Chapter 6 (Part 3) A Weekend Trip and An Ugly Side Of Life in Jhoklon.

A week after, Kazu Nini had already done her morning exercise because she had told Mako Nini that she would make her rest day on Saturday. She had showered before eating today and was speaking to the older Pixie.

“You guys are going out?”

“Yes, we are.” She stopped the spoon before it reached her mouth. “Do not worry, there are many of us that nothing could happen.”

“You said this trip is compulsory?”

“A hundred and ten percent.”

Kazu Nini finally continued her meal when she saw that Mako Nini had closed her eyes in resignation. “Are you packed?”

Kazu Nin rolled her eyes, “it is not a picnic, aunt. It is a trip, plus I am not leaving Jhoklon so there is nothing to worry about.”

“Fine, fine.” She stood up to wash her plates. “Stay safe.”

Shapha Rinmon had come with a ride with tinted glasses that all the New Universe staff were also in and was waiting at in front of Kazu Nini’s doorstep. A carriage could have been used on this occasion but she was not going somewhere exactly clandestine and it was not a long journey; only about an hour. Kazu Nini stayed at the middle when she arrived, and near the door that did not have an opening. When she slid the one that did and stepped in, she was greeted by her staff.



“What’s up.”

“How was your night?”

She sat down after she noticed Lowe Hagp - the Gnome and the Real Estate Manager - sitting on a pillow that allowed her to reach the required height to drive with Jinja Kaliope riding shotgun, Naro Meena the Slime, behind him and closest to the opening door, Shafa Rinmon the pretty Elf beside her directly, Elric Yjob at the back behind Kazu Nini, Mesmerizing Zlai Dfon on the other end of him to give him space as he warped from different form to another.

“The car yours?”

Shapha Rinmon looked at her, a blush on her face, “No, not yet.”

“Not yet - are you going to donate one for us?”


“That is nice.” She turned to the breathtaking Wood Fairy, “any update?”

“The Sprite Twins still smug and recruiting.” Zlai Dfon looked at her with expectation, “I hope they are in for the shock of their lives?”

The Pixie scoffed. “Hmph, something to make them piss their pants.”

“Liking this more and more.” Elric Yjob laughed, the Shapeshifter’s voice taking different shades. “Next, time I’m riding shotgun, though.” He sent a glare at the Dark Elf who laughed.

“Still on about that?”

“Elric Yjob, you seem to be a moody baby.” The staff joined them both in their glee.


The New Universe’s mangers passed through traffic, straight routes and bent roads until they met with a JumpStop Terminal that lay before a cliff with barricades to prevent anyone from plunging into unknown depths frighteningly roaring water. About this enormous trench that at least spanned a mile in length and half in breath, dams had been created along its edges so that factories, on the tother sides of the roads had been built where road continued, atop a massive ocean, the Jump Stop was also *very* crowded. 20 meters above this massive crater of land ruin were StabilizerRims and RestrictionFlightChips added to them so that Flight was not possible within this field because gravitational weight would be increased to over a million. Yet, above and away from the JumpStop Terminal, were also paths in the air that was full of buses or carriages but even fewer cars.

“Someone, record this for New Universe, until we reach the building, and another for the Public Student Group Community on Skynet.” Kazu Nini stated and adorable Shapha Rinmon obeyed for the crew while mesmerizing Zlai Dfon turned on her Telewatch video for the School Community on Skynet.

They passed the toll gate and paid 1,000 Bronze Hyur each to receive a ticket after checking the Gnome’s driver’s license and Kazu Nini let them know that they could turn off their recordings now to keep this part private before they entered a tunnel 23 feet wide, which also had other vehicles on it and a turn that spiraled into the depths of the Undersystem which carried passengers through the water that connected them to the other side.

The crew came out at the opposite end and reached the area where their tickets were inspected. Since they were not a bus, StabilizerRims had to be added to their car rims and they drove with a humming sound filling the car which made the mobile vehicle feel like some electric massager equipment.

Kazu Nini enjoyed the experience as their car lifted up and into the sky, granting them a blessed view of sea water and human population wherever there was land. She could see over the broken bridge on the other end, and the outskirts of Jhoklon did not lose out in any way to its counter parts. She saw shapes that would dwarf most skyscrapers reach near the surface of the cataclysmic water and swim back in, she focused again to see the tube of reinforced Steel frame, holding the structure of the also Reinforced Glass and Plastic, imagining the blessed view that the passengers would be having.

“I heard that this ruin of aquatic area was the result of a battle.”

Kazu Nini looked at Jinja Kaliope, expecting him to laugh and call out a joke but his expression was dead pan. “That is power I would not mind.” She looked back at him, “was it recent?”

“It happened almost a generation ago.” Elric Yjob the Shapeshifter added.

“No,” Zlai Dfon corrected him, “It was about 16-18 years ago, what are you saying?”

“I am pretty sure th-”

Kazu Nini resumed her view of the ocean and the dam, and as much of Jhoklon that she could drink in before the car landed again. “Next time we will land, split into different teams.” She had noticed Naro Meena almost puking before Shapha Rinmon passed him a brown paper bag which he was grateful for and utilized immediately before she told him that she is impressed and he would not have been the one to clean it up any way. The motion sickly Slime nodded in agreement when he was done spilling his guts out.

She did not seem disgusted; maybe she liked him.

“Repeat the items I might need.”

“Firstly, the gloves and the new glass for the rim. Then, the 6 boxes of AdaptableMud and each with an Adaptable Glass core and lastly state of the art tools and materials for building our server.”

“Good.” They were now legally on this other side of after revealing their tickets again and they followed a straight road until the end. “You already told him, right?”


“What did he say?”

A hole in his face where a mouth should be, opening up every time he wanted to speak had fascinated her at first but now it was just a distant wonder. “He said that it was all up to how much we were willing to sacrifice.”

She chuckled as they passed those in the streets who had torn clothes and openly begged. Some ignored them and some helped where they could.

“This is terrible.” Jinja commented.

“No, this is just a result of existence; where there is joy, there will be suffering.” Zlai Dfon corrected him.

Shapha Rinomn sounded sad. “They do not have to be here; they can be helped.”

“They dirty the streets.” Naro Meena said and the car got quiet, to which point her lowered his head but did not change his stance. “It is true, they are like a stain.”

Kazu Nini watched him until he was done, “Elric Yjob, when we have a base of operations here, you will hire these people and they will be your eyes and ears.”

“Yes ma’am.”

“None of the members will know about them. We will do what we can to provide shelters for them.”

“You are soft.” The Slime turned the semi-transparent blob, like the rest of his body, that was shaped to be a head with a plastic skull in it towards her.

“And practical.”

“So, if you did not have any use for them?”

“I do not believe nothing is without use.” She returned her gaze outside. “I could either learn from them by asking the situation around here or ask them to be test subjects.”

“Test subjects?” He laughed which oddly resembled clapping of sweat and sloppy hands, “and here I was worried that you were soft.”

“Test subjects, not lab rats,” she fixed him with her stare. “And if you were worried, what would happen, what would you have done?”

“He might have read too much into what the Sprite twins did to your reputation.” Elric Yjob shook his head and said before he corrected himself, “tried to do.”

Naro Meena did not answer, ignoring everyone’s stares until they passed a place with a botched-up gate. The Slime with what looked like a skull where his head should be finally dragged his eyes away after involuntarily trembling.

The building had some levels that were incomplete, with unpainted pillars and walls, windows without the glasses and curtains, and building materials that were up there without having being placed as roof. The highest floor was used as their roof and ceiling. A sign board that was leaning against the floor and the building read, “Body Market.”

“Are you sure we are in the right place?” The Elf asked in confusion.

“Yes.” She chuckled, “Shapha Rinmon, Eric Yjob and Lowe Hagp stay outside and get recordings, information and a banquet of food respectively, the others turn on your cameras and work with your scripts.”

Jinja Kaliope turned the camera on his wrist watch till it faced him. “Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of the New Universe I would like to Introduce quite a few Important Characters apart from our boss, Kazu Nini.” He then gasped as if he were surprised. “Oh, right, you guys did not know. Oh well, here it is our boss, the brave Pixie who returned courageously from the jaws of Kidnappers is walking boldly to meet a possibly new friend but an undoubtedly new character for the next hour.”

“The new player of this next scene is a Dragon by the name of Belthion Ijima. This new character is a dragon who rose up the ranks step by step until he found himself a place, but to be honest the place is a dump.” She turned the camera to see the surroundings, “ceilings falling down to the lower floor, water puddled in some areas, and insects – so many of them.” The pretty elf shivered and people on the live chat were sending love stickers and countless emoji’s apart from screaming their love for her, “but then that begs a question. ‘What will The Staff and Boss of the New Universe be doing in such a place, I mean, after the scandal with the lunchbox posted by the Despicable, egotistic, sissy, cowardly Sprite Twins, should they not bury their necks into turtle shells to avoid adding any more damage to their already soiled reputation?’”

Jinja Kaliope went up again, “come with us, friend and foes alike. Let us know, let us see and let us experience.”

Their shared live recording had, hearts, emojis, like and comments;

‘That is Kazu Nini. I pity her; after coming from a kidnap, her reputation went to crap, quite literally.’

‘She might just be looking for attention.’

‘AHAHAHAHAH The video was an example of anyone who stands up to Devon and Kivon and from what I just heard that ignorant and senseless fairy, I do not think she has learned her lesson.’

‘You go girl. I support you.’

‘You mean she needs to find somewhere to go and think about life? XD’

‘Stop being harsh, she was just a victim of what she stands against; people who think they have power and can suppress others who do not.’

‘So, on other words, without Devon, Kivon and the kidnappers, she would not have had nay prestige? I truly wonder how her group still stands, New Universe? New Poopyverse instead XD LMAO.’

‘Leave her alone, the girl is brave.’


When they reached a door that was half of what it was supposed to be, they saw a dim room beyond it even with their cultivation and sight. The half of the door that was connected to the bottom hinges were held by Naro Meena until she nodded and The Slime pushed what was left of the door open.