Prologue 11 (Part 2) Prom Night (2) and Conversation.

“And the star of the moment,” if Zlai Dfon could see Kazu Nini’s heart she would shiver and run away. “my boss and the winner of today’s tournament…” She yanked the camera form a prom couple that looked wronged at her actions but made no noise about it because the camera was going to the Brave Pixie. “...Kazu Niniii.”

Her Public Relations Manager was now before her with a camera to her face. “Oooh, did not know of this romance. So, when did it start?”

Jinja Kaliope saw that Kazu Nini felt uncomfortable so he spoke instead. “Well, it was during one of her defining moments you know? The one where she was first known for her brave deeds.”

“Oh, yes, and would the star of the day want to shed any light on that?”

Kazu Nini realized that she should not let the frustrations from the fight with her aunt bother her this much.