Prologue 8 (Part 1) A Housing Estate and A Goblin.

The New Universe also had to move slow here too because of the bad roads in this area and Kazu Nini told them to stay alert long before they reached hanging gates which grated the floor as if in vehement reluctance to be used while they swung open.

They had arrived at a stretch of houses that were in half rings, bending outwards for 5 rows. For the first ring, 50 houses side by side on both sections of the ring, so much so that they resembled a badly coupled sandwich– the worst ones in view. That was followed by 40 houses that looked marginally better because most of their paint was not peeling off. The next set of houses arranged in a curved line were 30 and at least they began to look as if someone could survive here without contracting anything too fatal, 20 for the next which began to look like actual buildings that people were supposed to live in and the last 10 was a house you could finally invite someone over to. They got better and grander as far as they could see thanks to their cultivation and most of them arced their necks to glimpse the last house because they had expectations.

They did not miss the figures flitting between these rundown set of buildings at the forefront that were supposed to be houses as they passed broken roads having uncountable portholes, not forgetting a fountain that was not too far from the gate, which was unsurprisingly in ruins. Kazu Nini’s eyes went back to the shadows trying to be stealthily watching them from windows without glass or frames.

The car drove through a set up that was similar to a rib cage; if the fountain was the sternum, then the houses would be the ribs and the space between would be the roads. However, she liked the looks of the house at the end, the only problem being that this house was pretty much facing the gate even though it was all the way at the end and the slope allowed it not to be seen, she was not comfortable about it. She had been avoiding to ask Shapha Rinmon about all the contributions that the people had made and know how much they could get this property for – because she was not about to get another one - but it felt childish at this point.

“What was the contribution total?”

“Would be surprised to know that your actions blew our fan base.” The Elf went through her Telewatch before looking back up. “Oh, maybe you just do not know much it did so. Anyways, we got 1.5”

Kazu Nini smiled as they reached the last house. “What can you help with, including the staff’s contribution and, also, have you distributed the prizes?” This one looked slightly better than the others; despite its caked walled and peeling paint, all the dusty windows and curtains were present and complete.

“Another 1.5 and Yes, mostly.” She paused, “they are donating more, haha. I would *love* to see the look on Devon and Kivon’s faces.”

“Good,” her smile grew wider, “our next meeting will involve allocating those who have added to our organizations into their tiers of Outer Members – 3rd Stars – The Inner Members – The 2nd Stars – and the Core Members.”

There were no gates but this place had its own walls for this building itself as opposed to each ‘rib’ or aisle of houses that had shared fences. She stepped out to see people in tattered clothing lined behind a goblin with a well pressed suit, a circle of glass about his eye that rested on his hooked extended nose and deep grimace. Their discrepancy of height not seeming to bother it.

“Good day.”

“One hour late.”


It grunted before they could exchange names so she ignored it. The New Universe all filed out from the vehicle and the disgruntled led the way into the place. The compound was expansive but had weeds growing out from the tiles on the ground. The walls of the fence were mighty worn but the height of the house drew her attention to it. She liked the number of windows here; she could already envision the offices that were going to be. She could see the customers and she could also see it being renovated. She closed her eyes and waited outside till not only her staff but the Goblin came back out in askance.

“You already delayed me, do you not wa-”

“How many rooms again?”


“I’ll buy it, and the others. Give us three months grace for the other ones but I want the house. Send the papers to Lowe Hagp, get it done and let me know the purchase when everything is over.”

The goblins smile was so wide that he looked crazed.

“I know the prices are going to be cheaper because this place is run down, the roads coming here are bad and the neighborhood is not exactly safe but I like these conditions.” Kazu Nini stretched out an arm towards the grinning business man. “Give me the floor plans and blue prints.”

When the young Pixie saw the plans, she came back out to demand a tour and when frowning lines began creasing the Realtor's face, she told him to rest assured because the deal still stands. He mumbled under his breath and walked forward without waiting for her, into the not too grand building.

After an elaborate porch, flanked by beds of flowers, was a corridor that was circular with a chandelier hanging through the upper levels which were visible from the railings. A door to her left most was for a room, beside that was the restroom and at the other end were stairs to a basement. He knew she liked what she saw from her smile and he proceeded to the rooms but she spoke to stop him.

“Basement first, I know there is another washroom where you want to take me but let me see the basement first.”

Kazu Nini could already envision the office for the councilor in here, which was a position she expected to be filled at the rate of people sending them application messages. She liked the space that was almost too much and she liked the pillars she saw here. Kazu Nini could connect walls to them and appropriate waiting areas among many others.

Going back up, they climbed the upper level to see a balcony at the other end, around the railing, then she turned to the rooms. One was not too far from the stairs to the others were close to the balcony on different sides, but not close to the public washrooms though. Stepping up another level, Kazu Nini saw an attic which she would have claimed if she had not already seen plans. The absence of a bathroom and ample space discouraged her too, so she only enjoyed the room with her eyes, seeing her International Relation personnel on the seat and behind his/her own desk answering calls. Kazu Nini smiled until the Goblin grunted and she thanked him before they entered their car.

At this time, the balance for the house had been transferred to him – a whooping 300,000 Bronze Hyur – along with the 10 houses that were divided in five by the pathway that led to the house they just bought. The buildings had been 210,000 Bronze Hyur each and now she just needed the dealer she had related with not too long ago about selling the ProjectileGuns to be quick. With 2.1 million Bronze Hyur and 300,000 for their main office, they still had quite the sum of 700,000 Bronze Hyur left. They could have bought a row of the next 20 houses with 50,000 balance to pay eventually, but she decided against it.

Lowe Hagp the Gnome waited, until she could not hold it in anymore. “We can still make a few purchases.”

Kazu Nini, still pondering shook her head, “no.”

“What will happen with the remaining money?”

“First, we would get identical buildings to each other, then we will make a pathway at the left end of these 5 buildings. Then, we will demarcate this compound we are in, so that two of the houses will be on one side and the last one will be on the other, connected to the same passageway with the one of the 5 buildings we bought. The one on the end.”

“I don’t get.”

“Don’t worry” She rubbed her head, “and we can’t forget the walls, and the gates. The walls would need more deterrence against criminals and the gates will be made to be two instead of one.”

“Oh, that one is good.”

Kazu Nini approached the Goblin again. “Give us till ending of August, I want to purchase everything I see.”

“Be quick, though.” The Goblin said with a straight face. “There are other buyers.”

Kazu Nini did not hide her scoff and sarcastic cough before walking into the car.

When the payments were made and they all had the Goblins’ contact, the New Universe began heading back home. Kazu Nini asked if Lowe Hagp had taken what she had said into writing and the girl parked the car to do it. Not too late into the evening, the car wobbled on the road helplessly under an almost orange sky and she was silent most of the way, thoughts firing through her head.

“More donations coming in.”

Nini smiled and caught Jinja looking at her, she realized that he was one of those character types because she did not believe he passed Zlai Dfon in attractiveness. Maybe the Elf but not the Wood Fairy.

Jinja Kaliope, on the other hand, averted his eyes and she chuckled before repeating her question. “Hair or glasses?”

The mesmerizing Zlai Dfon looked confused. “I mean our members.”

“Your type.” Jinja Kaliope wanted to find a different dimension to crawl into as he had hoped that her Public Relations Manager’s question would have distracted her. “Which one do you prefer?”

The Dark Elf stammered until Elric Yjob bust out laughing. “Do you like shotgun or should we switch so that you could answer more intimately?”

Jinja Kaliope was grateful that almost nothing could distract Lowe Hagp when she was on the wheel. Naro Meena and the pretty Shapha Rinmon were talking about how they had been on a success streak so far which made her hope that it was not a prelude to bad things but Naro Meena told her he did not believe in such and that some things went wrong some of the time while others went right some of the time. The same way some things went right all the time and others went wrong in the same way.

Elric Yjob’s eyes were dancing with excitement. “Jinja Kaliope do yo-”



Between the mesmerizing Zlai Dfon who was appreciating the amount of growth the New Universe had shown in its Skyline group and the conversation which the Slime and the Wood fairy were having, which had just been interrupted, Jinja Kalope only hoped that Kazu Nini would not repeat her question. Her eyes and her smile made his heartbeat fast for separate reasons at the same time and he was on that tight rope till she looked away, resuming her thought process.

He let out a sigh of relief and almost threw a shoe at the snickering Elric Yjob.


Kazu Nini was met at home with a hug that almost crushed her lungs to paste and she turned to see the Dark Elf looking at her, as they zoomed off, before she was grabbed. Kazu Nini would have enjoyed the look of embarrassment on his face but her aunt was swinging her from side to side by her ribs.

When she was let up, she gulped in air to see a wide smile. “I was almost worried.”


“It’s almost 8. Remember not too long ago, there was this incident of kidnapping?”

“Do not worry, I think the universe is on my side.”

“I never took you to be superstitious or delusional.”

Kazu Nini knew her aunt did not know about what she had started, so she could only share the humor with herself.