Chapter 12: Seeds of Despair

As months went by, Alina and Rian struggled to find their footing amidst the chaos of ruling a kingdom. Their roles as leaders had become more daunting than ever. The pressure to produce an heir had intensified, and Alina felt its weight more acutely with each passing day.

Despite the pressure, court duties could not be neglected. Rian, involved in state matters, tried to manage the kingdom's affairs, often sitting at council meetings and addressing the concerns of the people. Alina, while supporting Rian, found herself the target of increasing hostility from his sisters, Elara and Mirabelle.

"Have you seen the state of the kingdom?" Mirabelle remarked one morning as they gathered in the dining hall. "Without an heir, the people are losing faith. Without an heir, your husband cannot be crowned king and the kingdom needs a king more than it needs a prince."

Elara nodded, her gaze fixed on Alina. "Indeed. It's been four years, Alina. The kingdom cannot wait forever."

Alina clenched her jaw, refusing to rise to their bait. She knew their barbs were meant to provoke her, to make her feel inadequate. Instead, she focused on Rian, who sat beside her, his eyes filled with concern.

Later that evening, in their chambers, Alina paced the room as she spoke to Rian about her frustrations. "They never stop, Rian. Every day, it's the same taunts, the same reminders."

Rian stopped her and took her hands in his, his touch gentle. "You have to be calm, my love. We'll get through this. All this will be in the past very soon. I believe in us. I believe in you and I know you'll bear me a child very soon." His palm caressed her face.

Alina leaned into him, his words had somehow calmed her down. Despite the strain on their relationship, their love remained strong. They had shared many intimate moments, hoping and praying for a miracle.

That night, their lovemaking was tinged with a desperate urgency, a need to connect and find comfort in each other. Alina felt the weight of expectation with every touch, every kiss. Rian's hands moved over her body with familiar tenderness, and for a while, the world outside their chambers disappeared.

That night, their lovemaking was filled with the urgent need to have a baby, and a desperate desire to connect and find comfort in each other. Alina felt the pressure of expectation with Rian's every touch and kiss. His hands moved over her body with familiar tenderness, their movements driven by a shared hunger. He kissed her deeply, his lips trailing down her neck as he gently thrust his member into her. Alina pressed him to her breasts, each thrust and moan a way to forget the outside world. In those moments, she wished he didn't have to stop as he pounded her hard in a rhythmic pattern. But soon, with the heat of their passion, Rian felt a powerful surge building within him. His breath grew ragged, and his grip tightened on Alina's hips and breasts. Alina held him as tightly as she could, the same surge building within her. With a final, intense thrust, they reached their peak, a shuddering release that sent waves of ecstasy through them. Everything else faded away except the raw, overwhelming sensation of their shared climax.

As they lay entwined, their bodies slick with sweat, Alina whispered, "Maybe this time, Rian. Maybe this time it will happen."

He held her close to his chest, his lips brushing her forehead. "I hope so, Alina. More than anything, I hope so."

He stared into the ceiling and she at the darkness outside the windows. The night was calm now.

Days turned into weeks, and despite their efforts, there was no sign of pregnancy. The pressure from Elara and Mirabelle grew unbearable, their taunts more nasty.

"Perhaps Alina needs help," Elara suggested one morning, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "A different approach, maybe?"

Mirabelle smirked. "Or perhaps a different woman. One who can actually bear a child."

This time Alina's composure cracked under their attack. "You don't know what it's like," she snapped. "You have no idea how hard I'm trying."

Elara raised an eyebrow. "Trying isn't enough, Alina. Results are what matters."

Mirabelle added, "If you truly cared about the kingdom, you'd step aside."

"I'm not the god that gives children. I'm only mortal like you and will have a child when it's time," Alina retorted.

"When it's time indeed. We need a child in this palace. Do I have to keep reminding you of what's at stake here? Everyone is growing impatient. You're barren, and we won't let you obstruct my brother from being king." Elara voiced.

"Stop being selfish and let him fertilize another," Mirabelle added.

Rian, weary of hearing the exchange, stepped in. "That's enough. This is my wife you're talking to."

Elara sighed dramatically. "We're only looking out for the kingdom, Rian. Without a child, your claim to the throne is weak. How come you're not thinking about that?"

"I'm not going to stay here and listen to your nonsense anymore or watch you talk to your future queen like that," Rian told them.

Raged, Rian took Alina's hand and led her out of the dining room. Elara and Mirabelle exchanged surprised glances. They cackled.

The tension in the palace finally reached a boiling point when Elara and Mirabelle introduced a new lady to the court. Lady Genevieve was a striking beauty, her presence commanding attention. Alina immediately sensed the threat she posed.

"She's here to help," Mirabelle announced with a satisfied smile. "Someone who can ensure the future of the kingdom. Not like some barren land we know taking up space in the prince's life and this palace."

Alina felt a knot form in her stomach. Her head spun from the news. Rian couldn't do anything because he felt his sisters were allowed to bring visitors and, of course, he had no intentions to get to know Genevieve, but Lady Genevieve wasted no time in making her intentions clear. She was charming, graceful, and utterly relentless in her pursuit of Rian.

In the days that followed, Alina watched helplessly as Lady Genevieve made subtle advances towards Rian, and each time she tried to come in between them Elara and Mirabelle were there to stop her from afar. Genevieve found ways to be near Rian, engaging him in conversations, and offering to help with courtly duties. Rian, ever a gentleman, remained polite but distant.

One evening, after a particularly stressful day dealing with the council and Elara's incessant complaints about not having a child, Rian returned to his chambers in a bad mood. Alina tried to comfort him, but the weight of their joint failures hung between them.

"Why can't we make this work, Alina?" For the first time since the issue of bearing a child came up, Rian's voice was tinged with frustration. "The kingdom needs us, and we're failing."

Alina reached out to touch his arm. "My love, I'm trying. We're trying. It's not our fault."

But Rian pulled away, his anger flaring. "Is it? Maybe it's my fault. Maybe it's yours. I don't know anymore. I'm running out of time here."

Alina was taken aback as she felt tears prick her eyes. "Rian, please, don't do this. We need to stay united."

He looked at her, his eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and anger. "I know. I'm just… tired."

As Rian stormed out, Alina felt a deep sense of fear. She feared what might happen next, and her fears were soon realized.

Lady Genevieve seized the opportunity that night. She found Rian brooding in the library, nursing a glass of wine. She approached him with a soft smile, her presence a balm to his wounded pride.

"Your Highness," she said gently, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You look troubled."

He glanced at her, his defenses weakened by his anger and frustration. "It's nothing. Just… everything."

Genevieve moved closer, her voice soothing. "Sometimes, it's easier to talk to someone outside the situation. You don't know. It might just help. Let me help you."

Rian's will crumbled under her tender touch and comforting words. He was vulnerable and Genevieve knew exactly how to exploit it. Before he realized what was happening, they were kissing, their passion igniting in the dimly lit room.

"Genevieve, we shouldn't…" Rian's voice was weak with protest, but Genevieve silenced him with another kiss.

"Let me help you, Rian," she whispered, her hands roaming his body.

That night, in a moment of weakness and desperation, Rian gave in to Genevieve's advances. He lifted her dress, and she skillfully unbuckled his trousers. With a breathless urgency, she guided his throbbing member into her eager, waiting body. Their bodies intertwined in a heated rush, driven by frustration and a longing for solace, Rian thrust as hard as he could and Genevieve enjoyed every bit of it.

As the night wore on, Alina lay in bed, her heart heavy with worry. She waited for Rian, but he never came back to the room that night. She sensed something was terribly wrong but couldn't have known the extent of the betrayal unfolding in the palace.