Chapter 7: The Royal Balancing Act

The arrival of the Arenthian delegation cast a sense of urgency and importance throughout the palace. Prince Lorian, a notoriously tricky diplomat, was not only seeking an alliance but also assessing the strength and unity of the kingdom. Both Alina and Rian understood the gravity of this visit and prepared meticulously.

Rian, recognizing his critical role, took on more of the royal duties, ensuring that the palace ran smoothly and that their visitors were well taken care of. He coordinated with the head of the royal guard to increase security and met with the palace staff to review every detail of the accommodations for their guests.

On the morning of the delegation's arrival, King Frederick summoned both Alina and Rian to his private chambers. The king maintained a presence of authority and wisdom despite though advanced in age. His silver hair and regal appearance commanded respect.

"Alina, Rian," King Frederick began, his voice steady, "the success of this alliance is crucial. Arenthian's support will strengthen our position significantly. I trust you both to handle this with the utmost care."

Alina and Rian bowed in unison. "We understand, Your Majesty," Rian replied. "We've prepared extensively. We won't let you down."

King Frederick nodded, his gaze shifting to Alina. "I've been watching you."

Alina felt her legs shake beneath her dress.

"You've proven yourself time and again, Alina. I have faith in your abilities. But remember, this is a team effort. You should rely on each other to make this work."

Relieved, Alina smiled under her breath.

As they left the king's chambers, Rian turned to Alina, his expression determined. "Let's show them what we're capable of."

The delegation from Arenthia arrived with much fanfare. Prince Lorian, tall, handsome and imposing, stepped out of his carriage with an entourage of advisors and guards. Alina and Rian welcomed him at the palace gates, their composure and poise evident.

"Welcome, Prince Lorian," Rian said, extending his hand. "We're honored to have you here."

Lorian took Rian's hand in a firm grip. "Thank you, Prince Rian. I've heard much about the prowess and elegance of your kingdom. I look forward to our discussions."

Alina curtsied gracefully. "Prince Lorian, we hope your stay here is both pleasant and productive. We've arranged a series of meetings to discuss our potential alliance."

Prince Lorian turned to Alina. "I must confess. Your wife is very lovely, Prince Rian," Prince Lorian stated. His gaze towards Alina was warm and affectionate.

Rian noticed but maintained his composure.

"Shall we proceed now?" Rian interrupted his gaze.

"Sure," Prince Lorian grinned slyly.

As they escorted Lorian and his entourage to their quarters, Alina and Rian exchanged a quick, encouraging glance. They knew the importance of presenting a united front.

Later that day, the first meeting took place in the grand council chamber. Rian, seated at the head of the table beside King Frederick, took the lead in welcoming the Arenthian delegates. Alina, seated next to him, prepared to support and contribute as needed.

"Prince Lorian," Rian began, "our kingdoms share many common interests. Strengthening our alliance would benefit us both economically and militarily. We propose a trade agreement that would facilitate the exchange of resources and goods, enhancing both our economies."

Lorian listened intently, his expression thoughtful. But he stole glances at Alina, making Alina uncomfortable and Rian putting his anger under control.

"Your proposal is intriguing, Prince Rian. However, there are concerns about the security of our trade routes. Bandit activity has been on the rise, and we need assurances that our merchants will be protected."

Alina seized the opportunity to contribute allowing Lorian to focus more on her. "We share your concerns, Prince Lorian. We've recently increased our border patrols and are in the process of forming a specialized task force to address these threats. Our kingdom is committed to ensuring the safety of all trade routes."

Lorian nodded, appreciating their proactive approach. "Very well. I'm willing to discuss the terms further. Let's explore how we can enhance our mutual security."

The negotiations continued over the next few days, with Alina and Rian working tirelessly to address every detail and concern. They took turns leading discussions, showcasing their strengths and complementing each other's skills. Rian's strategic mind and Alina's diplomatic finesse made them a formidable team but the idea that Lorian might be interested in Alina made Rian sore.

One evening, as Alina and Rian sat by the fire, she leaned against him, her exhaustion evident. "Today went well, but I can't shake the feeling that Prince Lorian is holding something back. He's testing us."

Rian wrapped an arm around her, offering comfort. "He's a seasoned diplomat. It's only natural for him to be cautious. But we're making progress. We just need to stay focused."

Alina nodded. "You're right. Maybe I'm just overthinking things." She could sense something was amiss with Rian so she sat up.

"My love, your mind is heavy. What is it?"

"It's nothing?" He responded.

"Really? You're going to do that with me." Alina looked disappointed.

"I'm sorry. It's just Lorian," he voiced.

Surprised, "Lorian? What did he do?" Alina asked.

"It's just the way he looks at you. It's like he just wants to strip you naked and do things with you." Jealousy was written all over Rian's face as he explained.

Alina giggled. "Is that jealousy I sense?"

Rian scowled, "it's not jealousy, it's worry."

"Come on. Do you think I want to do things with him?"

"No." Rian pouted.

Alina beamed with satisfaction. "Then you shouldn't be worried about him. Just like he came, he's going to go. And it's going to be me and you as always. So, let that worry fade, my love. It's you I love. Always." She assured him.

"I love you too," Rian replied.

Their lips gently touch in a soft, tender kiss, lingering just enough to convey the depth of their feelings.

The next afternoon, as Alina and Rian prepared for another round of negotiations, Lyra found a moment to speak with Cedric in the gardens. The sun was shining, casting a warm glow over the blooming flowers.

"Cedric," Lyra began, her voice filled with a sense of urgency, "I came as soon as I received your message. I slipped away but I don't have much time. Alina and Rian are planning and discussing their next move for the meeting today. They might need me soon."

Cedric grabbed her waist and brought her to him. "Then let's make good use of the few minutes we have."

Lyra flushed with admiration and love. "You're silly."

"Only for you," Cedric expressed.

They shared a tender kiss, a moment of pure intimacy for them.

As the week progressed, Alina and Rian's efforts bore fruit. Prince Lorian, impressed by their dedication and unity, agreed to the proposed alliance. The trade agreement was finalized, and plans for joint security measures were put in place.

At the celebratory dinner, King Frederick raised a toast to the successful negotiations. "To the future of our kingdoms," he declared, his voice filled with pride. "May this alliance bring prosperity and peace to us all."

As the guests raised their glasses, Alina and Rian shared a triumphant smile. They had proven themselves as capable leaders, and their bond had also grown stronger through the trials they faced.

But as they ate and drank, Alina couldn't shake off the feeling that came with Lorian's glances. She stood up and Lyra made to follow suit but she shook her head in disagreement. Alina walked to the balcony. As she gazed out and drew fresh air, a voice interrupted her.

"Too much in there, right?" Lorian said as he leaned casually against the railing.

She turned to him, a polite smile on her lips. "Nor really. Just needed a breather."

"I get that," he replied, stepping a bit closer. "Sometimes it's good to escape the crowd."

Alina felt awkward. Just as Lorian drew too close to her, Rian appeared at the doorway, relieving her of the awkward situation. He gently put his arm around her waist, his eyes locked with Lorian's making it clear she was his.

"My love. Is everything okay out here?" Rian asked, his tone calm but firm.

"Yes, just enjoying the view," she responded feeling relaxed he was with her.

Lorian nodded, sensing the shift. "Well, I'll let you two be. By the way, you both make a formidable team. Have a good night," he said and retreated into the party.

Alina sighed and hugged her husband. "That was close."

"Warned you," Rian teased her.

Alina chuckled softly. Rian kissed her head.

And so, as the night drew to a close, Alina and Rian stood together hugging on the balcony and gazing out at the kingdom they were determined to protect.