Chapter 16: Turn of Fate

Alina and Lyra had spent several days contemplating the offer they had received from the man after Alina's impressive victory in the ring. The promise of a more stable and lucrative arrangement was tempting, but the sisters wanted to be sure it was the right move for them. They had faced so much uncertainty already and couldn't afford another misstep.

One morning, as the sun cast a golden glow over their small rented room, Lyra spoke up. "Alina, I think we should reach out to that man. We've thought it over, and this might be our best chance to secure a better future."

Alina nodded in agreement. "You're right, Lyra. It's time to take control of our destiny. Let's go to him."

Lyra smiled, "now, where did I keep that card? We didn't even get his name, but I'm sure I saw it on that card." She asked, glancing around.

"Is that how you want to see it? Did you just keep it lying around?"

Lyra laughed at herself. Alina smiled.

"I think I saw it in my gear bag. Look for it there," Alina informed her.

Lyra reached for the sack and poured out the contents on the floor as she searched for the little card.

As Alina watched Lyra search through the content, her mind drifted back to just a few months ago when life was different. They had lived in a palace where servants catered to their every need, searching for anything they wanted. Her thoughts wandered further to moments of joy with Rian, who would surprise her with gifts that brought a smile to her face. Absentmindedly, she touched the silver bracelet on her wrist, a treasured piece she had never taken off since the day it anonymously came to her.

"Alina," Lyra's voice broke through Alina's daydreaming, pulling her back to the present.

"Where did your mind wander off to? I've been calling you." Alina asked concernedly. "I found the card," she said, waving the card.

"I'm sorry, dear. Just thinking of how life changes in a twinkle of an eye," Alina expressed solemnly.

Lyra knelt in front of her, her elbow on Alina's thighs and her palms on her cheeks. "It's hard, isn't it? Being away from all of that… having to start all over worse than how we started in this life." Lyra expressed sadly.

"The hardest thing is being away from him," tears welled up in her eyes, "I miss him so much," Alina sobbed.

Lyra looked at her sister pitifully. Their foreheads touched as if in a gentle embrace.

"We'll be all right," Lyra whispered.

They made their way to the address, which was a tavern, to meet the man, whose name was Bertrand. He was a well-connected figure in the underground fighting world, known for his ability to secure profitable contracts and provide opportunities for talented fighters. They showed the card to a guard at the entrance, and he let them in. As they entered the dimly lit establishment, they spotted Bertrand at a corner table, nursing a drink, his servants standing beside him.

Bertrand looked up as they approached, a knowing smile spreading across his face. "I had a feeling you'd come around. Please, sit."

Alina and Lyra took their seats, and Bertrand leaned forward, his eyes glinting with interest. "So, have you decided to take me up on my offer?"

Alina met his gaze, her voice steady. "Yes, we have. We're interested in the arrangement you mentioned."

Bertrand nodded, pleased. "Excellent. Let's discuss the details. I'll arrange regular fights for you, Alina. You'll be well-compensated, and I'll ensure your safety and well-being. In return, I expect loyalty and dedication. Are we agreed?"

Lyra interjected, her protective instincts kicking in. "And what about our living arrangements? We need a place to stay."

Bertrand smiled. "Consider it done. I'll arrange suitable accommodation for you both. You'll have everything you need."

The deal was struck over a signed contract, and over the next few days, Bertrand made good on his promises. He secured a modest but comfortable apartment for Alina and Lyra, provided them with necessary supplies, and ensured that Alina's training and fights were well-organized.

Alina trained diligently, her focus unyielding. The day of her first official contracted fight arrived quickly, and the sisters felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. This was a new beginning, and they were determined to make the most of it.

The arena was packed with spectators, the atmosphere electric with anticipation. Alina stepped into the ring, her heart pounding but her mind clear. Lyra watched from the sidelines, her heart swelling with pride.

Unbeknownst to them, King Thorian, the mid-fifties ruler of the kingdom of Belthoria, had come to the arena incognito. He often attended these events, trying to feel his late daughter's presence as she had just died in a fight like this but then, he started enjoying the raw strength and skills of young women. As Alina fought with her usual grace and ferocity, Thorian found himself captivated by her.

The fight was intense, with Alina facing a seasoned opponent. She moved with precision, her training visible in every strike and dodge. The crowd roared with approval as she gained the upper hand, eventually emerging victorious.

As Alina stood in the ring, basking in the cheers of the crowd, Thorian's eyes never left her. He felt a powerful attraction, not just to her beauty, but to her strength and determination. He knew he had to meet her.

After the fight, Bertrand approached Alina and Lyra, his face alight with pride. "Well done, Alina. That was a spectacular performance. The crowd loves you."

Before Alina could respond, a man in royal garb approached them. "King Thorian wishes to speak with the fighter."

Alina and Lyra exchanged surprised glances. Bertrand nodded encouragingly. "Go on, Alina. This is a rare opportunity."

They followed the royal emissary to a private box where King Thorian awaited them. The king rose as they entered, his eyes fixed on Alina. "You fought brilliantly," he said warmly. "I am King Thorian. May I know your name?"

"Alina, Your Majesty," she replied, bowing slightly. "This is my sister, Lyra."

Thorian smiled, his gaze lingering on Alina. "It is a pleasure to meet you both. Alina, your strength and skill are remarkable. I find myself drawn to you."

Alina blushed, taken aback by his directness. "Thank you, Your Majesty. I am honored."

Over the next few days, Thorian visited Alina frequently and showered her with gifts. He was persistent but respectful, and Alina found herself slowly warming to his advances.

Lyra observed the growing bond with a mix of hope and caution. "He seems genuine, Alina. Maybe this would be good for us."

Alina nodded, her feelings conflicted. "I hope so, Lyra. But I need to be careful. We've been through so much already. And Rian still has my heart. I know it's stupid because he betrayed me, but I can't stop loving him."

"I understand. You're allowed to take your time. No rush, sister." Lyra told her as she put her arms around her neck from behind.

As they settled into their new life, Alina continued to fight, each victory cementing her reputation. Thorian's courtship provided a glimmer of hope and stability, but Alina remained vigilant, knowing that their journey was far from over.