 Hot cakes and sausage breakfast

3 - 10 Resource boxes

4 - 7 Personal Items boxes

5 - 7 AB Butcher's Table w/Sink and Hose

6 - 9 FPC(Food Preservation Cabinet)

7 - 10 WSS

8 - 10 AB 10x10x10 ft. Room

9 - 5 Builder's boxes

10 - 7 AB small herb raise growing beds

Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna.

The first thing he did was use a few AB Wood Reinforced Doors to build the doors securing the cave and a bed frame inside the cave. Next a AB Full bathroom to the left of the entrance, inside the bathroom was a sink w/ a medicine cabnet above it, a toilet, a small chest w/10 of 10 item storage and last a shower, all water needs and waste disposal is done with magic supplied by a mana stone that is relpacable when needed. Then to the right of the enterance an AB 10'x10'x10' room w/ 12 WSS and would be the main storage room. This all cost 145 S pts. because Damien didn't have any resources to add.

Outside the entrance he built 2 AB fire-pit, an AB bench, an AB table, an AB chest, an AB WSS and FPC to be use for cooking and storing related items, all this was covers by an AB Wood awning. The cooking area cost another 45 S pts. because again no resources to add.

On the opposite side an AB 10'x10'x10' Wood Awning was built to shelter the eating area. 3 AB tables, all 7 AB chairs and an AB WSS and FPC. The eating area cost totaled 70 S pts. and all together costing 260 S pts.

Ding . . . Congratulations on completing 2 Extra daily task: building a shelter and a fire, receiving 20 XP and S pts. And 4 T1 treasure chests.

Ding . . . congratulations on securing your shelter, building a bed, a place to store items, a cooking and eating area, receiving 100

XP and S pts., 2 T1 treasure chests, 2 builder's box and 2 resource boxes.

Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna.

Then Damien had a lunch of a 12 0z bottled water and a turkey sub sandwich.

Ding . . . Congratulations on completing the daily task: eat a fulfilling meal, receiving 10 XP and S pts. and 2 T1 Treasure chests.

Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna.

With his shelter secure Damien needed to explore about 10% more to fulfill todays tasks and headed west to the other side of the mountain, where that side of the reef and tide pools ended and became beach again there was a sizable cove, following the sand until he reached about the center, he

received a notification.

Ding . . . Congratulations on discovering a major resource, Treasure Chest Cove, where everyday a treasure chest is hidden for you to find, receiving, 20 E and S pts. and 2 T1 treasure chests, as today's chest.

Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna.

Following the southern end of the Island to find a large mangrove forest full of fresh water mini streams and a large mangrove mud flats fill of mud craps and softshell turtles.

Ding . . . Congratulations on discovering a major resource, the mangrove forest and mud flats, receiving, 20 E and S pts., 2 trappers boxes, 2 gatherers boxes and 2 T1 treasure chests.

Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna.

Damien wanted to find the source of the fresh water that feed the mangrove forest and mud flats. A small and powerful steam let to a small but very deep pond.

"Damien get the hell out of there, the Island boss monster is sleeping on the bottom of that pond, a T2 Giga Croc at lvl. 25, it's

a spatial affinity monster." Sam aggressively told Damien as he was still at lvl. 0. "The Island Boss is the exception to the 7 Day level rule as until you kill him this is really his island." Sam explained.

Ding . . . Congratulations on discovering the island boss monster, receiving, 10 E and S pts. and 2 T1 treasure chests.

Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna.

The stream lead toward the north, so Damien continued to follow the stream, this lead to a small falls. Damien went around the right side of the falls up the side until there was a way up the hill and found the source

of the fresh water, a medium sized spring feeding a medium sized lake.

Ding . . . Congratulations on discovering a major resource, receiving, 20 E and S pts., 2 S gear boxes and 2 T1 treasure chests.

Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna.

By now the sun was setting and the Island is getting dark. Damien started to head back to his camp, but Sam stopped him.

"I'm getting a reading of a mine nearby, we should go check it out before heading back, just a quick look." Sam told Damien.

So with that advice Damien headed in the direction Sam gave.

A few minutes later.

"Hold on Damien, there are goblins outside the mine entrance, 10 lvl.0 goblins. They also seem to have found a lvl 0 fire fox, a T2

monster, but it seemed to be hurt and poisoned." Sam told him.

Sam then told him how to exert his Dom stat to enslave the goblins and the how to tame the fire fox. After a few minutes of talking to Sam and asking questions he walked out to the entrance and exerted his Dom and

enslaved 5 of the 10 lvl 0 goblins before drawing his sword and using the tip to prick the tip of his finger and placing a drop of blood on the fire foxes head. He told the 5 enslaved goblins to tie the other 5 goblins up until he could level up his skill. With that he tamed his first monster and enslaved his

first monsters as well.

Ding . . . Congratulations on findings a mine, but it is currently infested by goblins, clear the infestation and you will have a major resource, receiving 10 XP and S pts. and 2 T1 treasure chests.

Ding . . . Congratulations on successfully enslaving 5 lvl 0 goblins, capturing 5 lvl 0 goblins and taming a lvl 0 fire fox a T2 monster, receiving, 120 E and S pts., 2 tamers boxes, 2 job skills boxes, 2 armor boxes, 2 weapon boxes and 2 T1 treasure chests.

Ding . . . Congratulation on completing 2 minor tasks: tame a beast and enslave a monster, receiving 100 XP and S pts., 4 T1 treasure chests, 2 tamer's boxes and 2 cage and restraints boxes.

Loot affected by Blessing of Fortuna.