Prologue 8 (Part 3) Final Exams And Future Plans.

The next weekend meant that the following week days would hold their final exams. She knew she would pass already, so her reason for looking forward to it was not the exams, but it had to do with what the Slime Principal had told them.

The Pixie idly thought about how the Dark Elf could be so worried and she laughed at that.

Pushing those thoughts aside, she was part excited and part nervous. It would finally be time to test her babies.

Kazu Nini’s training had been stepped up, and these days, she was using 6 times Reinforced Glass and had 75 pieces in her personal collection. The Pixie also found it easier to change her glass into the liquid form which she had started using during the time of her capture. She had also managed to make a ‘solid’ state too and she was currently staring at the boxes in her room when she heard a familiar honk outside.

Kazu Nini walked downstairs to see the Society’s car parked outside and peered at both sides of the street before addressing Lowe Hagp who wound down a glass or communication.

“He bought it.” She had a slow face as if she had just woken up. “All of it.”

Kazu Nini smiled and replied. “Give me a second.”

The young Pixie got ready and when she came downstairs this time, her aunt was up.


“Where you off to?”

“Chilling with my pals and gals.”

“You have pals?” Mako Nini almost laughed because she thought her niece was cracking a joke.

“I know I spent most of school alone but...things happen.”

Mako Nini regarded her before nodding her head and serving her breakfast.

The New Universe backed out of the road when their boss was done.

“How many did you get?” Kazu Nini turned to Shapha Rinmon.

“You said you wanted all of them.”

“It still stands.”

“Save the actual estate of 500, we were able to get everything else.”

“How much did we save?” She turned to Shafa Rinmon again, “how was this possible?”

“We all know you are not social but it does not mean you should skip the latest news.”

“Spill it.”

Elric Yjob was now riding shotgun and it looked back to her. “The Principal’s words too is brewing a storm of questions, people placing bets and all.”

“Especially since the semester is ending and this is the final class.” The mesmerizing Zlai Dfon had not stopped tapping at her Telewatch.

“Before College.” Naro Meena looked out the window.

“Or University.” Shafa Rinmon.

“Or whatever.” The Wood Fairy was still in her watch. “They were asking what university you were going to?”

“Tell them,” She looked at each of her staff, save her unusually silent one who now sat behind her. “How many of you guys are coming along?”

Naro Meena the slime turned back to her. “If I sold more of my wares and worked a couple jobs, I could get the school fees.”

Elric Yjob fell silent, “I might wait a year.”

Zlai Dfon looked up. “I could come, but then I will have to pass each semester, which is stressful reading.”

Kazu Nini laughed. Then she turned over her shoulder, “what about you, Dark Elf?”

Jinja Kaliope adjusted his seat, “Can’t afford it, so I will just lay back.”

“Lay back as in go for a cheaper school or lay back as in stay a year?”

“I might follow Naro Meena’s path and work this year for my school fees on the next.”

“So that is Elric Yjob, Jinja Kaliope and Belthion Ijima?” She cocked her head, “good enough for me. You guys can be our eyes and ears before you join us. Shapha Rinmon what about you?”

“I might be here, my parents want me to take over the family business once they are gone so they are keeping me close. I’ll be going to universities in the vicinity.”

“That is okay, that means Naro Meena, Zlai Dfon and I will be in Chilkt State University.” She was quiet for a while, “Help Jinja Kaliope but he will be here with you, his word will be my word as far as things here go.”

“Yo-you want me here?”

“I need you to represent me, here.”

“Lowe would you be here too?”

“Most likely, I don’t know.”

“Any problem?”

“I like to move around, you know?”

“Okay, it does not have to ne Jhoklon, then.”

The Dark Elf felt incredibly hurt but he stilled himself so that his voice only felt bland. “It would be an honor.”

Kazu Nini felt off about what she had just said but she continued. “With Jinja Kaliope and Elric Yjob around you, find a way to begin recruiting more members. I want at least a thousand more members and yeah we would need to increase our capacity for Core, Inner and Outer members.”

“Any requirements for our institution of choice?”

“A martial school, something that helps to never forget cultivation. One that intermingles with nobles; those would have countless opportunists and events and lastly one that has high standards. Our society needs the reputation.”

“That only leaves the top institutions.”

“Then try to get scholarships or something.”

“Not everyone is smart like you.” Elric Yjob’s eyes were wide open in surprise at her casual statement.

She arced a brow and almost facepalmed. “I am raising the bar; I am not condemning anyone. If a scholarship is impossible, you could always wait a year and then gather yourself.”

The car began wobbling in their sudden silence as they felt pressure lift off their shoulders – for the ‘brilliant’ ones - and they knew that they were near.

“Over the break, I will work with Naro Meena.”

“Why?” Jinja had asked the question so fast that he could not stop himself. “You are not going to spend your holiday - the one before you go to school - with m-”

She laughed, “I need to learn some engineering, or whatever he does with components and construction and all that.” She looked at the Dark Elf, “you know he made that skull, right?”

Jinja Kaliope nodded and tried suppressing his anger, till they reached Lighomi Estate.

Honestly, Kazu Nini wanted to laugh, maybe she did not even know how much he liked her. She would need to draw a line though as she would hate to seem become possessive. But for now, she only smiled at him until he looked away with a petulant frown.

Construction beams were already erected and they saw beings on them, either barking orders or moving cement and the like. “Belthion Ijima helped us with acquiring materials as did I. The other buildings would be finished and the two rows of 5 houses are beginning renovated as we speak.”

Zlai Dfon continued after Shafa Rinmon. “The Realtor is here, so we can negotiate for the rest.”

“The amount of the Estate how much left for it?”

“We could buy it now, but from our last exchange we learned from you that it might be better to save up.”

“Good,” he turned to the Slime, “Naro Meena when is your man going to finally buy this stuff?”

“We popped up with a bunch of guns that they are not sure of the source, they are very careful; that is how they have been able to build their own base on these parts.”

“As long as they hurry up and they do not interfere with my plans, I do not believe it will be a problem.” Kazu saw the construction as the car pulled up. “Call him and let him know I am waiting.” She stepped out from the car to regard their Realtor. “Top of the morning to you.”

It snorted, “how goes business.”

“Fine as always, I have a question, though.” She went on, “I need the land and the Estate itself.”

She knew that the Goblin would have already started calculating as to how he can get an advantage in this. “It is going to be as pricey a-”

“Show me the papers.”

“You gonna buy it all, right now?”

“No, I am going to know if it is worth the price you want to call.”

It laughed, “we have had many transactions, if you count each and every building you purchased, but you do not seem to trust me.”

“We are barely business partners, not friends or colleagues. So, I am quite surprised that you are quiet surprised.”

It regarded her a while. “You will survive in this world.”

She got them and reached her staff who were mostly in the car. “What do you guys think?”

Lowe Hagp, Shafa Rinmon and Zlai Dfon scoured the internet for over an hour before they replied her. “The Estate should be above 500 like he told us before and the land itself is over 10 mil.”

She paused and turned to Naro Meena, “how much could we get if we take those purchases from the guns.”

“With the quality of the should be very high.”

“How high?”

“I think abo-”

“Have you called him?”

“You see he has quiet, the reputation. I do not think you would want to hurry him as it might just make him agitated.”

“I thought you were going to say it would raise his suspicion but I need to know its’ price and we need to move so, on it.” She snapped her fingers and walked back out, telling the Goblin her price and after an hour of negotiation, it agreed.

When she got back into the car, the Slime spoke to her. “He said that if they know the source of the guns it might sell higher but that if he were to put his insignia atop it then, it might sell less. Thus, the more he knows the better it will be for us.”

“I will ask my Mako Nini about it then, but what price range did he say it would go for if it was his?”

“He said somewhere between 5-7.”



“I will talk to her, you guys get ready for the exams and the show.” She punched Jinja Kaliope, rousing him from his thoughts, “you been quiet.”

“It’s been so much this week; I am just trying to process it all.”

“What, because you have been asked out by a girl?” He wanted to object but she cut him off. “No need to get all squirmy, kiddo. It was just to prom.”

The car went silent and Jinja Kaliope wanted to bury his face in his hands.

“Um...boss...I do not think I heard you clearly.” Mesmerizing Zlai Dfon had sat up and massaged her ears a bit. He expression made her beauty almost priceless.

“Yeah, could you please repeat yourself?”

The Dark Elf eyed the Shapeshifter, “you know that once it is leaked you never have rights to shotgun again, right?”

Elric Yjob changed his stance and waved frantically to Zlai Dfon. “Mind your business young lady, just mind your own business.”

Naro Meena’s head was still staring out of the window and he peered in to hear Elric Yjob arguing with the Wood Fairy and Jinja Kailope talking in hushed whispers to Kazu Nini. Shapha Rinmon was excitedly typing whatever she caught into her Telewatch while Lowe Hagp was constantly arguing.

“Do not leave me out of this, the conversation sounds interesting.”

Naro Meena broke the noise when he tapped the graceful Shapha Rinmon and asked, “do you have a prom date?”


A couple days later, Kazu Nini was standing just outside her classroom, along with Naro Meena who had managed to finish even before even her. “How?”

The Slime with a made shift skull where his head should be asked her what she meant. “What?”

“You finished your exams before me, how?”

He smiled, “are you suggesting that it is impossible to finish before you?”

“You know a Pixie’s specialty, right?”

“Oh, mental energy for the glass,” He sat on his bum, Shapha Rinmon coming along just after he finished his sentence. “You know it is a complete computer in my head, right? It has just been modified to look so imposing. So, when you add all that to my own mind, it ups’ my thinking.”

“Hmph, lucky you.” Shapha Rinmon, her Resource Manager, saluted to her.

“Boss,” the pretty Elf sat beside the slime and locked hands with him. “How was it?”

“Easy,” he scoffed. “Piece of cake.”

“I see Jinja Kaliope has inspired you all?”

“No...he just reminded me. I had been occupied with a lot of thinking.” He flashed a smile and she jokingly narrowed her eyes.

The Dark Elf stepped out of the classroom evidently sweating and Kazu Nini gestured to them. “See, they are bold about it.” He rolled his eyes 50 minutes before Zlai Dfon showed up and Elric Yjob another 20 after that.

“Who are we waiting for now?”

“The Gnome.”

Lowe Hagp met them with unsteady steps and Kazu Nini made it a point not to ask her how it had gone from her silence. The girl was usually silent but today felt different so the young Pixie just did her best to ignore it after motioning for the others not to ask either. They nodded their heads in tandem before going to the cafeteria to eat.

“Did you notice a difference?” Elric Yjob spoke with cooked octopus between its lips. It usually stayed in one form while it ate.

“In what?” Kazu Nini was downing a bottle of pop.

“The clusters.” It nodded its head to different areas where a lot of people were forming groups.

“Yeah, I did.”

“It looks like you managed to inspire people again.” Naro Meena chewed slowly as he spoke.

The young Pixie flashed a smile, “I just cannot seem to help it, you know.”

The Slime rolled his eyes, Jinja Kaliope faked a cough Zlai Dfon was nodding in exaggerated agreement, Shafa Rinmon raised up her hand that had Naro Meena’s clutched in them, and Elric Yjob was staring at the other clusters.

“Well, not just me to be honest.”

“What do you mean?” Shapha Rinmon looked righteously incensed.

“The Principal had a hand in it too.”

“True dat!”[2]

It was the Dark Elf who rolled his eyes this time.

[1] M here means million

[2] True Dat is a way of agreeing.