Chapter 8

Alessio finally came down, he was nervous about the dinner because he wanted his friends to like Avanya. “Sorry to keep you all waiting.” He apologized before looking around the room. “Where is Vanya?”

Corey smirked sadistically,” You mean your little girlfriend? We didn’t like her and Mingjue does not trust her so we kicked her out.”

It felt like the end of the world all of a sudden. Alessio could not breathe, he staggered a few steps back and when his friends went to hold him, the man shook his head. Tears clouded his vision, his breathe came in harsh heaves and he crouched down wrapping his arms around his legs tightly. Everyone froze, they have never seen Alessio have a panic attack so fast. Usually it would just start slowly and they were always able to calm him before it got worse. But this…it was something they have never seen before and it shock them. “Ales, calm down, I was just joking…” Corey moved to touch his friend but the man whimpered and flinched away.

“What is wrong with him? He has never had one this bad before.” Liana spoke in a dejected tone.

Deimos moved slowly and crouched in front of Alessio,” Alessio, can you look at me?” he asked in a soft tone.

Alessio was too far gone, he could not hear what the man was saying. His ears were ringing and he was hardly breathing by now. “Shit. Corey, get Vanya here now.” Deimos growled softly, Corey rushed to the kitchen while Deimos tried to calm Alessio. His efforts were futile though which was another shock for his friends because Deimos was always able to calm Alessio whenever the latter had a panic attack in the past. Though none of them have ever been this worse, Mingjue was worried sick and could only hope that Vanya will be able to help them calm Alessio.

As if on cue, Avanya rushed into the room along with Corey. She took in the scene in front of her and her jaw ticked in anger but she did not say anything. Deimos moved aside as soon as he saw her, Avanya took his place and crouched in front of Alessio.

“Alessio? You need to breathe, mi Amor.” She coaxed softly. When she realized that her boyfriend could not hear a word she was saying to him nor could he see her. Avanya grabbed a fistful of Alessio’s hair and pulled him into a passionate kiss. Alessio was taken by surprise, it took him a few seconds to comprehend what was happening. He was quick to return the kiss after that, his trembling hands wrapped around Avanya tightly. Avanya pulled back and cupped Alessio’s face lovingly, the man had already calmed down from his panic attack.

“What’s the matter, Amor?”

Alessio shook his head,” Just a bad joke, nothing to worry about.”

Avanya gave him a disapproval look but chose not to pursue the matter any further. After all these were Alessio’s friends so she knew that they did not mean to hurt him. She stood up and helped Alessio on his feet, after making sure that he was alright, she turned to the others in the room. “Dinner is served, let’s eat.” With that she pulled Alessio with her to the dining room while the others trailed behind silently. Corey apologized to Alessio for the joke and the latter assured him that it was alright. The dinner went by without any tension, the friends spent most of it chatting away softly while Avanya ate her meal silently. Deimos did not talk much but he was involved in the conversations, his attention though was mostly on Avanya. He was trying to figure her out, not that she appeared as a threat to them but because she had this mysterious aura around her that he couldn’t figure out.

“So what did you want to talk to us about? Earlier, you said that we’ll talk after dinner.” Amaryllis did not waste any time getting straight to the point. Her cold eyes glared at Avanya who seemed unbothered by her.

Avanya sat down next to Alessio completely unfazed by the hostility rolling off Amaryllis. Honestly, she could care less what the woman thought of her, if it were not for the fact that Alessio considered them as family then Avanya wouldn’t have spared them any time. She felt a warm hand on squeeze her thigh as if to reassure her, Avanya looked up at the owner and her cold eyes soften. “Seeing as Alessio considers all of you family and he trusts you then I have no qualms sharing what I’m about to share with you.”

“As if you have a choice,” Amaryllis scoffed.

Avanya raised an eyebrow at her.” What makes you think I don’t have a choice, Miss Rockwell?”

“Isn’t it obvious? If you want to keep your relationship with Ales then you have to be honest with us or it won’t take us a second to make you disappear from his life.” The woman replied in an arrogant tone.

Unfortunately, her words had no effect on Avanya but Alessio on the other hand was petrified. He knew very well that if his friends doubted Avanya’s intentions even for a second then they will not waste any time kicking her out. The poor guy did not know what to do because he loved his group of friends like family, he can never dream of hurting them. On the other hand, there was the woman who owned his heart, body and soul. He dreaded the thought of having to choose one between the two. One was his world and the other was his life. Losing either of them would break him completely.

“You seem to forget that I didn’t force myself in Alessio’s life, he is the one who kidnapped me and brought me in his life. So I don’t think you have any right to give me that attitude, Miss Rockwell. I don’t have a habit of explaining myself so I am not obliged to tell any of you anything and if you keep pulling that attitude with me, you might as well get up and leave.” Avanya’s tone was calm.

Mingjue sighed and shook his head at Amaryllis when she went to argue with Avanya.” I apologize on her behalf, Miss Vanya. Please continue.”

“I’m sure you’ve all heard of Luciano De Luca?” Avanya questioned as she kept her gaze on the group.

The group showed all signs of reactions on their faces. Mingjue and Liana showed signs of recognition and confusion on their faces. Corey frowned at the name bug nodded at her question. Deimos on the other side looked angry for some reason while Amaryllis shrugged. “If you are talking about the forensic expert who was murdered along with his wife and daughter 3 years ago then, yes. Nearly everyone in Italy has heard of him.” She spoke coldly.

Deimos shot her a quick glance and the woman immediately shut up. Avanya was not bothered though, she was never one to entertain such behavior. “Good. Since you already know most of the story, it will save me the trouble of having to explain everything. As you all know, Doctor Luciano De Luca was a rocket scientist who specialized in forensics and worked with the police. He was married with four children. 3 years ago he was murdered along with his wife and daughter or at least that’s what everyone thinks.”

“What do you mean?” Liana asked curiously.

Avanya looked at her blankly,” Dr De Luca and his wife did die that day but their daughter survived. The reason her body was never found is because she never died to begin with. Not only did she not die but she also was witness to the murder of her parents, she saw everything with her own eyes and even saw the faces of the murderers.”

There was a gasp before pin drop silence engulfed the room, Avanya felt a burning gaze on her and turned to find Deimos looking at her intensely. “Avanya De Luca, you are her, aren’t you?” The man finally spoke, his voice deep and silky.

Sea-foam eyes clashed with dark ones,” I am.”

Deimos’ breath hitched, in a flash he had jumped to his feet and pulled Avanya in his arms and hugged her tightly. Everyone was shocked at the exchange, never had they seen their friend react that way.


“Did she just confirm that she is Avanya De Luca?” Corey gaped.

“Seems that way.”

“But how? Didn’t she die in the explosion on the bridge?”

Alessio shook his head,” She had jumped into the water before the car exploded and was rescued by some stranger who took her to the hospital. Apparently she was washed out of Rome to the closest town by the water.”

Amaryllis stared at Deimos in confusion,” D, do you know her?” She asked when the man pulled back from the hug.

Deimos turned around to look at her then the rest of the group and sighed when he found everyone’s eyes on him. He turned back to Avanya who was looking back at him blankly. His eyes soften at the sight of her, she looked at him and frowned when she saw his expression. “I don’t know her personally but I know a lot about her. Luciano De Luca was my partner in the Agency, he always rambled on about his family more especially his only daughter. Luciano was like a father to me, he stood by me through some difficult times and also guided to the right path. I would have lost my job a long time ago if it was not for him.” Deimos looked off in the distance with sadness in his eyes.

Corey stood up and pulled Deimos into a comforting hug. They all knew how close he was to his former partner, all though they did not know his name as it was confidential information.” It’s ok, buddy. You could not save your partner or his wife but at least his daughter survived. So don’t beat yourself too much.” He said as he pulled back.

Deimos smiled sadly at him, his heart ached with regret and guilt. That day, he was the one tasked to retrieve the evidence however, he had to stay home because his cousin slipped into his little space. Luciano told him that he will go on his behalf, unfortunately, the right hand man of the mafia boss they were chasing happened to be there. The man had followed Luciano to his home then called the boss there. By the time Deimos and the Agency heard of the ambush, it was already too late. They had rushed over there only to be met with a bloodbath, there was no trace of the perpetrators nor any evidence pointing to the killers. Even the evidence that Luciano went to retrieve was missing so they had nothing to convict the mafia with or even tie them to the De Luca homicide.

A hand on his shoulder brought Deimos out of his trance, he looked at hand then shifted his gaze to the owner. He was stunned to see Avanya staring at him with respect and adoration, “You considered my father as your own and he took you as his godson. Papa never does something he does not want, the fact that he decided to take that risk for you proves that to him, you were no different than his own kids. That being said, his death was not your fault, I don’t blame you and I know for a fact that my brothers don’t blame you either.” Her tone was stern yet comforting at the same time.

She stood in front of him and wiped the tears that he did not seem to notice were flowing down his cheeks. “Don’t blame yourself anymore, the ones to blame are still out there roaming the streets. The Asian mafia boss snatched our father from us, we have to make him pay for that. If the law cannot help us then we will have to do it ourselves. That man is too powerful and has many connections hence, if we arrest him then he will be out in no time.”

“What are you suggesting?” Deimos asked curiously.

Avanya’s turned cold, she clenched her jaw and her body shook in anger. Alessio noticed that she was losing control and quickly pulled her into his arms. “Shh, its ok, Neonata. Calm down for me.” He coaxed in her ear then kissed her head lovingly.